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aww, those bugs sounded like fun...


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Those of you who were here at the time of the RS2 beta may remember those bugs!




fixed: Sheep attacking you when you sheared them




fixed: There were no woodcutting level requirements




Fixed: Prayers drained [too] slowly




Fixed: By switching between Silverlight and your standard weapon you could hit silly amounts of damage on demons
<-- Anyone remember how much?




Melzar the mad sometimes hit stupidly hard
<-- heh




Fixed: Tower guards dropped big bones




Fixed: You could get 200 worms at once when pickpocketing gnomes




Fixed: You could sell runes to the magic guild shop for more than you bought them
<-- dang...




Fixed: The pickaxes didn't have level requirements to wield




Fixed: You could could continually drop copies Anna in a barrel to get a whole crowd of Annas




Fixed:You could swap a cat for death runes, log out, log back in and you would get your cat back




Fixed: One of the characters in the observatory quest would give you a half full jug of wine
<-- my favorite! :lol:




Fixed: You could smith studs on free servers.
<-- if only Jagex didn't fix that one...




Fixed: It was possible to attack fishing spots with magic





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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I must say I don't recall majority of those, though at the time I took very little interest in the beta, as I did not originally intend on switching over.




funny funny stuff, i wish i didn't quit for 5 years <.<




It's crazy how many people chose to take these "5 year breaks"...

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RS2 Beta was fun. Drop parties everywhere because people knew that everything was going to be restored after the beta ended. You could drop millions and millions without worrying about losing anything. And there is always someone (me :oops: ) who gets something at one of these drop parties and think they are rich.

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Fixed: Tower guards dropped big bones
fat guards






fixed: Sheep attacking you when you sheared them
That would be awsome




Fixed: It was possible to attack fishing spots with magic
haha funny


cast wind strike on fishing spot lvl 70 that'd be alot of fish.




cool bugs

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Anyone remember the cow glitch? It was fixed almost immediately, but the cow would leave attackable bones. I reported this bug, but did anyone else experience this bug?

You:Aol is messing my computer up.

Aol:You said you want to use broadband now?

You:NO! Aol lets in hackers...

Aol:Thanks for upgrading to premium services!

*$213 bill arrives in mail as computer crashes*

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Some pics of some bugs:








That pic is me a long time ago, im level 82 now.
















How the......








Well, I guess cows gotta sleep too.








-Watch that, Its a log in glitch, Dont believe it? Try it yourself, Its not fixed yet!








-Watch that, Its the runescape mine gltich, Pretty good xp :P
















I heard something about the knife glitch, Here it is, In RSC.
















Thats all for now, Hope you like those!

128+ Combat \\ 1900+ Total Level \\ 85M+ EXP

5,999th To 99 Woodcutting Achieved June 27, 2007

66,931st To 99 Strength Achieved January 23rd, 2009

Draconic Visage: 1+ \\ DK Drops: 169+ \\ GWD Drops: 74+

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