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Who honestly likes the update?


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All I like is the inventory, the rest looks like they let a seven year old do the design.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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The special attack bar has been downgraded in graphics and the Friends and Ignore list faces annoy me. . . just want to slap them.


Some of the background noises are getting to me already like the hooting of an owl or the whistling of a bird stuck on replay.


After making such annoying noises the least jagex could do is give us a shotgun or something to silence the wildlife. . .


They should change Lumby swamps back to the way they used to be, its been noobified.


One of the worst updates this year in my eyes.




I agree about the Friend/ignore icons, theyre ugly :notalk:




And about these birds i guess u can set ambient sounds off in the control panel, thats all the shotguns u need.

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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The changes have pratically ruined RS. Now I'm probally going to quit (AGAIN) And get WoW and possible GW nightfall. It's just like starting RS again and getting used to the buttons >_<. *Goes to GW to forget about this).

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The changes have pratically ruined RS. Now I'm probally going to quit (AGAIN) And get WoW and possible GW nightfall. It's just like starting RS again and getting used to the buttons >_<. *Goes to GW to forget about this).




Emo irl...




Geez, you want an update, you complain. You want a graphics update, you complain, you want a quest you moan. GEEZ, it's a game get used to it. Stop bluddy moaning

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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The changes have pratically ruined RS. Now I'm probally going to quit (AGAIN) And get WoW and possible GW nightfall. It's just like starting RS again and getting used to the buttons >_<. *Goes to GW to forget about this).




Emo irl...




Geez, you want an update, you complain. You want a graphics update, you complain, you want a quest you moan. GEEZ, it's a game get used to it. Stop bluddy moaning




Well you can get your facts right.




1) I'm not an emo I'm not anything I'm just me not a chav gangster or that rubbish.


2) I'm not complaining I have problems with my sight the new orange text is literally burning my eyes.


3) I like quests I don't moan about quests.


4) I can moan if I wish I'm expressing my opinions


And number 5) It's a game I coughed up my end of the bargain paying a monthly fee for a game that updates quite frequently. But I prefer good and decent updates no rushed ones.

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Seriously? I love it, I think it's one of the best updates in a while. :wink:



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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Icons: Horrible, especially the friend/ignore list ones - they remind me of decapitated jelly babies!




Compass: Much less clear than it used to be.




Orange Stats: YUK!




Emotes: Can anyone honestly identify each one from just the pictures? I doubt it!




New Sounds: Nice idea, but very, VERY annoying. These will be staying OFF!




Move Options: Will take some getting used to.




Overall Update: WHY? :wall:

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Guest Nezikchened

Imagine this :


New player comes into runescape thinking that everything must be tested. Looks at things and then comes to emotes. "What is this? A game for 5 year olds?" Not so many players more to rs. Except the naughty 5 years olds who claim they are older than 13 :notalk:

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It's not the worst case, i kinda like the new desing: The emote button is kinda too much and the friend and ignore list faces could be done better, but the other stuff is kinda cool.




Well, humans get used to everything... Even hanging... Twiches a few times, then stays silent. :twisted:


So the whining should end soon.

Elfs creating a crystal Axe would be like GreenPeace creating a Nuclear Powered Harpoon for killing seals...
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Yes, the emotes button is utterly useless IMHO. "Run" button is not so convenient either. BUT! The ticking clock in wiz tower...worth it... And the new "char view" is so handy for close-up screenies!




Well the character view is very good.



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I think there have been some good additions.




The tutors are great for new people, when I first started I died quite soon, and I had to start again because I had no idea how to get my precious stuff back, like bronze axe, tinderbox, net etc.




Free tele is also nice for newbs.




Also I love the new lumby bank, even though I did the first part of RFD to get one.




The swamp update annoyed me, I can't mine addy and mith on the way to lost city from lumby telespot anymore, but I guess I could just go from draynor instead.




Emotes are annoying, they now take a whole page, and I barely use them, looks a bit silly now.




Run option is annoying, but I'll get used to it, in a month it'll be normal. Remember you can click on the icon or % to change too.




The other interface changes are ok, except I wish you could see weight a bit easier.


89/99 farming

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nice update... accept they removed the addy spot south of lumi...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Im sure some parts of the update will seem better once we get used to them, there will always people that dislike change. Having said that, I really dislike what they did to the stores, looks like there are no more random items appearing in them anymore. The stores on world 2 were completely empty except for the standard inventory when I first logged on. Kind of takes the fun out of going to them. :cry:

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The 'How many rs players does it take to put on a lightbulb?'




Geez. It's an update, don't go emo about it!




u take the words right out of my mouth. =D> (they only came there after u said it but still...)




the only thing i dont like is that the new newb shield looks too much like the cw shield...

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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