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When I first started playing, my parents didn't really like the fact that I was interacting with complete strangers. But now, after I showed them the overall attitude of the players, they're alright with it 8-)

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My mom doesn't care, my dad's a huge mmo player (guild wars)


As long as I still excel in band, cross country, and studies they're fine with it.

Knitting. At level 1, you can make fuzzy mittens. At level 50, fuzzy rainbow sweaters. At level 99? Fuzzy pink toe socks.


Oh yeah.

'Scaper since 2002
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my parents dont know i play rs. :-$ they probly get freaked out if they knew i talked to strangers lol. i think ill tell them soon cause i wanna be a member so bad. :wall:




? im confused by you're signature, u have a character wearing varroks helm, and torags, and dhaoks(sorry if spelling is bad)


hmm, thats kool tho, lol i just notices,


could u show me where you get something like that?


as in url?



thanks for the cropping Mr Joob =]

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my dad hates it. my mum hates it... 1 time i did convince my mother to pay for membership. she kept asking me what are the good things that is about this game. and i said it teaches us how to merchant( :lol: ) make profits and of course concentration ( :P ) u know. after that i knew i couldnt convince her a second time as im running out of facts :evil: ...i actually have to write a thesis essay everytime i need ot stand up for myself. but know i just knew u have to pay monthly even on a credit card... :cry: breaks my heart im a ftp again...


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ok. my mom doesn't mind me playing runescape unless there is homework to do.. :notalk:




my dad he hates it so much! he even blocked the website! currently i've hacked him 6 times in a row, and he recently changed the password.


so, i get to play only on weekeds 30 minutes a time.




i even made my bro ask my dad to be a member when it waS his b day.




answer; no, even if it was free. :(




but, now i don't wanna be a member anymore~ \'

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My mum thinks everytime I play it effects my life... My dad dosen't care...




ditto, my mum think's it's a tragedy if i spend over 30 minutes scaping








Well I recently ran into the problem of my father complaining about how much time I spend playing RS (AGAIN). And he found some way to block it out of our internet and I'm trying to find a way to get it back. Any ideas would be wonderful.




But I did play rough 4-6 hours a weekday and sometimes up to 10 hours on a weekend, BUT!!! I am in good shape I have decent grades, high 80-low90's and I hold up a good relationsionship with my girl friend and I get all my chores done so I don't see why they should complain about the time I spend on here.






All in all, and on topic, my parents hate the game with a passion. Help me get it back! Lol




P.S. Could anyone post the text from this new parenting guide from the KB as I can't read it and want to show it to my parents.






Pm me if you ahve any ideas to help me please...




http://www.evilswitch.com not even a client just a different place to play so it cant block it b/c it doesn't register as runescape.com :XD: \'




My parents don't know I play runecape. I have been playing since October 04, nearly 2 years now and I managed to survive by deleting the history. :twisted:




But, they don't suspect anything since I have been getting good grades. Come to think about it, ever since I started runescape, I got 1st in class 6 out of 7 times. I only got 2nd in class once. :thumbsup: \'




good one! when I resort to deleting history I make myself take a break ::'

RSN- Lemontail

Pure Ranger Name- X Kaprisen X



Click here for my 99 Mining and Cooking blog!

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