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my drawings of future dragon items


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well since im in art class [4 years including mid. school] i like to express myself by drawing stuff, runescape is usually my first subject, since i got very bored i decided to draw items that doesnt not currently exist in runescape. none of my drawings can fit in ur sig or avvy, u can e-mail it to friends if u think its really cool :)






like always no flaming is allowed. if this is the wrong topic (doubt it is) then plz move it, if u dont like art then dont post, if u dont like runescape dont post, if u cant think of anything to say then dont post... :boohoo:




















PS: if u dont like it then im sorry, i worked 1 hour just to get the outlines perfect :notalk:

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I'm really sorry but... 4 years of art classes? They all are very basic, the linework is sketchy and the shading is non-existant.




he said he has taken art in school for 4 years , in school..they do not teach you how to create art on a computer...






very good job to the peson who made these , i like em :thumbsup:



1103'rd to 99 crafting

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I'm really sorry but... 4 years of art classes? They all are very basic, the linework is sketchy and the shading is non-existant.




I think you are being really harsh. I like them, judging by the way they are made I assume you made them in paint. A bit more detail could be added to them but for me it is a very good effort. 8/10. Good job =D>

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Yay a celebration and colaboration of medocrity. I'm going to agree with Nadril, 4 years of art classes? And yes they do teach how to do digital art, it depends what classes you takes so you can't rule it out. And not to mention the fact, I would expect something a lot better even if you are using a mouse. Go back to the drawing board, do pre-sketches, do what you can to make it smooth and somehow make it better, because these are just not working.

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Yay a celebration and colaboration of medocrity. I'm going to agree with Nadril, 4 years of art classes? And yes they do teach how to do digital art, it depends what classes you takes so you can't rule it out. And not to mention the fact, I would expect something a lot better even if you are using a mouse. Go back to the drawing board, do pre-sketches, do what you can to make it smooth and somehow make it better, because these are just not working.
i like to express myself by drawing stuff






im good at sketching irl im just giving examples why i like to draw,..






and no i wont be going to digital art till 2 more years...

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erm, I don't know if this is a joke or not.. Your saying you are actually a good artist, but this time round you thought it'd be totally neato to post some very basic, out of proportioned drawings of made up runescape items to illustrate (very clearly) your likeness for drawing?




Are we supposed to rate these honestly? or tread carefully and keep in mind that these pictures which you have posted on an open forum, cannot be judged honestly since they are an ode to you drawings which we cannot see?




If so, yes, I like drawing to. *High Five* :thumbsup:




critically, I think they are child-like, they don't look very well proportioned enough to make me image someone wearing/weilding them. And artistically, they are flat, the linework is jaggered and the colouring is really minimalistic.. But brownie points for trying to draw something on the computer, it helps to work a lot smaller as you can add more detail much more easier, also the quality of drawing can be self-monitored better as it's soo much easier to just alter anything and add more to your drawing if need be..




Keep trying and please be aware that some people will give high scores to anything, and some will give you their honest opinion, however brutal it may be. Keep an open mind to what people say and don't just pick and choose what you want to hear. Just because my mum thinks I have a good voice does not mean im an awesome singer, I know I suck. :lol:

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Really, why did you even post these? Don't consider this as flaming, but did you spend like 5 seconds per picture?


Terley said pretty much all that was needed, but really, 4 years in art class and this is result? And also, these have nothing original in them. There's zounds of pictures of "forthcoming dragon items!!11" which are all similar to each other - creativity, please.








/off topic] I didn't know that somebody actually uses that rip steve irwin sig (made by me :anxious: )




[Zounds IS a word. Basically means a BIG number of stuff.]



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I have to say, I consider myself a decent artist.. I've taken those easy little art classes since kindergarden, and since I've been in high school I've taken more advanced classes. Maybe you can sketch well in real life. Maybe that's what you should post instead of some poorly made items with absolutely no shading. You should post what's good, not what's easiest.

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I'm really srry, but i must say its low, and its really bad.




