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Lending a hand is no longer allowed?


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Thats is just a sick way for getting free stuff... that "other person" definatly needs to be banned for a while or for life. Ya I think RS should do somthing about that kind of stuff happening, I donno exactly what but I hope they do it :pray:





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I've just noticed something...Apparentley I got a black mark for swearing at someone when they turned down 100gp for pure ess that I was selling...I'm f2p!, why would I have pure ess, or even want it?!?!? :ohnoes:


You just won the award for "The Most niave person on the Tip.it Boards!"]
*Points towards the monkey sitting on the button and declining every query*
Help me



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"We have conclusive evidence that you were in control of your account at the time of the report."




No **** moron autoappealer. I know I was in control, but I didnt do anything.






^^^Exactly wha I said when I got denied 2 minutes after appealing.




I am still waiting to hear from my letters send them off 6 days ago now... On 3 differnet accounts.. Doubt i will hear anything now :roll:


Respect- Oy_the_Great, Lode, Bubsa, Weezcake, Thrash111, Gloric, Vmser, Pianofrieak2, Runemetsa

Sigs Made By - Pink

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I was pking with my clan and wanted to know the teamspeak password. So I wrote, "whats the ts pw?" I was perm banned within 10 min and my appeal was rejected in 2 minutes. I never had a black mark or anything on my account. I explained that ts meant teamspeak and was not anything related to Runescape. And I was not password scamming because this was my clan's own private channel and I could have full access. First offence and perm banned.

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I don't know what Jagex iss thinking sometimes. Punishing legit players won't make RuneScape a better place.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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I was pking with my clan and wanted to know the teamspeak password. So I wrote, "whats the ts pw?" I was perm banned within 10 min and my appeal was rejected in 2 minutes. I never had a black mark or anything on my account. I explained that ts meant teamspeak and was not anything related to Runescape. And I was not password scamming because this was my clan's own private channel and I could have full access. First offence and perm banned.


I have an unappealable website advertisement black mark for saying teamspeak.


Its not a website and i didnt advertise it.

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This is unfortunate, i like to help people, and it is shocking and revolting to think you could get possibly banned for helping people. This is a real issue, that could happen to anyone, trading processed materials for the raw counterpart is one of the best ways to level. if there becomes an estigma that it is unsafe to trade with lower levels.




also would this not even further divide the community we have? players like muskee are few and far between, willing to always lend a helping hand, thats what this game needs more of. if players like her, or other top skillers become afraid to trade with lower levels for fear of losing there hard work. skilling itself becomes redefined into a one man project. and the community becomes divided.








Players should not be hesistant to scam? how many reading this topic have helped someone by iding a herb or smithing a bar into a finshed product for them? what if this happened to you?








This is a serious shocking issue which shocks me to no end. we cannot be afraid to help others out




















we got out selfs a cilvil war :ohnoes: :ohnoes:

DoD:S ownage

what we have here is a ..um.. failur to communcate

check out my steam ID page @ alpha company

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That just sorta.... I don't think I want to go there...




At any rate, Ya I gotta say that in the last six months, I've probaly reported over 30 people :o but guess what they were all lvl 3 and macroeing, all at the Port Sarim willows...




By the way... not trying to be raciast against lower levels, but I think all player mods should have over 40 in at least two levels, because they will at least have a little bit of experiance by then... (hopefully)


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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By the way... not trying to be raciast against lower levels, but I think all player mods should have over 40 in at least two levels, because they will at least have a little bit of experiance by then... (hopefully)








I really hate when people see my crown and immediately say "Omg, this mod's a noob!" Especially people with LOWER LEVELS than me! I wish we had a "Mod Taser" to stun people like that.








But if Jagex wanted Mods to be conspicuous thay would have given us 99 in every skill...

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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Umm... English Level? And you're probably looknig for this: The ENTER button is next to the ' button. And the SPACEBAR is right below the b and such keys.












'Tis a shame you got a ban though. Happy scaping though. :anxious:



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I got another good story myself...








I was on f2p for a few months. At this point in time I was combat 103. Some ignorant player called me a hacker, I obviously answered, "how do I hack?" After no response for a minute, I asked again, "I'm still wondering how I hack"...turns out he thought the highest possible combat level was 99. Anyways, last month I logged onto rs and I just happened to have some mail. I thought to myself, what in the world could they want with me?








So I log out, go to the home page and check my message to find what? Three messages from jagex...one telling me I've been reported for "encouraging others to break rules" and the other two telling me I have recieved TWO black marks.








I was so confused at this. So of course I read over the evidence and sent in my appeal telling them the exact thing I stated above, that he called me a hacker cause he thought the highest possible combat level was 99 and that I was simply asking for that answer...








Anyway, my appeal got denied FIVE MINUTES LATER...kind of quick to get to my appeal (if you ask me I think something they got up there at Jagex automatically denied my appeal or something)...want to know the reason???








"We have conclusive evidence that you were in control of your account at the time of the report."








