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As a F2P-er I also think Jagex should add more space !! Because of the holiday items we F2P-ers lose like 1/2 of our room .. And people who say : Just destroy those holiday items . Here's the reason why destroying them is kinda stupid .. You did a special holiday mission just to destroy them ? Aren't people suppose to be proud of ther holiday items?? I mean how hard can it be to add 1-3 rows ..?

A combat 90 F2P skiller !! F2P 4 life!!

PK-ers are so Anti-Pixel !!

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drop holiday items, then if you want em back, go to diango #-o




yes i am a member but if you want more bank space become a member, jagex isnt gonna update f2p for ages because then people would either quit members because all they wanted was bank space








so tbh i think its a bad idea


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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drop holiday items, then if you want em back, go to diango




yes i am a member but if you want more bank space become a member, jagex isnt gonna update f2p for ages because then people would either quit members because all they wanted was bank space








People aren't going to just leave p2p for some bankspaces, we go over this in almost all suggestions that involve f2p getting something.




People aren't all going to quit p2p or make a mass exodus over a new quest or a new quest, or a minigame, or whatever it is in f2p.








Members get like 200-300 bank spaces or something, they have elemenal, granite, dragon, black d-hide, gem mines, barrows, mystic, over 100 quests and more + weekly updates. Why would they give all that up just for 12 more bank spaces??



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I've read the original post and the last few, but I've got too short a concentration span to wade through 48 odd pages, so if I'm repeating anyone, forgive me.








I agree with this. It was frustrating when I was a F2P, and even now that I'm a member, I tend to switch between paying and not (depends when I can afford it), and it's so annoying not having any space.








What I was thinking, though I haven't thought of any detail or anything, is something like long-term storage for stuff you haven't been using much, and then a current account for the stuff you use regularly.








Personally I think the whole bank needs an overhaul, I hate having to organise it every other day.








Yeah, so add me to that list or whatever.

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drop holiday items, then if you want em back, go to diango




yes i am a member but if you want more bank space become a member, jagex isnt gonna update f2p for ages because then people would either quit members because all they wanted was bank space








People aren't going to just leave p2p for some bankspaces, we go over this in almost all suggestions that involve f2p getting something.




People aren't all going to quit p2p or make a mass exodus over a new quest or a new quest, or a minigame, or whatever it is in f2p.








Members get like 200-300 bank spaces or something, they have elemenal, granite, dragon, black d-hide, gem mines, barrows, mystic, over 100 quests and more + weekly updates. Why would they give all that up just for 12 more bank spaces??








1. Who the heck became a member for bank space...? If Jagex is using lack of bank space as a way to drag in more P2Pers, it isn't working so well.




2. Why leave all that stuff for just 12 spaces...?








The number of supporters is really increasing! Let's try to get 500!








Oh and...Yesterday, my friend was walking around in Varrock, world 81. (No idea why he was on a F2P world...) Anyways, he saw a crowd of people, some spamming. He told me to go there. When I got there, I found out it was a rally or something against the new update of the rules. You know, the thing about 3rd party clients? It dragged at least 3 P-Mods there...And there weren't that many people! If we could do something like that, with all these people, we can obviously attract attention. Any thoughts...?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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i honestly think that more bank space for holiday items is pretty stupid








1. U can always get them back from diango(or some other character)




P.S.: i mean the non tradeable items (party hats rock)








2. i really dont think u fight in the wildy with a scythe








i still want bank space, but for useful things that trainb ur stats and random event items


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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i still want bank space, but for useful things that trainb ur stats and random event items




THAT is exactly what we have been talking about this whole time!!!!! -.-








Holiday items (except the tradeable rares) are no problem, to be very honest. I don't mind letting Diango hold them. But the randoms and main items? WE DEFINITELY NEED MORE SPACE!!!








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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drop holiday items, then if you want em back, go to diango #-o




yes i am a member but if you want more bank space become a member, jagex isnt gonna update f2p for ages because then people would either quit members because all they wanted was bank space




so tbh i think its a bad idea








What was the other option? Either they quit members or...? They continue it?

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A few things to say...








Am I added to the support list?








If I'm not, add me!








Can't you find a member willing to post this on the actual runescape forum, i think it would be a great help, we should do it once we reach 1,000.








I like the rally idea








But how do we do it, and how do we find enough world space for everyone? we'd need to do it in a fairly populated word to attract more supporters.








I don't remember, and I'm too lazy to check atm, but didn't we put our comebacks to excuses as to why f2p shouldn't get more bank space?











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Can't you find a member willing to post this on the actual runescape forum, i think it would be a great help, we should do it once we reach 1,000.







I'm one of the members who support this. Yet I don't post this on the official forums. There's a reason...








F2P suggestions are NOT allowed on the official forums. Before you explode on me like Devnull did somewhere on page 30 or something, let me explain.




You see how bad F2P suggestions get flamed on these forums. Take away all the F2P posts. Multiply the result by 10. That's what'd happen if a F2P suggestion is made on the official forums.








Celebi...If they get what they pay for, why have they gotten updates? Because Jagex is nice? If Jagex is nice, then what's wrong with them giving F2P 12 bank spaces...?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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well I dare say its time we take this too the next level. I intend to lead a rally for more F2P bank space in game. that said yes we need more space. unless this is some form if pressure tactic to get us to become members I feel its long over due.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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I have a suggestion that might sound stupid, its like the forum post thing, except not... Why don't we all do that comment on jagex service thing, and ask for more space, I mean they can say no to 4-5 people, but would they really try that with 400+, especially if 1/4 of them are members??? 1 extra thing, we'd all do it on the same day, so we would flood their mailbox, and we could do it like 1 time a month. The title would be "More f2p bankspace please?"



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Before you explode on me like Devnull did somewhere on page 30 or something, let me explain.




Whoa... wait a flaming minute... I EXPLODED on you somewhere back on page 30?!?!? I'd like the link to that, since I don't remember doing it!!! :shock:








(Note: No offense intended...)








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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