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The gp of DOOM!


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I slowly brainwash that smiley beside your post. Until it becomes totally loyal to me. I make it follow you, and it waits until you are alone... Now morphing into it's true form, it grabs the gp and creates a dark void in your room, which kills every living thing inside it. Fortunately, the smiley is not a living creature, just a random arrangement of pixels. It jumps into the rift and gets teleported to where I am. I then absorb the creature's essence into my soul and I get transformed into an evil beast. The gp is now mine. :twisted:


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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+1 :shock:




I bestow upon thee infinite brownie points.




:D What can I say, I got bored.




By the way, teh_langzor, I shot the sheriff...right after he shot you :XD:




Well, gp, who do you like better, brownie girl or smiley brainwasher?

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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Basically, what I did to Gandorf's smiley, I did to the smileys in every single one of your posts that you have ever made. I kill you with my army of Twisted smilies and take the gp, and I use my army of Twisted smileys to protect myself. Oh yeah, I Shot The Sheriff is copyrighted, so you get sued.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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That body was just a shadow clone, my real body was hidden inside a Smiley Guard all along. Emerging from my sanctuary, I order my Smiley Warriors to track you down. They find you in Alaska, doing something very weird... I teleport to your location, and stop your weirdness from scaring my guards by crushing you with... A penguin. I take the gp, and brainwash your pet smiley. He now joins the ranks of the Twisted army, where he is killed in a war between my Twisted's and America's Green Men. Oh yeah, I hid myself within a ball of sand.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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I use the Earth style imperial desert funeral crushing your body into a million tiny peices. Somehow the gp is untouched.


Then I take the gp, make a million copies of myself and invest the gp in the stock market.

"quality is doing good when no one is looking" - Henry Ford

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You then sell the stock and get back that wonderful gp. Although those copies of yourself aren't to happy with you and decide to painfully torture you to death. The gp fell into the drainpipe where you died and magically floated past my boat while I was fishing. I picked it up and pocketed it.

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a realy big fish eats your boat.


it burps, and the gp flys...


and flys....


and continues to fly some more....


and hits the ground beside me, makin a mini meteorite hole.


i take the gp out of the hole, and tele away to cammy.

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i start some fires, and it melts the wall all over you, turning you into a statue made of steel.


during all of this the gp happens to fall out of your pocket, and i pick it up after the steel has dried up






get away!!!

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While you are running a pker drains your energy with spec, you trip over into the lava maze dropping the gp as you go.




Now it is mine...



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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you go home happy with the gp but as you enter the home portal your cape gets caught in the portal and you are stck between dimensions forever


and the gp falls out of you hand and into the drop pile of a man i was killing and i accidentally pick it up

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the man wasnt just a man, it was a zombie man who cant die so he kills you for trying to kill him and i take the gp

Noob is not a level, it is an attitude


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you dont understand something somebody says so you try doing the head bang emote to get the hair out of ur face so u can concentrate but u accidentaly bang your head into a wall. i got ur gp.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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A level 17 is killing goblins for bronze spears to make a collection, picking up gp as he goes. He gets the gp eventually... before Bob the Cat shows up and teleports him to a deserted island, where he turns into one of those ragged slaves of Bob's. BTW, none of you have a clue ;)

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I get a evil b0b random and get the gee peee

If i got 1gp for everytime sum1 said the word "noob",I would have a full p hat set.

nahhh ill continue mis-spelling


^!click for blog!^

sigs by: woopidoo2|yaff2|4be2jue|me|guthix121

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