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guys wearing dragon skirts is it...


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I don't think it's weird at all. It's perfectly fine IMO. I believe that the cheapness of the D skirt compared to the D legs is a factor for some. Then you have others who have another purpose like this guy I once saw wearing an iron skirt because he was trying to imitate the outfit of... it was either the Greek soldiers or the Roman soldiers. I can't remember. And then you have crossdressers. Wear what you want is my opinion.

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I know its wierd with a guy and a skirt but I would because they are a lot cheaper and give the same bonuses. Thats all I care about lol. Plus its kinda funny wearing the skirt lol


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back in the day, the greatest warriors wore skirts.




My dad was actually taalking about this a couple of days ago. Irish men wore skirts to war, and they were the starters of gangs, called clans. They knew a secret that would stop people from messing with them, which is they ran into battle naked, scaring people away. Thieves and warriors stayed far away from Ireland because it creeped them out so much. My dad also said god invented beer to stop Irish people from taking over the world. ::'


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he he.. reguardless i recomend to men.. shave your legs before oyu go out..




i forgot to and got a easy kill of the KBD cause all three heads were laughing at my hair legs and skirt


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Mmmh...How many guys do you see wearing plain old platelegs EH? Skirts on guys are more uncommon, there for being COOL.




Skirts 4 lyfe.



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My dad also said god invented beer to stop Irish people from taking over the world. ::'








Nothing wrong in it, ppl can live their runescape life and their real life the way they want to. AND back in rsc i use to wear skirt because it looked cooler. this also applies in rs2 where the platelegs look just weird.

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