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What do you usually do


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I usually bring a banana and we make gross jokes about it. xD




Or we talk about something really random, talk to anyone who happens to pass by, or just be like "Hey there's my Granpda over there, he's washing his underwear!!"








I could really care less, it's fun doing strange stuff so what the heck. XD

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Play football, video games, walk around, Yeah... Me and my cousin and his friend, we go in the backyard (10-15 yds long) and have little NFL mock playoffs. :lol:








Rock Paper Scissors for the team you want to be




Rock Paper Scissors for who gets ball first




All time QB.




Of course [puncture]er bush in one endzone :lol:

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During lunch, we'd play floor hockey with our feet and a bottle cap. :uhh: Sometimes though, we'd go up to the Canadian and World Studies department and go watch something online from one of the computers there.








But when we come over to each other's places, we either play basketball or just with consoles. We'd play Super Smash for hours sometimes. Or we'd take turns playing GTA.

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During lunch, we'd play floor hockey with our feet and a bottle cap. :uhh: Sometimes though, we'd go up to the Canadian and World Studies department and go watch something online from one of the computers there.








But when we come over to each other's places, we either play basketball or just with consoles. We'd play Super Smash for hours sometimes. Or we'd take turns playing GTA.








When I was a kid and still living in Edmonton, we played floor hockey after our prayers. You know when everyone is just socializing. A lot of kids would go and play floor hockey in the huge empty hall. It was very fun.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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most of the time me and my best friend just talk. We could talk for hours literally! We like to make up funny words to songs that already exhist its ausome, sorta like werid al. Id give you an example but someone might steal them. :?



*cough cough* They can't charge me for breaking into my own house *cough cough*

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Why? Are they going to shoot him with their sideways-pointed pistols?












um ya. :-s




Oh, yes. I fear for my life each and every time I venture out into the city.








God forbid that a "gangsta" would have enough testicular fortitude to back up their bad-boy-tough-guy image, let alone be able to land any hits before he takes a foot in the crotch.








unless you've actually been in a fight, you should not assume that stuff. messing with strangers purely for laughs is dangerous, gangster or not












when i'm with my friends, we usually have something planned ahead of time, so we're usually at the movies or the mall, or at someone's house playing video games. if not, we just play cards after school

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unless you've actually been in a fight, you should not assume that stuff. messing with strangers purely for laughs is dangerous, gangster or not




I have yet to meet a "gangsta" who didn't back down after you call their bluff when they threaten you.








Now, gangsters I'm genuinely afraid of. Mafiosi don't waste their time wearing their pants around their knees or freezing half to death in a singlet in the middle of winter to keep up an "image". Their suits are so damn stylish it's scary.

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Usually go out to dinner then walk around town. One of our favourite activities would definately be visiting the Apple Store near our favourite restaurant and taking pictures of us using that application Photo Booth, I think it's called. :XD:

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Sometimes we'll meet up in coffee shops in town before going to the cinema or for a bit of group shopping (semi fun).








Normally though we'll chill out at someone's house, maybe go for a bike ride if the weather's nice, or play tennis or go swimming.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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It gets dark quick but we just hang around our streets and shops talking and stuff looking like a menace to soceity. Well everyone does in the dark.



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a foot to the crotch? :-s Thats what girls do. :shame:




No, it's what people who aren't morons do in a fight.








Ahh yes the cowards way of fighting. A knee in the crotch then run.




Ah. So I take it you've never been in an actual fight where the other guy is determined to beat the everliving snot out of you for kicks, and maybe take your stuff while he's at it?








Please. When you can get that stigma out of your head that fighting with everything available to you is somehow "cowardly" or "dishonourable", I might take you seriously.








It's not like you'd tell every man who ever sprayed a Vickers or a Lewis at a pack of Germans charging their trenches that they were cowards for not dropping their machine-guns, fixing bayonets and charging right back.

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A bunch of us often wind up cuddling on someone's bed watching a movie. Alternatively, sit around and talk, with some music in the background. Alternatively, mud wrestle topless.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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We play mario games a lot. (super smash bros. and mario cart) :P








Sometimes we just find something completely random to do or go driving around and get something to eat.












I love mario games, i play em all the time lol

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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