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RuneScape in an educational settings


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While RuneScape is designed to be somewhat educational, it obviously cannot replace normal education. However, we can wonder what thigns RuneScape teaches us.








According to the Parents' Guide, RuneScape teaches us the problem solving, how to be safe online, and the importance of security.








However, RuneScape also indirectly teaches us some academic subjects.








So far, the ones I've found are:
















In regression analysis, we determine the correlation (shown by the correlation constant r) between two sets of data, such as the fishing and cooking experience of players in a random sample. In this case, we can expect a positive correlation, and if we plot the cooking and fishing experiences, we can expect the plot to somewhat resemble a straight line.








We can use probability theory to estimate the number of successful times we smelt iron. For example, since iron has a 50% chance of filing, the rms standard deviation of the box model is 0.5. Due to the square root law, if we smelt 10,000 pieces of iron ore, we can expect to be successful 5,000 ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ 50 times. The 50 is the standard error. Due to the normal curve, we would successfully smelt 5,000 ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ 50 iron 68% (1 standard error) of the time, and 5,000 ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ 100 (2 standard errors) 95% of the time. In other words, if you smelt 100 sets of 10,000 iron ores, you'll get between 4,900 and 5,100 successful smelts on about 95 of those sets.








Operations research








Operations research is the process of maximizing benefits while dealing with constraints.








For example, here's a RuneScape implementation of the knapsack problem.








Suppose that you're a free version pker who is planning to PK archers. Suppose that you want rune armor with the bets range defense, but you only have a limited amount of cash.








You have a limited budget of 100,000 gp.








rune chain: 35k, 65 ranged defense




rune legs: 50k, 49 ranged defense




rune large: 30k, 30 ranged defense




rune kite: 50k, 46 ranged defense




rune medium: 10k, 22 ranged defense




rune square: 25k, 38 ranged defense








The rune medium and large are mutually exclusive, as are the rune square and rune kite.








So we define 6 variables, x1 to x6. x1 = 1 if the player buys the rune chain, 0 otherwise, and so on.








We must then solve the following linear programming problem (in thousands of gp, if applicable).








maximize z = 65x1 + 49x2 + 30x3 + 46x4 + 22x5 + 38x6








s.t. (subject to) 35x1 + 50x2 + 30x3 + 50x4 + 10x5 + 25x6 ÃÆââââ¬Ã°Ãâä 100 (gp constraint)




x4 + x6 ÃÆââââ¬Ã°Ãâä 1 (shield constraint)




x3 + x5 ÃÆââââ¬Ã°Ãâä 1 (helmet constraint)




x1 to x6 = 0 or 1








(I might be wrong on the mutual exclusion part.)








As we can see, RuneScape does have pretty interesting academic problems!








If anyone knows any more, feel free to post!





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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mom, can i buy runescape?








it is educative








look what it says












I have never felt myself more intelligent for playing RS

No! You'll die if you try to kill that farmer!
nah whips should be as left as is. besides theyre the intestine of an abbysal demon (i think) have fun crafting that.
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Well, you certainly can't learn English from RS, that's for sure. Unless you consider "haha n00b I pwnz0r'd j00r @$$" English.








You learn basic business skills though, like marketing (big flashy text) and profit margins (buy low, sell high), and whatnot.




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Also the part where you learn about different kinds of fish, rock, etc.



Hacked on January 5, 2007 --> Lost: 56.4M, Santa Hat, Purple Partyhat, Green Partyhat, Christmas Cracker

people who get rich and do it legit like joob and I always get f'd over in the end.
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Runescape also teaches another important rule, Finders keepers, loosers weepers... (in relation to things like pking, staking, or drop trading... [i mean I don't no anyone who does that, or do I...])


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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Also the part where you learn about different kinds of fish, rock, etc.




And where Obisian comes from :wink: I was the only one who knew that in my science class :P








*puts obisian rock on back* look, obby cape!

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Basic math? :? All RS ever helps people is typing a little bit faster, but for some that doesn't matter because they all use leet speak too much. And for some, it can create anger problems. So you have 2 things you gain from it, IMO.








Type a bit faster? Or not type at all and appear faster? = Macro :wink:



Hacked on January 5, 2007 --> Lost: 56.4M, Santa Hat, Purple Partyhat, Green Partyhat, Christmas Cracker

people who get rich and do it legit like joob and I always get f'd over in the end.
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It helps to improve math in your head. Also, if you don't play too much, you will become more social. Of course the addiction can cause you to do the exact opposite thing.








Unless theres a calculator beside you. :wall:



Hacked on January 5, 2007 --> Lost: 56.4M, Santa Hat, Purple Partyhat, Green Partyhat, Christmas Cracker

people who get rich and do it legit like joob and I always get f'd over in the end.
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a few things i learned fron runescape and got the answer right in class:




(1)that copper and tin make bronze




(2)flour and water make bread (with yeast of course)




(3)obsidian comes from volcanoes (as said in an earlier post)




(4)weeds and other organic things can be made into compost (is that really true?)




as you can see, runescape is educational

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a few things i learned fron runescape and got the answer right in class:




(1)that copper and tin make bronze




(2)flour and water make bread (with yeast of course)




(3)obsidian comes from volcanoes (as said in an earlier post)




(4)weeds and other organic things can be made into compost (is that really true?)




as you can see, runescape is educational








yeah, compost actually is made up from organic things, but i usually see like orange rinds and such. ANyway, i'ive found some words, and math things helpful, however most math is simple multiplication in the game, addition and subtraction occasionally.

