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Biggest mistake in runescape?


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Losing 7.5m worth of ess to a lurer


Wearing a red mask when fighting Dessous in DT, 8m lost there...


Quitting and coming back... Gave away ~5-6m worth of stuff.


Trying Fight Caves 7 times with Guthans, without realising my melees aren't enough.(This was before I read muggis guide :( )

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I regret letting people get to me and hurting my feelings to the


point that I nearly quit the game. Bah!!! That will never happen


again. Now I just tell myself " It"s a game with monoply money"


I play for levels, levels and more levels, and the day I quit is


the day I no longer feel the enjoyment of a new found level.


Funny how something bad has to happen to learn a hard lesson,


that goes for real life and game life. I also regret trusting people


that were never worthy of trust.


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building a useless table of a mil (opulent table) and my budget is small already #-o

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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Being too lazy to do eater event and get a rubber chicken.... I want one!!!!!!


And taking everything I use for mage melee and range while thieving/maging/meleeing/ranging at ardy square and getting wtachman along with lag when I was a noob. I also took like 3 melee weps lol. Lost around 300k whihc was basically my rs life savings then. Luckily the day before I got a zammy page from a clue. :thumbsup:


Doing a little bit of everything

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Ah, regrets...




I don't have any real regrets, as I'm very happy in the position I am in now. I guess some things could have gone differently, but I'm afraid if it had, something would be different.




I guess the only thing I truely regret is wasting so much time on range, only to realize 9 months into it that range actually sucks.


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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Get myself skulled bring my 2.5mil full veracs guthan warspear


and my whip,also dont fight back. :roll:


Barrows: guthan warspear, ahrim hood, torag platebody, karil's crossbow x3, Dharoks greataxe, Dharoks Helm.

Max Quest points

"Never let your morals prevent you from doing what is right" Asimov

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Lol i never got myself skulled and lost all that junk.my biggest


mistakes where:Making my account 2 weeks after the halloween event,


not buying a santa when they where 4 mil,and not calling enough people


noob.Attualy wait =; i've called a lot of people noobs i take that back.


Barrows: guthan warspear, ahrim hood, torag platebody, karil's crossbow x3, Dharoks greataxe, Dharoks Helm.

Max Quest points

"Never let your morals prevent you from doing what is right" Asimov

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The biggest ones ive got are: (ive died plenty of other times doing stupid stuff, these are the big ones)




1) Getting hacked back in february for everything tradable. :cry:


2) Losing ranger set last week getting hit a 49 from a blue drag (didnt know they hit above 40 before that)


3) Dying the next day trying to get my money back at barrows (lost another 5m)

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