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new armour f2p to be changed


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Quest > Subcategory: Sea Slug 2 - Slug Menace


Added By: mod_ben_l on 22/9/2006




The new skirt reward armour for Slug Menace is currently classed as a free object, this was not intended and will be changed with the next update.




heres the proof



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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It was actually pretty obvious, I've got to admit. I mean, I saw a guy scamming people by selling proselyte armour as a "Rare armour type!!!". It's just unfair on those who are a less knowledgeable about RS.
yeah....i did too.....i traded the dude and saw that....and reported
I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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It was actually pretty obvious, I've got to admit. I mean, I saw a guy scamming people by selling proselyte armour as a "Rare armour type!!!". It's just unfair on those who are a less knowledgeable about RS.


Most of the people who can afford to pay whatever ridiculous price the guy wanted know that it is a scam, though.

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so wat happens when someone in f2p has the skirt before the update... will it be classed as a member's object or just dissapear.. i'm curious thnx :-k




Just drop it, because it is worthless to free players anyways?


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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so wat happens when someone in f2p has the skirt before the update... will it be classed as a member's object or just dissapear.. i'm curious thnx :-k




Guessing it'll become another reason to get members for a month - so you can free up one of those precious F2P bank spaces selling it back, then while you're there, get distracted by pickpocketing and never return to Free worlds :P

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so wat happens when someone in f2p has the skirt before the update... will it be classed as a member's object or just dissapear.. i'm curious thnx :-k




Guessing it'll become another reason to get members for a month - so you can free up one of those precious F2P bank spaces selling it back, then while you're there, get distracted by pickpocketing and never return to Free worlds :P


i bought 1 at myu lvl 3 acc :) im colecting f2p member items :D


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Why is there an entire topic about 1 little bug? :roll:




Anyway back to topic, it was F2P by error. And it isn't meant to be in F2Pers' collection of members objects.




Personally I don't like the white knights, but this is useless to these that haven't finished the quest. It was never meant to be F2P




Another question on similar subject, why are pure essence F2P? Is that a bug too? :-k

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i think that pure ess was f2p becuase when the update came, all the ess was turned to pure. So those who were f2p and had pure ess had a members object....




I THINK :pray:




It was an error when they first made Pure Essence. ANYONE, including f2p, who had either 30+ mining or 30+ runecrafting had all their Rune Essence turned into Pure Essence, which gave them lots of member items and unable to use it. Also, when someone ends their membership, if they still have Pure Essence, they'll now be able to use it since Pure Essence does all runes, f2p or not.




However, f2p players are still only able to obtain Rune Essence by their own means. Pure Essence must be bought in f2p worlds, regardless if you're member or not.




EDIT: I was never aware they even made it f2p...


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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i think that pure ess was f2p becuase when the update came, all the ess was turned to pure. So those who were f2p and had pure ess had a members object....




I THINK :pray:




It was an error when they first made Pure Essence. ANYONE, including f2p, who had either 30+ mining or 30+ runecrafting had all their Rune Essence turned into Pure Essence, which gave them lots of member items and unable to use it. Also, when someone ends their membership, if they still have Pure Essence, they'll now be able to use it since Pure Essence does all runes, f2p or not.




However, f2p players are still only able to obtain Rune Essence by their own means. Pure Essence must be bought in f2p worlds, regardless if you're member or not.




EDIT: I was never aware they even made it f2p...


I thought the rule for the change from rune essence to pure essence, was that if you had a members object on your account at the time of the chance, your rune essence would be pure.




PS: I was not there at the update, I heard this information.

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F2Pers can also craft pure ess into nonmember runes, though it seems a waste of money. Just that when I had air runners someone gave me pure ess.




I found it strange too, this is the response I got:


i think that pure ess was f2p becuase when the update came, all the ess was turned to pure. So those who were f2p and had pure ess had a members object....




I THINK :pray:

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