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PK-er Vs. RC-er A Myth


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What bothers me most, is they tb you even though you can tele to abyss even with a teleblock, lol

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it's funny that the abyss pkers waste like 20-30k worth of blood runes to pk you when you just protect your glory and drop pure ess :lol:




Trouble is, RCers don't have prayer as the abyss sucks it away every time.




And Freshwacka, let them complain. Even PKers hate Abyss PKers.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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10-15 pk's per hour? I have seen about 1 person die while abby rcing. They waste more on runes and pots than they do. There lucky to even get one drop. Seriously its too easy to get away from them.




There annoying yes, but there part of the game and I like watching them run away in their canfis robes.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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heres my nat rcing set up:




Spells for Ice burst runes for tele pouches and ess:




i wear ancient staff and ghost robes i use anti p pot before i run:




if i get tb first well im already teled by the mage:




if i get hit by snare then i auto cast ice burst(scaring the crap out of the mage pures with no def \' ) and tele back to edge get some more runes and kill them!!




ive been killed 1ce and that was becase i decided to walk back from chaos runes and lagged in lev 1 wildy :-k

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

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Ok, anyone who has any knowledge of Runecrafting, or hangs around Edgeville, Knows that RC-ers hate PK-ers, and that the latter makes fun of the former.




That's not true at all. I am both a pker and rcer, and quite enjoy the challenge of killing something that can think for itself, fight back, heal, etc.




But what Rc 'Pk'ers' do isn't anything more than pathetic. The challenge of trying to kill something that can fight back is blown away. They're trying to kill someone unarmed, with no food, and no prayer. Where the hell is the fun in it?




And then, as already stated, if the rcer goes up equipped, with food and pray, the rc 'pker' will run for their life out of wild, and then have the nerve toflame the rcer for fighting back.


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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I disagree with just about everything you said. First off, I'd like to say that I agree 100% with Dork's post. Even if your theory and calculations were correct (which they're not, which I'll get to in a minute), that doesn't make RC 'PKing' "okay" in my book. Nothing could change my personal view, that they are pathetic.




You've left out far too many important factors to make your calculations even somewhat accurate. First of all, the constant change of the amount of both PKers and RCers from hour to hour. One hour, there could be 190 people making an average of 1.7k nats per hour and 10 people making 4k nats per hour (people with 91+ rc). However the next hour there could be 150 people making an average of 1.3k nats per hour and 2 people making 4k nats per hour. Then, later that night, there could be 50 people making an average of 1.5k nats per hour and 1 person making 4k nats per hour. See where you went wrong?




In addition, I think you are assuming that far more people die than the amount that actually do. I'd say that one single RC "PKer" would be lucky to get 1 kill a day. This number may have been greater when the Abyssal Space first came out, but now the number of kills RC "PKers" get is very little. Because now the PKers who actually know how to PK no longer kill RCers. Why? Because they've realized that it's a terrible source of income. Even they, on average, were probably only getting one kill every 1-2 hours, which was only about 70k or so an hour, which is just terrible.. Now, all we're left with is the people who just flat out don't know how to PK. I'd almost argue that more RC "PKers" die than the actual RCers. I've seen many people, including myself and a few friends, get attacked by RC "PKers." We tele away before we die, go back to Edgy, then go back and kill the RC "PKers" ourselves. You know someone is bad at PKing, when the person who was being attacked (who usually has no serious PKing experience) can come back and kill the RC "PKer" within a matter of seconds.




I highly doubt that a few people making a few less nats an hour due to RC PKers will have a large impact on the economy, if an impact at all. No offence to any small time RCers out there, but they're usually the ones who die. Why? Because they don't have extensive knowledge of Abyssal RCing. Meaning, they don't think to wear armour that will cause PKers' spells to fail far more often, or they don't think to bring a one click tele device. Usually, the runecrafters who produce mass amount of nature runes know how to successfully escape RC "PKers" every time, and therefore, very very rarely die. And therefore, there would be no large impact on the price of nature runes.

