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My luckiest Barrows run ever...


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This Barrows run really beats any of my previous runs including runs when I have got Guthans spears...




I was doing once again one of my long Barrows sessions that had started few days earlier with 150+150 pray and super restore pots that I had gathered into my bank during the past month (I never buy any pots). This was the first Barrows session after the Veracs update so I was bit worried but I was still easily able to do 4-5 runs per trip (used to be 6-7). This was also my first time when I actually started to count my chests which turned out to be bad idea; my first 50 chests were completely dry without any items.




I had been doing 6 kc so far and decided then to change it to 15-20 so that I would get at least some bloods, bolt racks and more deaths. But eventually I then started to get some items too and towards the end of my session I had gotten 13 items with Guthans helm being last one so I was quite happy anyway. No spears this time but quite good anyway.




So I was on one of my last trips during this session and was doing 6 kc again. Started to do my first run, did the normal routine and killed the brothers in their tombs and Ahrim was the one luring somewhere in the tunnels this time. So I find my way to the tunnels and run my way trying to find the door to the chest. While I was running around I remember seeing this guy in Guthans with half hp in of the corner chambers, can't remember his rsn or lvl and didn't pay much attention on him and just quickly ran past him. But I had earlier wondered how some peeps have the guts to bring their Guthans in Barrows, some being even under 100 combat.




So I eventually shoot Ahrim down and loot the chest and get the usual runes and coins. Tunnels start to shake and I start to run back to the ladders. I'm running in one of the side tunnels and some random guy there comes towards me and asks for some food, but I'm doing my first run and really need my food and anyway the tunnels are shaking around so I just run past him ignoring him...




I'l then approach one of the corner chambers and nail my eyes on some pile lying there, in my mind I just think that some adventurer again dying there leaving spade and some lobs or similar... But then theres some Ahrims lying there... Wait, Guthans??? Seriously I have never dropped stuff as fast as I did with my monkfishes. Picked up full Ahrims (no staff), Guthans spear and helm, dragon med and scimmy, some deaths and bloods, wealth and glory, rune plate and mystic air staff. I'm still clicking like crazy on the pile to see if there's still something when this poor guy who had asked for some food comes back asking "U got the guthan?", not sure if he meant my tunnel brother or the guy who was probably now crying in fally or lumby atm... I felt bit sorry for him or for both. :roll: But the tunnels were still shaking around and I hit my house tele tab, no more runs on this trip. Home sweet home and I finally feel safe to calm down and take screenshot of my loot... Here it is




I banked the stuff and prepared for new trip. I would have given the items back, but no one ever came back there claiming the stuff and I never knew the dead guys rsn. And I don't go running around asking if someone died so after few trips my Barrows session came to the end and I fixed the broken Ahrims and Guthans and added them into my Barrows log. They were now mine and they doubled my session earnings and I got my spear once again this time too after all. :)




What did we learn? If you want to bring your Guthans into Barrows then it's okay. But for love of the god wear at least ring of life then! :wall:

Rsn: Onauric Combat: 136 Total: 2150+


All quests done since: 3rd December 2005

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i feel bad for him... but same with me, if i knew the guys RSN i prlly would have returned it.






but since you didnt remember his name... its all yours! :twisted:


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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I am SO NEVER bringing my guthans to barrows. :)

Does anyone happen to know death_siren? She stole a green mask from me, and I think I found my way into her ignore list. If you know anything, please, don't hesitate to give me a pm.

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And this happened like in the past few days? I've been doing barrows all day the past few days, and in world 99. #-o




Lucky you, enjoy it, for me. xD



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Very lucky run. I'm glad to hear that you would give back what he dropped...seems to be a shortage of good people in RS these days. I too wear my guthan to Barrows, but I always pay attention to the screen if I'm below even half health. This fellow learned a hard lesson...




But grats to you for getting his loot :thumbsup:


There are 10 types of people in the world - those that understand binary and those that don't!

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btw the guy who died, was he the one who asked you for food? cause then you would know his rsn.




Na, the guy who asked for food was the one asking in the pic if I got Guthans. Felt sorry for him too since he had just left the room when I entered it. Well, at least he then got all my food from the ground if he hanged around for a while. :)

Rsn: Onauric Combat: 136 Total: 2150+


All quests done since: 3rd December 2005

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