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A fun guide to RC pking


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I'm sure I'm going to get flamed for this, but frankly I don't care since I stopped playing RS a month ago lol.




Alright the best strategy that worked for me is pretty simple. Most rcers fit into 2 categories.




1.) People with 1 click teleport




2.) People without.






I'd say that after Construction came out 45% of rcers aren't the 1 click teleport RCers...these are the fun ones. My recommendation is black dragonhide, barrow gloves, best mage boots you have, best mage headpiece you have, mith or better knives wielded (must be knives and not darts due to a greater distance.) glory, choice of food, range pot, choice of boots, and runes for an ice barrage. Then the solution is simple. Whenever, you see a RCer freeze them with one ice barrage, don't even bother to try casting a 2nd one...your mage should be good enough to often hit with 1 cast, and then range them with addy knives on rapid. The result is if you're range potted you should have no problem pking them even if they're in dragonhide without using prayer, but if you really want to use prayer then throw on the best range boosting prayer you have after you've already been ranging them for a few rounds in combat.




As for the other way there's not really much of a variation you can do (definately wear mage gear for this though). It's pretty much TB, bind, then your preferance is what I'd do. NOTE: I said TB then bind, because anybody with half of a brain is going to attempt to tele before being binded. That is if they have the 1 click teleport.

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I was thinking a person with stats as high as yours would refrain from posting a guide such as this.




As for being a guide, it's ok. No pics, pretty short, but it does get to the point.




As per the topic, I hate dealing with RC PKers. It's the lowest form of PKing, and it's a waste of teles on my part. Abyss RCing would be so much easier if noobs wouldn't try to grab a quick glory.




(Most run from me anyway when I come back in black d hide and fire cape. Ironic, eh?)




EDIT: Just saw your Abyss guide to not being pked. Guess you're giving both sides the guide? Eh, it balances out.

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What a great guide!!! My life got a meaning now yuppie.


Serious, what kind of guide tells you to barrage and then throw knifes?? ...


The only thing worth mention is the 1 click tele that people use now, and even that isnt mentioned the way is supposed. With cons, now rcers use 1 click tele to house and then use the glory at house, so what do you get when you pk him ? Oww i know i know ... 20's essence x 100ea, now that should cover the expenses of the barrage spell, money will start flowing now :D.


*** [ END ]: You gained 1,671,000 thieving exp in 9mins 44secs. That's 10,300,684 exp/h.

Dragon Drops - 1 Skirt

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Killing abyss rcers must be like shooting big fish in a small barrel. They have no food, no prayer, often no tele, often no weapon and pretty often nothing worth pking for. Abyss pkers aren't exactly 'masters of the art' are they? TB, snare, pot, dds spec end of story.




Ancients is almost a compete waste of time because you can tele away using the Zammy mage unless you're unlucky. So far 0/3 people have sucessfully pked me with ancients. Except one guy where I banked everything and let him pk me just to waste his runes.




Seriously if you need a guide for this then give up pking right now.




Edit: Read your other guide which seems to be putting across the other side and makes me a bit less hostile to this guide, but still, if people actually require telling to TB first then bind they need to consider doing something else.

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What a great guide!!! My life got a meaning now yuppie.


Serious, what kind of guide tells you to barrage and then throw knifes?? ...


The only thing worth mention is the 1 click tele that people use now, and even that isnt mentioned the way is supposed. With cons, now rcers use 1 click tele to house and then use the glory at house, so what do you get when you pk him ? Oww i know i know ... 20's essence x 100ea, now that should cover the expenses of the barrage spell, money will start flowing now :D.






yea lol :))

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ussually if you can get a kill at abyss without tb...they dont hava a glory...so you're not getting anything....so my question is...whats the point?






Actually I would agree under normal conditions on that, but knives or darts on rapid are too fast for teleporting to even happen at all with a glory, dueling ring, or games necklace.

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You missed out the part to instantly teleport away as soon as the runecrafter comes back with a dds and defender, or run to the edge of the wild and proceed to call the runecrafter a 'noob', before hopping worlds.




Actually, I chose not to add that part due to I don't support that. Aye pking RCers may be low, and as immoral as I may be at times I personally think that a person should still stick around and fight back if they were to come up and fight you even if they have food.

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You missed out the part to instantly teleport away as soon as the runecrafter comes back with a dds and defender, or run to the edge of the wild and proceed to call the runecrafter a 'noob', before hopping worlds.




Owned. (Can't tell you how many times the so-called "PKers" have done exactly as you said to me. :roll:)

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AAArgh, I misread your title




I read




"A Guide to Fun RuneCrafting"




hmmm, why cant there be such a guide? :wall:

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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ROFL there is so much ways on not to get pked its not even funny all the pkers who think they can get a glory is an idoit because they tried and i luv when i alch their cheap spitbark in front of them






hahaha, you are so right, that was so funny :)) you sir just made my day HAHAHA

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