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When a noob follows you...


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im just ignoring them... or leading them to the wildy without saying anything...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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I generally deal with people that follow me in one of two ways depending on what kind of mood I am in at the moment.








Good mood: You want something?








Anti-social mood: Sod off loser.



The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI.

First Dragon Drop 5/6/2006 -Dragon Med from Bronze Dragon :D

First Barrows Item From Chest 2/20/2007 - Verac's Brassard :D

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Anti-social mood: Sod off loser.








finally somebody else who uses sod off as an insult i do love that phrase <3:








for me, Good mood = let them tag along if they just want a taxi or ignore if begging








Bad mood = launch into full blown argument of why they are an awful person WHILST not using any bad language that can get me muted/banned

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I'd be more than happy to talk to them or give them advice!




Unless they start begging, that's a different story!!


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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I says "yes" and when they ask something I either help them, anwser the question, or say why I cant help. Its always worked for me, and if I dont feel likeanwsering I simply act stupid ( yes it does work ) so:








make me full rune




wuts full rune




its armor noob, make me it




Whats armor?




its what you wear are you making it or not???




Huh? I didnt get that, come again please?




I said make me full rune




Oh why didnt you say so?




So can you make it now?




Make what?








Works everytime....








Same. Always works. Except that one guy who followed me for 2 hours..

Lamest attempt at a lure ever.
No, Ive seen "selling easter egg 5m must be level 78 77 or 76 and meet at varrock bar unarmed.
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If generally: Hi there.




If they say 'Hi' back, I'll ask if they're OK. I'm usually quite nice to them unless they begin to harass me.








If at the Patch: Kah Bah Gee!




A 'Lol' normally follows from them ;)


Thanks Choas for the Avatar and Petry for the sig (You know who you are) :)

Optimistic Elder in Runescape's only cult, The Order of Cabbage.

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If someone's asking for help, I usually help them. But if they're asking for free stuff, I'm like "public chat off."


[brought to you by the Cult of the Sacred Crate]

17th to 99 Smithing OSRS

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i just let them follow me without saying a word








if they ask for directions I tell them to go south, north, whatever, Off course I don't stop, just keep walking.








if they start begging i say: "how about no?" and ignore them or I simply ignore them from the beginning and continu to do whatever I did, it is their own time they're wasting ...



the lone wolf is howling at the moon, fear his strenght, or meet his teeth

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Well, if the noob continues following me after I've said "No!" I make something up like "You'll be following me into the wilderness" of course I'm lying, but the noobs often leaves me alone then they see that.








I always answer "What?" when someone is following me.

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if they start to beg I beg back :D




than they run away pretty quik lol and works everytime


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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Teleport. It always works. Doesn't really matter where, as long as they can't follow you








Lol,lest they follow you and teleport.








But that would almost be undoable right??




Right?? :ohnoes:

A long as there are tests,there will be prayer in public schools.

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Strange no one seems to follow me








Wait 'till your level 97 and say that again. :evil:


7 months ago, shoulen m0nk lured me for everything. If you know anything about him, pm me.

lol that was a good story but his eyesight must be poor... it's a well known fact that mods only drop garages on players. :lol:
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