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How many ignored do you have?


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I'm running this to see who has the most people on their ignore list! i naturally make lots of enemies lol, so i have 62. top that! obtw i had 63 buti accidentally deleted one of the names when i was counting #-o

It's better to keep your mouth shut and have everybody think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


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9 :o considering iv'e only been on this account for about 2 months. i think thats quite high :-s




Most of these people are either people trying to scam me or people following me insisting i sell them my wizzy (g) for a 10th or what its worth, even though i've already said nfs many times :-w

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I used to have around twenty but I deleted them all and none have messeged me since.

Crocodile hunter-Rest in Peace

"Theres NOT a country in the world that Bush would not get BOOO'd at ....even if Bush went to Antarctica the penguins would demonstrate."-Darknovae, NS Forum

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Deux. Two. They were both from the same day, when I was level 23 or so. The stories...




1. Some guy started asking me if I wanted to be here "BF". Obviously, I said no, but she started following me. So she goes on my ignore list, and I world hop.




2. I was on my way to Port Sarim when this guy starts asking me questions and following me. I was in a hurry, so he goes on my ignore list as well.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I usally if i'm bored i'll try and fill it up. But I usally delete them after a month. If they talk again i'll start begging them and ask for stuff call them noob if they don't. (Usally what they do to me)So I get blocked on there account and never worry about them again.




I have like 15 people on my ignore list now. Pretty good for aways having pricate chat on

Quit RuneScape :)

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0, I like it looking nice and tidy. From time to time i have added people but delete after a few day

-1468th to 99 Fishing on 3rd March 07

-372nd to 99 Hunter on 3rd April 07

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I'm starting to get quite a few now in my ignore list, probably wanting to be friends with me. <.<


Such is the attention you get if your a high level and a P-Mod. :(

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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