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well here's my view on this:




abyss pkers=2%actual pkers looking for osme good entertainmen,t while having a challenge of trying ot get a kill as almost as hard as a f2p kill is. 98% helpless little children who can't pk. that 2% do know how to pk and basically beat up anti abyss rc pkers easily.




rcers using abyss=you should thank them, for without abyss pkers ur nat prices would drop to 50gp each(over considerable amount of time) and boom you don't get alot of profit from rcing.




there are osme hardcore pkers who are extremely good pkers, who pk at abyss and aren't childish noobs or anything but respectful pkers who need a new tpye of a thrill, and hey wildy is like pick on the poor and dfensless show no mercy. Rcers had no one to stop them from rcing nats, nats would drop way low and cause a big problem(s).




sorry for spelling, i feel a bit dizzy :?

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rcers using abyss=you should thank them, for without abyss pkers ur nat prices would drop to 50gp each(over considerable amount of time) and boom you don't get alot of profit from rcing.




If there are 100k nats being made per hour, do you really think the pkers are help keeping nat prices up? If 500 natures aren't made an hour due to a pker, that has no effect on prices whatsoever. Did you not read the post above yours? The amount of people actually rcing isn't the same every hour anyway.




The whole idea that rc pkers are actually helping the economy is ludicrous. They don't do it to help anyone, they do it because they're not good enough at pking people who can fight back, but feel proud when they kill someone who's defenceless.


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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I know what your saying, but have we ever seen a time without abyss pkers, could a mathematical equation be put in to actually find out who helps who, well to you you would say no because its different people pking/rcing all the time, an avrg would be impossible to, unless we became robots or macroers, so you really can't say its ludacrist(sp), it may help the econmy very little, or very much.




yes i do read the entire topic before i post, i only do that for i risk not getting flamed about not reading, i can ignore any post and post my own idea and/or thoughts i may have(as long as they stay in rules). I also know abyss rcing and abyss pking since i have been pking for almost 4years and someward months now, i know what i say, yes abyss hasn't been around for that long, but i know that i have been around pking and the abyss to know some things, wether its flamed or not \'




i also nvr said i agreed or didn't agree with the pking, or rcing at the abyss, although you may assume what side i have taken, i have taken no side, for i would engulph myself ina flame war on this thread.

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I think they are just noobs. Im an avid RCer( 94 rc \' ) and there is a certian noob abyss pker who thinks its his purpose on this earth to pk me. He even tells me that he will not rest until he pks me. He has wasted so much time and money on attempting to pk me, that even if he gets me i'm still, what, 104Mil ahead?

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I think they are just noobs. Im an avid RCer( 94 rc \' ) and there is a certian noob abyss pker who thinks its his purpose on this earth to pk me. He even tells me that he will not rest until he pks me. He has wasted so much time and money on attempting to pk me, that even if he gets me i'm still, what, 104Mil ahead?





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I hate rc pkers with a passion but i really could care less..




1. they really blow at pking and can barely kill a defenseless person


2. if your prepared you can get away so easily




as soon as you get entangled first you use your ectophial or teletab as soon as you get tangled. If you get tb'd first well it should be very easy to get to the abyss b4 you get tangled. I also wear full black dhide so i get splashed on 24/7. and if you are an abyss pker and you use ancients you are just really dumb if you think your getting a kill, and if you do get a kill then the kid you killed is half retarted.




Im going for 91 rc and the pkers can get annoying but w\e I deal with it and its always fun to do the dance emote while the noob is splashing on you or hitting 0 0 dds specs.


----- Fire Cape - September 26th, 2006 -----



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I know what your saying, but have we ever seen a time without abyss pkers, could a mathematical equation be put in to actually find out who helps who, well to you you would say no because its different people pking/rcing all the time, an avrg would be impossible to, unless we became robots or macroers, so you really can't say its ludacrist(sp), it may help the econmy very little, or very much.




yes i do read the entire topic before i post, i only do that for i risk not getting flamed about not reading, i can ignore any post and post my own idea and/or thoughts i may have(as long as they stay in rules). I also know abyss rcing and abyss pking since i have been pking for almost 4years and someward months now, i know what i say, yes abyss hasn't been around for that long, but i know that i have been around pking and the abyss to know some things, wether its flamed or not \'




i also nvr said i agreed or didn't agree with the pking, or rcing at the abyss, although you may assume what side i have taken, i have taken no side, for i would engulph myself ina flame war on this thread.




