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Best/Worst Slayer Assignments


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Best: 150 Fire Giants.....*drool*




Worst: Bronze dragons..I had like 12, and I went and killed 'em all myself because I had no idea how horribly terrible they are. I know now, though. TGFB (thank goodness for Burthrope).














do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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194 dags...or 199 Lessers is my best.




Worse was either 15 black dragons or 197 Hell hounds or 192 Black Demons...they take too long to kill and I rather not burthope...unless they're metal dragons.

99 Fletch~~99 WC~~79/81 Fishing

87/94 Magic~~84 Range

Etha! Saradomin Forever~CW

CB: 107 Total: 1788+


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194 dags...or 199 Lessers is my best.




Worse was either 15 black dragons or 197 Hell hounds or 192 Black Demons...they take too long to kill and I rather not burthope...unless they're metal dragons.








dude hellhounds rock i dont know what u talking about they give out tons of clue scrolls and are very easy to kill.








also why does everyone hate metal dragons... ive never killed one before so dont know about those.








best: 169 trolls.... so freaking easy




worst: meaning what hardest or something? ill have to sasy 109 elves before finishing roving elves... that is hard as hell


lulz wut?

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Worst: Dagannoths (Waste so much food!)











wth are you talking about?! do you not wear armour or something?




go spend a measly 200k and get 1k cannon balls




get some guthans set up your cannon and relax, if you get a task of like 150 thats like a 15-20 min task with guthan + cannon




easy as pie, fastest slayer xp


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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worst- 178 infernal mages (they eat up food quick, even with blk d hide)




best- 198 dagganoth \'








Infernals are really effortless.








Use bones to peaches. 2 casts will keep you going for a whole assignment if you wear hides.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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worst is kalphites, u have to go through the desert, the weaker ones hardly drop anything, the stronger ones poison you :evil: no point in fighting them




















best are bloodvelds, aberant spectars, blue dragons, anything that gives good drops and exp

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why does everyone hate turoths so much, they are great range exp and decent drops (then again i could be biased after getting a robin from one of their clues)
















favs: turoths, jellies, aberrant specters, dagannoths (any number)








worst: metal drags and my worst assignment of all time (probably) 12 cave bugs (from zanaris)

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Best: Steel dragons, because they are the strongest non-boss monsters that has good drops.








Let's see, worst, oh yeah, that might be one of the following:








Earth Warrior




Green Dragon








or other wilderness only creatures since you have to worry about strong PKers that can hit over 25 :notalk:

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my best is 125 iron dragons, and my worst was those dang harpie bug swarms...




harpie bug swarms? lol I like them :)








best: 130 harpy bug swarms (I rly love the fires you get)




worst: how are they called again #-o 113 of those "killerwats"

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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my best is 125 iron dragons, and my worst was those dang harpie bug swarms...




harpie bug swarms? lol I like them :)








best: 130 harpy bug swarms (I rly love the fires you get)




worst: how are they called again #-o 113 of those "killerwats"




HARPY BUGS ARE THE DEVIL. I lost my internet connection four times killing 100+ of them #-o Anyways...








Best: Dagganoths, or Basilisks




Worst: Bloodvelds (sadly, they hit really hard on me :-# ) and Metal Dragons.

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Best: 111 mogres. i was a pretty low level. i gained like 2 combat levels, as well as 3 range levels. I lost all my arrows though. xD








worst: 230 trolls. I was also a low level then. they i killed on food =x




but i finished it :thumbsup:

"Fearing fear is a sign of weakness"

"What if we fear fearing fear"

ignore my "joined" date. i forgot to check my email for a while :P

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Best:Abberant spectres.




Worst:Bloodveld :boohoo:




bloodvelds have the def of a chicken and hardly hit thru hides/karils lol




Yep, easy to kill with huge hp and great blood rune drops. One of the best tasks you can get. Other good ones are aberrant specters, dagannoths, dust devils, kalphite, and black demons.








The worst task is without a doubt desert lizards. *Shudder*








agreed i hate desert lizards i get them like ounce every 4 or 5 assignments which annoys the hell out of me -.-








ive only gotten kaplphites ounce but that was fun, and i love infernal mages and bloodvelds and jellies with there rune full helm drop :XD:


lucky barrower-dh legs,veracs skirt,karil skirt, karils top (x3), dh pl8,karils coif,half key(x2), x-bow, ahrims robetop

goodbye Piman1053 Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:05 pm

326death326 is banned~~~EVERYONE ADD MY NEW MAIN "Y0uknowwho" (first o is a zero)

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Best: 111 mogres. i was a pretty low level. i gained like 2 combat levels, as well as 3 range levels. I lost all my arrows though. xD








worst: 230 trolls. I was also a low level then. they i killed on food =x




but i finished it :thumbsup:




you dont get more than 199 in 1 task

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Worst was Abberant Specters. As I wore a Black Mask instead of a Noseplug and lost 800k dying. :-# Barrows Gloves protect over Black Mask... -.-








Best was Dusties as I got a Dragon Chain off them.

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harpie bug swarms, desurt lizards and wall beasts have to be the worst ones ever.








i tryed to kill harpies on my pure, :shame: NEVER gonna do that again,




full invin of lobs gone sooo fast.








infernals pwn dood!! i have bones to peaches on my pure and it pwns

i don't play psykick anymore... i play 2ed: "pure fett"


26081 to get 99 herblore

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