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The holiday items of today will never become valuable since they cannot be traded. Their only value is sentimental, really... Same idea with random event items. Although I agree with the rest of your post, as that seems to be much of my bank, as well.




True...forgot about the non-tradeable point


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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The holiday items of today will never become valuable since they cannot be traded. Their only value is sentimental, really... Same idea with random event items. Although I agree with the rest of your post, as that seems to be much of my bank, as well.




True...forgot about the non-tradeable point




Some random events are hard to get again. Like Mime.


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the problem is you don't try to keep your bank space under control. if you drop all your worthless things like random event clothing, sell stuff that you don't need, like trimmed armor, and sell the things you get from skills or use them before you move onto something else you'll have plenty of space. check out my guide at http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=670459, and you can get plenty of extra space.




For some reason, many non-supporters seem to think that we should all drop our random event clothing. Perhaps to you rare few, random event clothing is insignificant, but to a vast majority of the Runescape population (especially among F2Pers), random event clothing is extremely valuable.




I'm going to tell you this in the perspective as a Runescape citizen that's been F2P throughout his RS career.




Random event clothing is like a sign to everyone else, saying how long you've been playing Runescape -- much like holiday items are. If you see someone in a full set of random event clothing, who's random event is extremely rare (such as the mime), then you can tell they've been playing Runescape for quite some time. There are currently three outfits that say "Hey look, I've been playing Runescape long enough to get this full set!": Lenderhosen, Camo, and the rarest of all, the Mime. Even I have wasted away hours of cutting yews, or smithing bars, just in hopes that I will get that ever elusive MOM, while he's in that "Lets-take-some-narb-to-the-mime!" mood. A set of full mime clothing would have been my greatest treasure -- not for value, as it isn't tradeable, but for its meaning.




Why would I just throw that away? Why should any of us throw away these pieces of clothing which are extremely hard to come by, for a pile of arrows, or some cool armour -- who's only value is in gp. Random event clothing has so much more worth than gold pieces, and to throw it away would be a shame.






To Penguingeek: If you could send me a pm with further details on that BBCode idea, with replies to arguments, please do. I'll try to get all of that arranged.






And last but not least, THE NEXT RALLY!




It has been decided....




Starting on July 28, we will be having weekly rallies on every Saturday! Get your crazy clothes on, and your keyboards cleaned... We're going to be striking Jagex in waves.




The above information is all I will be posting for now, just to give you all a heads up as to when it will be. God knows you've been spamming me for the date for over a month now. :P I will try to get all of the finalized info in my main post in the next few days.




Mark your calendar!




We will be a force to be reckoned with.




random event clothing isn't a symbol of how long you play. i got 2 camo events in 10 minutes the other day. it pissed me off because i was wearing full camo at the time, but it's not hard to get. if you think mime looks god, you have a bad fashion sense. and lederhosen is extremely easy to get. i'm not saying throw away all the clothing, keep 1 or two sets, and you'd be surprised at how much more space you have. you cannot wear 2 sets at a time, so why should you keep 3, even 2? as much as you'd like to think it, random event clothes aren't a status symbol. i was f2p for long enough to know that anyone who talks to you about your random event clothes either makes fun of you, or is very condecending in their compliments. members just don't care altogether.



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I support this idea non members do need more bank space. And even though I am a non member I have multiple member friends who either have f2p accounts or went back to f2p and couldn't believe how hard it was to store all their items.




P.S. I liked how you didn't just say give us more bank space!!!!! but actually provided logical reasons for it.

"Nothing in life is permanent, not even our troubles."-Charlie Chaplin.


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Although i'm P2P myself , i agree that F2P needs more bank space. Even though you dont have the amount of items us P2P'ers have , you still have alot of stuff to store and it seems unfair that you have to either keep the items that cannont be stored in your bank in your inventory or drop them.




I fully support.




A very well thought and planned out suggestion. =D>

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My apologies for not getting the rally info up as soon as I had hoped. I'll try to get it up today.




Also, the RSC topic has been delayed yet again. Certain issues have come up that need looking into. I will keep you all informed.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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The rally info has been posted. Please note that it's still in the editing process, but all of the main info you need to know should be there. I hope to see you all at the rally. ;)



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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It was fun last time so I'm going to join this time as well if I'm free. :)


What's the time in GMT by the way?




I'll try to post the times in other timezones sometime tommarow.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I'll try to come at the rally[ies]. By the way, are yo going to type in a different color for important informations? Such as "We are now going to lumbridge!"

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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I'll try to come at the rally[ies]. By the way, are yo going to type in a different color for important informations? Such as "We are now going to lumbridge!"




I probably will, just to make any important messages I maye have stand out more. But the problem we had in the last rally, was that alot of people tried to change their text color also, and tried to take the lead of the group. That's why I've told everyone to turn their public chat to friends, and to have me added. If I do have to announce something, like we're relocationg, I will repeat the message several times, so that it shows up clearly in your chat box.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I support this to an extent, I have to admit that restricting bank space is a problem for me.




I hit 85 Mining recently and started doing runite runs into the wildy. obviously i dropped all my valuable stuff into the bank and oh....






random costumes are my big problem:


leiderhosen (3)


Zombie (5)


Mime (5)


Frog (1 i have tokens)


Desert (only 1 so far)




Dont know if anyone has suggested it but why can't we combine random clothes with the holiday drops ie use diango. then if you drop them you destroy them and diango can give them back.




would be useful to P2P (who have low construction or no house) would be a godsend to F2P and dont have to adjust the bank limit.

vimes220.png0fl02.gif 234v5.gif
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I support this to an extent, I have to admit that restricting bank space is a problem for me.




I hit 85 Mining recently and started doing runite runs into the wildy. obviously i dropped all my valuable stuff into the bank and oh....






random costumes are my big problem:


leiderhosen (3)


Zombie (5)


Mime (5)


Frog (1 i have tokens)


Desert (only 1 so far)




Dont know if anyone has suggested it but why can't we combine random clothes with the holiday drops ie use diango. then if you drop them you destroy them and diango can give them back.




would be useful to P2P (who have low construction or no house) would be a godsend to F2P and dont have to adjust the bank limit.




It has been suggested before, and I'm sure Jagex has seen the idea. But for some reason, they refuse to do it.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I agree that we need more bank space for f2p, even though I have no problem managing my bank.




Probably the biggest reason is because when p2p turns f2p they have to drop all their items/have several of the same items.




To manage the random event clothing, I just drop all my frog and my zombie (based on my own opinion that its hideous).




I'll try to be there for the rally.





So you're actually suggesting JaGex implements something into the game which for several years have been trying to stop?... :XD:
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Mio Membere!




I'm a member, but I don't really mind if you got more space. Hell that'll be good if I start a new account or if I loose my current membership. Actually no my bank is nearly full but you get the picture.






For some reason I smell a mass ban approching... But I could just be another conserned supporter.

English is my third language, but I am still trying.


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Thanks for the support. It really does help when members, who aren't a bunch of stuck up snobs, post here and show their support.




To Frankie: We have already had one rally, and no bans were issued. I doubt it will change this time.




Besides, if they really wanted to ban someone for it, it would have been me, and they would have done it a long time ago. :P



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I'm currently a paying member, but having been F2P once upon a time, as well as having many F2P friends, I most definitely understand, and I completely support F2P having more bankspace. (Though I do disagree with some peoples reasoning behind the idea)




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