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Oh... The Irony!


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Agreed. I have never been pk-ed while rc-ing (Touch wood :anxious: ), and the pk-ers just drive up the prices. They're also weak, so they can just be owned when they become an annoyance. Sum-up: More money for Rever . \'

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i've been killed a few times i don't see the point in killin rcers... ya get a glory and some pure ess.. wow was that really worth your time? majority of the rc pkers have no skill whatsoever and couldn't kill someone armed

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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Not to get too off topic but I was wondering which abyss monster is best to kill for the pouches?


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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80rc, closest any abby pker came to killing me was getting me to 30hp left, the abby pkers bearly denet the price




Your signature is an oxymoron. Please take it off.




On Topic: We have 4 ways to avoid abyss pkers




Pk Them


Teleport Out if they entangle you


Run to Zamorak Mage if they teleblock you


Ancient Magicks Edgeville Teleport to save your glory




You should be able to avoid Abyss Pkers with any of those 4.

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Not to get too off topic but I was wondering which abyss monster is best to kill for the pouches?




Leeches, Leeches, and More leeches. The others are a total waste of time (especially walkers)

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Dragon Pickaxe Drops: 1 (Times after I first entered Battlefield: 2h)

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I wrote the exact same thing about a year ago and it turned into a flame war and got locked, go me :cry:




But yeah, they result in the prices going up then complain about it.




I dont mind because i get more gp for them attempting to pk me


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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I don't love them, nor do I hate them. They take my glories and pouches away, but they make RCing a bit more exciting. Did I say that they had a major effect on the prices? No, but they have some effect. Them along with supply and demand can raise the prices to an extra 5-10GP. Which is a decent amount.




I'm a level 72 with low strength, so I can rarely PK them. and I've been PKed many times. Sure, it's frusterating, but it's fun evading them when they're not the brightest crayon in the box. :)




acrump - This isn't a thread flaming them, this is a discussion. Go rant in the rants forum, I personally don't want this moved or locked.



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Wait. Shadorik, you really are lv 72... I had no idea :shock:


The santa is misleading :oops:




I see your point now... But it's not the greatest factor, nats still are a lot cheaper than before the Abyss. The wilderness balances it out though.


Good post :)

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Wait. Shadorik, you really are lv 72... I had no idea :shock:


The santa is misleading :oops:




I see your point now... But it's not the greatest factor, nats still are a lot cheaper than before the Abyss. The wilderness balances it out though.


Good post :)




Yeah, I get that A LOT. And thanks. :wink:



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I agree with the post. I know we hate to admit it, but rune and pure ess would be much more costly without autoers, who kind-of help the economy by allowing more runes to be made, and thus more high alchs and more money.


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it took you how long to figure this out?? :roll:








Meh it's been known to most people who rc for awhile... its just another stupid cycical that rs seems to go through








I've known it for a while, I just felt like psoting it today. :P



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if there are any abyss pker reading this please can you explain to me the following:








1) you kill rcers for maybe 100k worth of stuff IF YOUR LUCKY




2) the other pker next to your is wearing mage gear, dds, runes and not expeacting an attack




3) why not kill him?


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if there are any abyss pker reading this please can you explain to me the following:








1) you kill rcers for maybe 100k worth of stuff IF YOUR LUCKY




2) the other pker next to your is wearing mage gear, dds, runes and not expeacting an attack




3) why not kill him?








I think he/she is expecting an attack.

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if there are any abyss pker reading this please can you explain to me the following:








1) you kill rcers for maybe 100k worth of stuff IF YOUR LUCKY




2) the other pker next to your is wearing mage gear, dds, runes and not expeacting an attack




3) why not kill him?








Not being an abyss pker I can't say for sure, but I would imagine the answer is simple - they can fight back :D

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I agree with this topic.




True abyss pkers make rcing funner and more challenging.




Although the abyss pkers never seemed to be prepared for rcers attacking them back. :twisted:


  • Dragon Axe x11
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    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
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    Granite Maul x 3

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if there are any abyss pker reading this please can you explain to me the following:








1) you kill rcers for maybe 100k worth of stuff IF YOUR LUCKY




2) the other pker next to your is wearing mage gear, dds, runes and not expeacting an attack




3) why not kill him?








Most abyss pkers are weak, or not experienced in pking, that's why they kill abyss rcers, because they can't fight back.

Lamest attempt at a lure ever.
No, Ive seen "selling easter egg 5m must be level 78 77 or 76 and meet at varrock bar unarmed.
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Here's the ironic part:




Abyss PKers alch for Magic EXP > Complant about high nat prices > PK RCers for cash > Less RCers > Less nature runes in circulation > High nature rune prices > everyone complains








Everyone except Jagex and me complains I guess..








RC PKers are great for the RS economy. Jagex been trying to drain the economy for atleast a year now. :roll:








Seems like another complaint post to me. :boohoo:








I agree with the post. I know we hate to admit it, but rune and pure ess would be much more costly without autoers, who kind-of help the economy by allowing more runes to be made, and thus more high alchs and more money.








Yay hurra for autoers getting more money into the economy! =;








Oh wait I meant screw autoers.


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oh the irony :D








i think they'd be as high as they are even if there weren't abyss pkers though. :s

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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