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You can run into some strange people at c-wars....


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I thought this was going to be an interesting thread. Instead, I just wasted a few precious seconds of my life. Look at the majority of RuneScape and then look at what you just posted. Idiots ruin RuneScape. :wall:




They're just being arrogant, deal with it. And why did you add him to ignore? I think you're being a sour loser... =;



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yeha that always happenes and I hate it. I usually win nay fight I get into if its 1 on 1 and they aren't like level 100+. I haven't heard it lately though becuase my members ran out and I can't get it back :evil:


Doing a little bit of everything

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ye...... i've must of been called def noob at least 5 times in the last game from level 80s and low 90s




I wonder why! :o LMAO, it's sooo much fun when you dont let them outta respawn room :P

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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ye...... i've must of been called def noob at least 5 times in the last game from level 80s and low 90s




I wonder why! :o LMAO, it's sooo much fun when you dont let them outta respawn room :P




Hehe, come on, of course its fun, its also funny when you are about to 2 hit some level 50, and they say "I am for (opposite team to themselves)!!" and they claim to be a spy, dang, noobs are so funny in cwars i usually laugh at them IRL.


Thanks To: Everyone for the siggies, especially Kal for the Pixel.

Currently Playing: FIFA 07, NFS: Carbon, Morrowind and Dungeon Siege II.

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Hmm lets see here....






Called a def noob by a cb lvl 40 (I'm 87)




Ganged litterally by 1 Barrager, 1 Dharoker, and like 3 people with Crystal Bows, plus give or take the regulars with whips, and of course, the little ol lvl 50 who yells owned.




Funny story behind that one. He pmed me afterwards and yelled owned and junk, with some trash talk. Then I proceeded to tell him to grow up ( I mean really thats all you can tell them). I told him to meet me at our side of the river, and he kept saying he was there when he was plainly not in view. I proceeded to then track him down, and slaughtered him where he stood. I pmed him back and bragged for a sec, then just proceeded to ignore him.




Other cases are where about 10 pures jumped me after I just finished off a few people who were around my lvl which left me at around 10hp, then they all smacked me for a few 1's. I cursed loudly that day.

R.I.P The Old Nite

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ye...... i've must of been called def noob at least 5 times in the last game from level 80s and low 90s




I wonder why! :o LMAO, it's sooo much fun when you dont let them outta respawn room :P




Hehe, come on, of course its fun, its also funny when you are about to 2 hit some level 50, and they say "I am for (opposite team to themselves)!!" and they claim to be a spy, dang, noobs are so funny in cwars i usually laugh at them IRL.


lol....today i was on zammy and i see this level 41(sara) and this level 72(zammy) just sitting in sara castle...i attack him and the 72 says.."no!hes a spy!"i stop attacking and say..."oh well hes still on sara" then kill the 41. the 72 keeps tryin to attack me(weird :roll: )and the 41 comes back and i kill him again :P .i get bored and leave....and i feel a little bad that i might have just killed a spy :roll: (scarcasm)

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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This is great... Im playing Cwars today, im on Sara and we have a level 105 under the name of Roy(Numbers)... and hes dressed in full rune with a whip and a defender... Heres what happens...




*He kills level 35*


Him: 'Noob'


* He kills level 89*


Him: 'Noob'


*He kills level 24*


Him: 'Noob'


*He kills level 35 again*


Him: Noob


*Level 118 owns him silly*


Him: (As he dies) 'Noob!'




Now im getting a little annoyed by how egotistical he is...




Me: Why you calling everyone noobs?


Him: Cause they are


Me: But you got owned by the level 118, still called him a noob.


Him: Yeah he is...


Me: So you are?...


Him: Shut up noob


*He runs off to cross the middle*


* Level 118 Owns him for the second time*


Him: 'Noob?!?!?!'


Level 118: Sigh... Some people?


Me: Tell me about it, i just asked him why hes calling everyone noob, and he called me a noob lol...


Level 118: Rofl... I think i'll stay here and make sure he does'nt pass...


* Roy comes back again, like usual hes getting owned by the 118, then then the level 35 runs past ... He attacks and kills the level 35*


Him: NOOB!


*Level 188 hits 27,28 with dds spec*


Him: NOOB!O!>!>!>




It went on like this for about the last 5minutes, all of which i just stood there laughing at him.






Some people eh? 8-)

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That's rs for you, and it's even worse in the wildy. My bro gets me annoyed because he can't type worth anything. Also, he calls people noobs even though he's lvl 94. I thik at that level you should learn to respect ppl and say gf. It gets really annoying when people call you a prayer noob in cwars. But you have to live with it, or you could always say my response when people call me a noob. Try this, "I'm proud to be a noob" or "Noob 4 lyfe" it'll give you a good laugh at the peoples responses :D


^Thank you Despaxes for the sig

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That's rs for you, and it's even worse in the wildy. My bro gets me annoyed because he can't type worth anything. Also, he calls people noobs even though he's lvl 94. I thik at that level you should learn to respect ppl and say gf. It gets really annoying when people call you a prayer noob in cwars. But you have to live with it, or you could always say my response when people call me a noob. Try this, "I'm proud to be a noob" or "Noob 4 lyfe" it'll give you a good laugh at the peoples responses :D




My Fave is:




What was that, jealous of my wealth? :P

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Childish insults are a typical sight at castle wars. just ignore them. People who make those comments are generally either stupid or don't mean it seriously. Getting upset and making a post about it is equally stupid however. You play castle wars to have fun, not to 'pwn' everybody. everybody expects to lose every once in a while. you see, those put downs like 'noob you got owned!' make the game fun for some people. why let somebody ruin your good time? just be a good sport and ignore it.

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Yeah, lots of people that play this game now are under 12 which really gets annoying if you are buying/selling stuff aswell.




Selling whip ~~ 2.5M ~~ Ca2


I buy!!!11


Trade with me please




*He offers 2.3M*


2.5M please....


NO! i want 2.3m!!!








Anyway, my castelwars incident was me facing these 3 guys. I put on prayer because I am getting piled, they call me a prayer noob. So I take it off, then a ranger comes in. I run over to him and do a combo of 20-21-18. SO...he runs...Then the others realise I was goodso they all put on melee prayer! ( :roll: ) I own 2 of them wit no prayer. Then I redbar the last one and he gets a lucky 22-22 with his whip. Then he promptly calls me, 'N00.B!!!1'




I just don't see what fun they get out of calling people prayer noobs, owning their team, using prayer, finishing someone with luck and then calling them the noob... -.-


Click my signature for my blog!

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i get that alot. i was killing about 7 people again, and again and again becuase i was on the opposite teams battlements.id just killed 3 rangers who were raning me from the floor, i killed with d hally, then i was 20 health left. then 3 iban mages came and they all attacked, killing me. then they messaged me say" ha. we pooned u! ha!" that was terrible. so i just went back and wacked them all with my d hally to punish them. lol.

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