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Some people said that it helps you type faster..




But most people that play RuneScape (most, but not all.) use short-hand words, and other little shortcuts (Thx, sry, pls/plz.) so yes, they might be able to spell those words a bit quicker, but not the same for normal vocabulary.

Wha.. What..? Where am I?

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ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ ÃÆââââ¬Ã°Ãâä








How do you type those???

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a few things i learned fron runescape and got the answer right in class:




(1)that copper and tin make bronze




(2)flour and water make bread (with yeast of course)




(3)obsidian comes from volcanoes (as said in an earlier post)




(4)weeds and other organic things can be made into compost (is that really true?) (it takes 1 year... irl...)




as you can see, runescape is educational








but for ppol who dont talk nglish mutch it can realy be educational, like for me... if you just count the forums... and anywhere els where i type english... it was none 2,5 years ago :) and now... \'








do something fun and youll learn it...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Okay, it took me a lot of work to grab all the quotes I wanted to reply to in one shot, so please, no flames! Read on below:




Yeah, I don't see how the med and kite are mutually exclusive.




Btw, I hate stats so much <.<




Sadly, I can see you mis-read the person's post. The helmets and kites ARE NOT exclusive of each other. He was saying that the Kite and Square shields were exclusive of each other, and that the full(large) and medium helms were exclusive of each other, not intermixing in exclusiveness. And yes, stats can be quite a pain. :)












Oh I find plenty to amuse myself mathematically just by figuring out simple things for training, like the number of runes you need for a certain magic level, the end hp level of a pure at the end of training, etc.




Knowing how far from your goals you are can instill hope. Keep at the math work. :)












You learn basic business skills though, like marketing (big flashy text) and profit margins (buy low, sell high), and whatnot.




Very true. RuneScape's economy appears to have near-real-life aspects, including the rares market, which I now realize is effectively like a high-volatility stock market. Thank you for waking me up as to this. :)













Also the part where you learn about different kinds of fish, rock, etc.




And where Obisian comes from :wink: I was the only one who knew that in my science class :P








*puts obisian rock on back* look, obby cape!




Hahahahaha :lol: ... Very funny! I don't think we'd all want to lug around a rock, though.












Basic math? :? All RS ever helps people is typing a little bit faster, but for some that doesn't matter because they all use leet speak too much. And for some, it can create anger problems. So you have 2 things you gain from it, IMO.




It helps with far more than you have thought of here. Just read some of my above typing in this post here to get a better idea. And BTW, RuneScape ultimately is NOT real life. So I do try to leave some mental room for all those just blowing steam around me.













ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâñ ÃÆââââ¬Ã°Ãâä




How do you type those???




Try some of the "Alt + Numpad(4-digit)" combos. You might learn something. :wink:












It also teaches you it's ok to kill people, they respawn!




[sarcasm] Very funny. [/sarcasm] Like I said up above, 2 quotes back, RuneScape IS NOT REAL LIFE... You have to remember this when other players' characters die in-game, as well as if your own dies. If you let something like death in-game get to you too much, and let it turn you into a murderer in real life, then you probably need to get off RuneScape and forget playing it again, especially since you'll likely end up in jail next for what you did in real life. (Dang, one less RuneScaper because they went mentally insane.)












Okay, I'm exhausted for a bit. -.- Please excuse me while I take a break.








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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a few things i learned fron runescape and got the answer right in class:




(1)that copper and tin make bronze




as you can see, runescape is educational




Don't forget that iron smelts into iron (seriously?!), and iron and carbon(coal) make steel.


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I would rather turn it the other way around - academic subjects can be applied everywhere. ;) After all, you're not going to learn about statistics and lineair programming problems by playing RuneScape. :P








Anyway, it is not without reason that the academic world has a huge interest in mmog's because of this. They are an interesting and useful research area for subjects varying from sociology and psychology to economics, politics and applied mathematics. :)









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Ah yes, the sociology of Runescape is fascinating. There's like a whole class system going within this extremely complex economy. I was just thinking about it the other day...








I mean take steel plates for instance...




-Someone buys a large number of steel plates to high alch or resell or whatever...




-Someone obviously had to smith all of those steel plates from steel bars




-Someone made the steel bars from iron and coal, and sold them to the smelter




-Someone had to mine the iron and coal in order to sell them to the bar maker.








It's really quite interesting to see how intricate and specialized the RS economy has become in 5-6 years. I mean, people are starting to make mini-corporations to integrate all these steps. We take this for granted, but it took lots and lots of development.




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