You know why i am talking that? I will tell you main story:


I have 12 years now, 7 years ago i racived main first drawing itams, i was drawing really bad... 5 years later(10 years old) i bought main first "how to draw fantasy) book, and now i am great in it. when i was 11 years old(1 year ago) i was thinking about how to draw manga, i love it, and i was trying to draw any thing(now think about it, becouse i am from Poland, and here is really a few manga artists, including me, becouse Poland its not manga and comics art.) When i started to be 12 y old(now i am ending 12 to 13) i bought main first "How to draw manga" IN ENGLISH LENGUAGE, and here started main story with english... now i know it really good. Now i draw manga very well, meaby when i will be 15, i will give to the shop's main firsy manga(i had end it) AND I WAS NEVER IN ART SCHOOL! NEVER! And now thing about and books, or something, last week i bought how to draw manga at PC, and how to draw fantasy at PC... If you want i can learn you something... but i dont know that, i know how to do this, i am really low in learning, but meaby


----TheLair Game!----

"Game isn't dead... You wish!"

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Yay a celebration and colaboration of medocrity. I'm going to agree with Nadril, 4 years of art classes? And yes they do teach how to do digital art, it depends what classes you takes so you can't rule it out. And not to mention the fact, I would expect something a lot better even if you are using a mouse. Go back to the drawing board, do pre-sketches, do what you can to make it smooth and somehow make it better, because these are just not working.




And even if you don't learn about digital art you still learn about a lot of properties of art. (unless your just taking those classes where you slack off all day). My point is is that if you have taken 4 years of art you should at least know what's good.

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Well, what can I say. The ideas are quite nice, art work, it's alright. As said before, no shading. Also, the platebody seems a little .... well, strange. The arms should be longer, and body, thinner.




However, if you're just making new ideas for items, then, well, not veruy original. Don't let us put you off doing computer art, though, everyone has to start somewhere. For you, it's probably here.

Writing in colour was fun while it lasted...

The Tip.It. Furry! :D HappyWolf.png

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i like to express myself by drawing stuff






im good at sketching irl im just giving examples why i like to draw,..






and no i wont be going to digital art till 2 more years...




Draw on paper + scan.


If you say you can draw good in real life, show us. Digital art (in my opinion) is different from sketching. That is, unless you use a tablet.




Expressing yourself is great and all, but please - you made yourself look a fool. Sorry, it need to be said.

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whats the second picture looks like a chicken with an iron stuck into it and then its wearing a red eyepatch? no offense but they aren't all that good, try scanning like other have said, that way if you are good at art it will show


Sig by me....

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I found it quite ironic that he said no flaming and that's all that has been brought unto him. ^-^ I, personally, do not encourage flaming so I will keep my opinions to myself in this case. XD






*I will say this: work a little harder on your computer art Silenced ( not a flame )*










do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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I found it quite ironic that he said no flaming and that's all that has been brought unto him. ::' I, personally, do not encourage flaming so I will keep my opinions to myself in this case. :XD:






*I will say this: work a little harder on your computer art :-# ( not a flame )*










he said no flaming..they arent theyre saying hes bad...which is true




theyre not saying it in a mean way




thats the difference between the truth and flaming



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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I found it quite ironic that he said no flaming and that's all that has been brought unto him. ::' I, personally, do not encourage flaming so I will keep my opinions to myself in this case. :XD:






*I will say this: work a little harder on your computer art :-# ( not a flame )*










Care to point out where we flamed him?

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I found it quite ironic that he said no flaming and that's all that has been brought unto him. ::' I, personally, do not encourage flaming so I will keep my opinions to myself in this case. :XD:






*I will say this: work a little harder on your computer art :-# ( not a flame )*










he said no flaming..they arent theyre saying hes bad...which is true




theyre not saying it in a mean way




thats the difference between the truth and flaming




hes right 100%

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I found it quite ironic that he said no flaming and that's all that has been brought unto him. ::' I, personally, do not encourage flaming so I will keep my opinions to myself in this case. :XD:






*I will say this: work a little harder on your computer art :-# ( not a flame )*










Care to point out where we flamed him?




none of u guys flamed me, so im happy about that, what im not happy about is the results, like some of u say to draw then scan, maybe ill do that if i know how to...i rely did spend some time drawing this. in the meantime ill draw some more irl maybe it can be something else besides this...

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I found it quite ironic that he said no flaming and that's all that has been brought unto him. ::' I, personally, do not encourage flaming so I will keep my opinions to myself in this case. :XD:






*I will say this: work a little harder on your computer art :-# ( not a flame )*










Care to point out where we flamed him?


ill say this again - is this a joke? if its not did you fail all ur art classes? :uhh:


Not a flame?


do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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