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Saru's Blog - Back? Maybe? Idk lol got an Araxxi Web drop

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You said one of your friends is gay, so you can't hang out with him. How'd you figure that?




I read the whole thing. Saru, you ARE liked, you do need to sort out your life, but just be happy. Tell your parents to stop trying to live through their children, and just do what YOU want to do,

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You can still play RS, but you have to set a limit and only play once all other things are done. Another way to kick the game and meet new people IRL, is volunteer. If you like something like cooking then go volunteer at some place and help cook christmas dinners for hobos if you want. It may sound boring but it feels real good when you do it. Anyways, there's always tons of stuff to do irl, not just school, but other things. Volunteering helps kick runescape addiction for me at least. Meeting new friends is the best part. I help out at a radioshow with the sound board, talk, give comments, talk to peeps, etc. Everyone there knows me and we hang like :D




Yah, I'm in 8th grade, so we're not that different.




My parents and bro always said get out of the house ( as advice, not mean :P ).. Really helps. Out in the big world there's tons of stuffs to do.


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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That paragraph was compelling Saru, and your pretty much right but for some things. Like for one that you ARE LIKED by many people, example your friends on rs and on tif, and don't get offensive when people say stop playing a 5 year old game. They don't know what it's all about. I used to be EXACTLY like you. This game became too impulsive to play so I quit 2-3 times for months. And when I try to think about god I too think about rs. You and I are alike but yet I barely talk to you. What I'm trying to say is that don't let people bring you down because you are an individual and it's true that no one man/woman could be liked by EVERYONE, everyone has someone who hates them loves them and cares for them. I'm just saying don't get overwealmed by it and what you need probably is to take a month or two off of rs because what my parents did is that they got this computer thing where they could control what hours I'm aloud to go on rs. It works for me but I'm just saying don't let other people's opinions control you, you control yourself. But also, my parents also told me that rs was like an addiction to a drug for me, and they were right. I always needed mroe and more of it. But there is always things to stop it like the things I listed above. And also don't go on rs before all of your work is done, or else you don't end up doing it and your grades slip.





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Pretty tough post there mate.


Sorry to hear youre having such a hard time with all this crap =\ All I can say is that for so many of us having read that pretty huge post and posting a supportive post, I think you have more than enough reasons to stay here :P


I can't say much atm I gtg in like 1 min (lol) but we'll talk better about this in game




Take care mate and btw listening to music nice&loud is the best tbh <3:


Runescaper since June 2005


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You said one of your friends is gay, so you can't hang out with him. How'd you figure that?




I read the whole thing. Saru, you ARE liked, you do need to sort out your life, but just be happy. Tell your parents to stop trying to live through their children, and just do what YOU want to do,




My parents wouldn't let him come over....






Thanks guys.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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You said one of your friends is gay, so you can't hang out with him. How'd you figure that?




I read the whole thing. Saru, you ARE liked, you do need to sort out your life, but just be happy. Tell your parents to stop trying to live through their children, and just do what YOU want to do,




My parents wouldn't let him come over....






Thanks guys.




Your parents sound like :uhh:


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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I can't really say anything that hasn't been said before, but so what if you want to get on Runescape when you're doing something else?


Let yourself think about Runescape, just continue on with whatever you're doing in real life, be is homework, worship, whatever.




And you know perfectly well basically everyone at tip.it likes you a lot, and even having a small amount of friends in real life is fine, works for me. Small amount of very good friends.




I really really hope you don't leave forever Sam, I'd miss you too much.




Happy birthday in advance.

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Last year I had the SAME exact feeling you had.




Then, my dad passed and my mom started dating again, now my moms boyfriend has two children, a girl who is 14 and a boy who is my age - 15.




I like to spend LOTS of time with them because I live in a high-classed neighborhood and the thing is, there are NO kids near me.




I'm not going to lie, I've got plenty of friends irl, but none that I hang out with outta school.




My grades have dropped recently, so low I couldn't even play Basketball through the school, it's a shame, because that's one of tho only things I truly enjoy to do, other then RuneScape, there are about 5 other kids in my grade who play RuneScape. They are all made fun of in harsh ways, so I don't dare tell anyone I play, but the 5 or so kids who do play in my school, they know, it's good to sometimes just go online and chat with them about how I'm 10K from a mage level, or just got a dragon drop or whatever it may be.




I haven't had a girlfriend for a couple years, it's not because I'm ugly/overweight, many people think I'm hot, and I've got some of the best abbs in my grade, but I just can't think of a life of going out with a girl instead of coming home to get that attack level or whatever it may be.