Well you definately did say that we should thank RC "PKers" for keeping the prices of nats up.. Which would imply that you're on their side. I must say that both you and the creator of this thread are assuming that far more people are killed by RC "PKers" than the real number that actually are. And even so, when those people die and assuming they know how to get pouches back efficiently, how many nats is that really stopping them from making? I know that I usually get all my pouches back within 15 minutes or less. Meaning, I was left out on making 500 nats. Obviously this number varies depending upon your RCing level/how fast you get pouches back.. But 500 nats really isn't that much, especially when compared to the estimated amount that are brought into the economy every hour.




Now, just as an example.. When I spend a full day RCing, which I do most weekends, I usually make 10k - 20k nats. How many times have I been successfully PKed? I'd say once or twice, before I was smart enough to bring a tele. Now, how many people (on average) do I see die a day? Usually zero. Of course, I'll occasionally see a level 80 or so die who didn't bring a teleport device, who usually has a RC level below 70.. Who probably would have only made a few more nats anyway... But in the end, I usually never see anybody die on my average day of RCing 10k - 20k nats.




Now, I am aware that this doesn't mean that someone else on a different world didn't die to a RC "PKer," because they certainly could have, but I'm just trying to give you an example of about how many RCers actually die a day: very few.

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off topic but.....tripsis 10k-20k nats in a day.....




ur a beast!! lol xD





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RC-pking is for the little engines that couldnt :P








If you die while RC-ing at the abyss, YOU are the one who makes Abyss-PKing profitable... Hence, YOU are the one who is keeping them around...




There are plenty of guides out there that tell you exactly what to do, what to bring, and what to wear. Use them.

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I hate the wilderness.




I hate walking a long rune even more!




Hence: the abyss. PKers: annoyance. Even IF they manage to PK me, they get:




a: iron wc axe


b: pure ess (which they cant take much in inv, and costs relatively zilch)


c: duel ring.




Whose time are they wasting anyway? They don't get anything from me that is worth the runes they are using to "KO" me, with no armour, food, shield or anything whatsover!



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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If you want a reason to justify PKers to people who make runes, there's a much easier line of reasoning: PKers "waste" runes trying to kill you, this lowers the numbers of deaths, bloods, etc in circulation. You have been making nats for hours therefore there's no increase in the number of deaths, bloods, so we have an increase in demand pushing the price up. By the time they bring out the blood rune altar you'll be bleeding rolling in it.




Forget all this tenuous stuff about RCers who may or may not be playing at that particular hour - may or may not stop for an hour over a measly glory amulet. Fact is, PKing costs runes, you make runes, PKers pay you more than you ever lose to keep them supplied with their fix :P

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Alot of you said that rcers are defenseless. I go and look and i see most or all of them wearing blk dhide, a fremmy trials helm, a mystic sheild?




to me that says very good and hige magic defence bonuses, not ot mention some good melee and range def bonuses too.Although they have no food, they really don't need it since a good rcer can get away easily.

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I hate rc-pkers. Though, I'm so glad they exist. It makes me happy to see a rc-pker trying to kill me when I rc. Rc'ing is a very boring, monotonous skill - the rc-pkers are what keep me awake. Not only that, but they are so easy to kill! Just replace ess with sharks for one run and hide a bow in your inventory and they tele the moment you shoot them haha




i have gotten some good kills like that. i had one stupid enough to att me in seer helm, god cape, blck top, mystic bottom carring a mage bow :shock: now does that look like rcing gear :lol: what i hate are protection prayers, or have a whips alchem for 20k :thumbsup:


semi-retired as i am the lastest victim of computer crack!


AKA... World of Warcraft

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