...uhm...thanks for denying my appeal......even though I never said I didn't have control of the account...








And that is my story...still got my marks...kind of upsets me that I only got one chance to get them taken off and it was ruined by someone or something that can't comprehend my side of the story, my defense.








*EDIT* Whatever happened to the rule that you get banned for falsely reporting, hmm?








Hey master tim, looks like we have something in common.








"We have conclusive evidence that you were in control of your account at the time of the report."








Wow they are good at using evidence :roll:








But there is one problem, they say they have conclusive evidence that you were in control of the account, how do they actualy know that?

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for a little bump.








I find this type of actions from Jagex frustrating and I'm sure everybody who is subject to them agrees with me. I have ask many time for answer to question that involve Jagex thinking, using logic to help determine the justification behind their actions; Actions including banning, demodding (In such cases as Bware :evil:) and other things which cause DECENT, caring, honorable players to be subject to incorrect judgement by this more-novice jagex staff members.








I hear over 300 people now work at Jagex, with a staggering 5,000 players with moderator status. It is true, that you will not get response you want from them; With the amounts - however, I agree with many said before - How can you expect to be treated fairly when their own staff do not know rules?!...








I have talk to Mod Hulme about certain issues, trying to get a flat answer from him about these..mishaps. And I find it hard to get an answer, because Jagex seem to be completely happy with, as Bware said, "dusting it under the rug." I was rather furious when I heard about these cases, and even when another character of mine which had pmod status, was accused of bad thing without any evidence - although this personal anecdote may not be related as so - but it similar.








I was just, very very sad to see Jagex get away with this - although, since they own the game, what can be done..?



Legendary F2P Skiller

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Its scarry because somepeole will set you up.they will get you to say something or do something, or they will say something that is evidence against you. Now im amazed that I have no black marks, and never have. But I do alot of helping with quests, though I always make sure they ask, I never advertise giving quest help. Maby that helps.

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I havent posted in much in years As i have been keeping a low profile. I just want to play RS but I have not stop helping the community, friends and Jagex until recently this year.








I am not too shocked by this. As recently it keeps happening to my fellow friends ingame. People are reporting for anything anymore just to be picked as a pmod. The end result is u have newb jmods who dont know the game,dont know the community and dont even know the rules themselves obivousily by whats happening to everyone.








But they can own up to their mistakes, learn from their mistakes and correct their mistakes. We can forgive them easily if they do this as they are just human like us all. They also have to remember we are human behind the pixels and we too have feelings.








I am very concern whats going on with all this. Its the end of all free crafting,herb,smithing, ect to help not only lv up but also help those in the community who depend on those with the lvs to make for them.








I cant log in anymore without hearing complaints from my friends or go anywhere in the game without hearing complaints about Jagex. It saddens me as I have played this game for almost 6 years coming up and been proud to be a huge part of it and as well as helping Jagex where I could.








I wonder if I will ever have my own problems resolved. I was wrongfuly demodded as Pmod..but allowed to stay fmod for them because of the support from my follow pmods and jmods they couldnt publicly admit to being wrong..but they did that me but didnt even apologised for it. Instead of saving face..they decided to lie and say I resigned when majority of my pmod friends knows that was not true. I would of never resigned. Its totally unprofessional of how it was handled. I have done nothing but support the game, and the company. I have tried to deal with it as professionaly as I can but with no help from anyone and only to be ignored. So where is the years of thanks I got for helping them? Ended cause A jmod upset and couldnt read right and refused to show they were wrong and tried to brush everything under the rug.












I remember Andrew posting he will try his best to get things organized due to a tipit mod posted its complaints on news. I almost posted on it myself. Things are just getting worse instead of better.












So lesson in all this? I will stop helping people cause I am not a pmod, I will stop doing things for people such as crafting, herb, cause its not worth 5 and half years of hard work on my char and years of being a paying customer to get banned or blacked marked by someone reporting me and the new jmods not being trained correctly.
















So true. I'm amazed though I still remember when you Snow fox and Mrs. Crystler became forums mods ::' Yea but heres a little something to show you how bad jagex is,








Wow and i broke rule one how?[ this was in the middle of a pure war hence the over usage of *noob*] \'

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Wow and i broke rule one how?[ this was in the middle of a pure war hence the over usage of *noob*] \'








If you got a warning or ban for *that*... Quite extreme.








I must say, that, is in no way justified 'evidence' for a ban. Are the staff possibly trying to fill an 'efficiency quota' by banning a certain amount of 'abusers' monthly?

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Wow and i broke rule one how?[ this was in the middle of a pure war hence the over usage of *noob*] \'








If you got a warning or ban for *that*... Quite extreme.








I must say, that, is in no way justified 'evidence' for a ban. Are the staff possibly trying to fill an 'efficiency quota' by banning a certain amount of 'abusers' monthly?








I was under the impression that JAGeX stated on their website that the word "noob" is "not offensive" and means "new player", so don't report useages of the word. Contradiction?

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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