I've tried many many times to take breaks, I've even gotten my accounts banned, all I did was get extremely upset at what I did and then made a new character and had to restart all over again.




Bottom line is, do what YOU want to do, some kids hate me now, but the thing is, I won't know 90% of them in 10 years.




I hope you get a chance to read this because me and you are one in the same.




Much love,






Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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You said one of your friends is gay, so you can't hang out with him. How'd you figure that?




I read the whole thing. Saru, you ARE liked, you do need to sort out your life, but just be happy. Tell your parents to stop trying to live through their children, and just do what YOU want to do,




My parents wouldn't let him come over....






Thanks guys.




Your parents sound like :uhh:




well saru it was nice meeting you. you are a great person. good luck in real life =69

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Just had my b day party with my family, we didn't have enough money for a party with friends, cause my dad got a freakin' stupid 360 for my bro. And it was like $500, I hate console games.






I got...












Only 4 gbs, but still. Its got an awesome screen. The only thing is, is all my 90 songs are WMA, and so they won't load on my Ipod. Anyone know of a LEGAL way to change it to Mp3 that requires no installation?









when i got my ipod i had the same problem all i did was burn all my songs onto a CD then take the cd and load it onto itunes this should work although u use around 8-10 CDS


dk drops- 35 x dragon hatchet 35 x berserker ring 37 x warrior ring

Dragon drops- 4x left half 2 x med helm 4x skirt 2 x legs 4x shard 9 x claws

Bandos drops-6x Tassets 2x boots 4x chestplate 1x hilt[/color]

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Guest Kickpointy
I read the entire thing, it got me hooked, but the things is Saru; is that you ARE liked. Everyone (well almost) everyone Likes/Loves you here. We may be internet friends you'll never meet in your life, but we're your friends nonetheless.









True Dat. Bow said what I was going to say in a more proper way :P





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I can't really say anything that hasn't been said before, but so what if you want to get on Runescape when you're doing something else?


Let yourself think about Runescape, just continue on with whatever you're doing in real life, be is homework, worship, whatever.




And you know perfectly well basically everyone at tip.it likes you a lot, and even having a small amount of friends in real life is fine, works for me. Small amount of very good friends.




I really really hope you don't leave forever Sam, I'd miss you too much.




Happy birthday in advance.










Well, my b-day is tomorrow. And I'm feeling pretty apathetic about it... I'm doing my homework tonight instead of tomorrow so I can hang out with joo guys.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Saru... you are liked, and who the hell said that to be important it has be in a certain place. Real life is harsh, we all learn that sooner or later. All your friends on rs are real friends. Even though you can't see their face there's still a face behind that computer screen. Tbh [bleep] real life, don't conform. If you feel that quiting is going to help you then you will quit and no one can say anything that would stop you. But I don't see how quiting would help, sure you'd fit in in real life, but you know who cares whether you play runescape or not in real life? Judgemental [wagon] that you'll be rid of forever in the short time it takes to get through highschool. I <3 you saru and so do all your other friends on rs.




(btw paragraphs are your friend :shock: ) <3:<3:<3:<3:



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Hey Saru, I read the whole thing. I suggest you get a membership to a local gym or fitness center, and try to work out there daily. Working out and excercise is proven to put people in better moods, and along with giving you something to do, it's a good way to meet/hang out with people you normally wouldnt hang out with.




I go to mine once every day or two, lift with some friends (that i wasn't even friends with last year), then we all play some pick up games of basketball, its pretty fun.




Like everyone said, you are liked, so don't give up

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I read the entire thing, it got me hooked, but the things is Saru; is that you ARE liked. Everyone (well almost) everyone Likes/Loves you here. We may be internet friends you'll never meet in your life, but we're your friends nonetheless.









True Dat. Bow said what I was going to say in a more proper way :P








Beat you to it. :) Neener, neener, neener.



Jump_GP is a fail merch clan.

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lol. YOU not being liked? Look at your screenies. you almost always have at least one person in. You have tons of friends online ( including me <3: ) people say they don't count as friends, but its no different then a friend you know irl moving away and just talking to him a lot. I know how it is to want to be liked and not being able to. we share several of the same problems.




ANd you wanting to get online? thats not wanting to play, thats wanting to hang out. we need to stick together saru. [hide=so don't quit] Or god will hate you, the world shall end and I will light you on fire.Yes. I said it. Zofromg.[/hide][/hide]

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You will always be liked, also by your irl friends just make sure you keep in touch with them. I'm starting to fail at talking to them irl and i onlt talk this girl i like [shifty eyes] don't get any funny thought -.-

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Lol guys.






Yay, I R 17. Woots






Happy b day Deio and Lowc!!

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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