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How do you view yourself?


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I can look very serious to the outside world,but those that know me know I am a real group-animal.I Hate being alone and if I have an opinion I will speak it.


How many 'scapers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


1 to screw it in and 49 to complain how better it was before.

Was signed,Kioh Twan

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a geek, i get told i have a way with words by pretty much every english teacher and girl i meet lol, i'm a ladies man :o








Contradiction, get off my tif.












My personality varies. I'm generally a bubbly, active person and love to have a good laugh. (Heh, sounds like some dating ad) I'm not usually centre of attention, though.

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Hmm, I guess pretty normal. Not the smartest guy in the world, but certainly not the dumbest. Timid with strangers, outgoing with friends and collegues. And never afraid to give an opinion, but I also keep things to myself because I believe it's not always necessary to give your opinion. And I tend to word dirty things in a way that the listener visualizes too much. Which can be quite shocking from time to time. Oh, I don't have trouble operating in a group or alone. Oh, and arrogant when it comes down to movies. I look down on both snobby and pop-corn audiences. And in my own language I can be funny as well.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I'm the person where someone might walk up to me, look at my black clothing, and think, "Stupid gothic emo." I'm the kind of person who walks around in school and realizes how brain-dead everyone is, and how hollow, biased, and stereotypical their opinions and sayings are that they say are "right". I'm the kind of person who fights back at people harder than hard, and tries to teach all the social-climbers of my school their errors with harsh but true insults. I'm the kind of person who realizes that the people in this school act like they're not mean and that they want peace and love, but they don't treat everyone in this school the same and reject those who don't wear Hollister and talk about shopping and clothes.








In a word, I'm the detector of 21st Century racism.

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Silent timebomb.








When you decide to blow up, make sure I'm in another country :P
















How do I view myself..? I think 'About Me" is a little better title for this..








Hi, I'm Ryan.




I'm pretty social and hate being alone. I don't feel like I talk much but I've been told to 'quit talking so much' quite a few times. I usually keep my opinions to myself unless I'm asked for the sake of keeping peace. I'm emo but not the stereotype. I surpress a lot of my feelings and let them out through art rather than physically or vocally. You can't classify me by the music I listen to because I listen to a little bit of everything. I usually have a fairly optimistic outlook on life. I hate having a routine and enjoy change/things to be spontaneous.

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Quite shy around girls, Open around my closest mates.








I do tend to be the ladies man, I find it easy to get girls. (Man, My ego is huge right now)








If i think something, I will say it.








If i want to do something, I will do it.








If i don't, then i won't








I like to be independant most of the time, But love to join in group activities.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I'm a GOD. :shock:
















No but lets see if I was force to describe my self I'd have to say I'm Generally I nice guy, I tend to get annoyed sometimes, mainly by people who correct me :roll: or try to.... :? in those cases I can be a real jerk. :thumbsup:


Once in a life time!


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I guess im pretty average at school.But all my friends think im always high anyone that meets me thinks the same.I do fight alot with some of my friends in a fight club sort of way we pull pranks all the time.I guess




all my teachers would consider us hoodlums but we are not that bad.Its




all in good fun and most the times i can get a couple good punches when




they really deserve it.My friends not the teachers i dont punch teachers.




yet!!! :twisted:

Chuck norris's beard hair grants you imortality

but then the razor sharp hair will rip holes in

your intestine's and you will die a painful death

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I'm a quiet person, even to those that I know. I'm usually in a cheerful mood, and I like to be nice to people. One word that would describe me is "timid". I can be outgoing, but I like to sit back and observe people and situations. I'm also quite open-minded and I can be stubborn at times. Rarely am I irritable or angry, but when I am, it's not good to get in my way.

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Silent timebomb.








When you decide to blow up, make sure I'm in another country :P
















How do I view myself..? I think 'About Me" is a little better title for this..








Hi, I'm Ryan.




I'm emo but not the stereotype. I surpress a lot of my feelings and let them out through art rather than physically or vocally. You can't classify me by the music I listen to because I listen to a little bit of everything. I usually have a fairly optimistic outlook on life. I hate having a routine and enjoy change/things to be spontaneous.




I've always thought calling yourself emo meant you're acknowledging being the stereotype. What is emo about you? Because it doesn't really sound like you are.

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When i feel save and comfortable with people i'm infectious enthusiastic and visionary. That's how i like being most. It really depends on the people i'm with though. Most of the time i feel just like the reflection in a mirror. I'm the sun and i hate it when i have to hide myself. Often i feel smothered and encaged. I need space, plenty of space. Basically i'm a really simple person, but i feel distorted by all those rules, laws and reglementations. I don't need them, i don't want them. Once i was in love, but i was afraid of doing anything wrong, so i did everything wrong. Once i was beat up and i wouldn't defend myself, because i was scared to do anything wrong. I'm the sun and you'll know me when i'm done. Hehe.. guess i could make some lyrics out of that.

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I am silly and outgoing when I want to be or with friends. By myself I am more quiet and secluded. I can never seem to finish anything, and I tend to loose interest in things over time. I'm an idea person, and I'm always thinking of the next big thing I want to do. I always plan, I usually plan everything and worry if I don't. I do take what people say about me very personally, so my self-esteem isn't top notch. I don't play team sports because I'm too afraid I'll let the team down. From time to time, I also like to show off a little bit, and try to out do myself and everyone else.


Me doing staff.

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Anti-social would probably be too far, I don't avoid but I don't go out of my way to get involved either.




I also don't like to talk about myself. If you don't ask, you don't learn nothing - and I like it that way. No point throwing yourself out there when it isn't needed or wanted.

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Well, some girls find it attractive when a guy is a bit shy, some even see it as 'mysterious', and they get a kick out of that. :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Hi, I'm Mike, for those who didn't know.








I'm extremely kind and I have been told that I am the nicest person in our school by numerous people. I am an Honors and High Honors student. I consider myself ugly, but we all under-judge ourselves. I know a lot of girls that like me though :P. I'm Jewish and Catholic. I'm shy everywhere but in school with my colleagues and family. I am obsessed with Baseball. I have a lot of good friend's.








There's me.

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Hi, I'm Mike, for those who didn't know.








Hiiii Miiike.












Hello, I am Cad. I've been an alchoholic for... 3 years now. I've tried going cold turkey, but then realised chicken > turkey so I went cold chicken. I mostly get wasted on Scotch, but I am from England, so I call it Engh. Harder to pronounce but much more patriotic.




I will probably be attending these meetings every day that I am not out of my face and hope to stop drinking when I turn 35. Everyone wish me a happy 20th birthday! But that is about 5 years away, so forget it.








That does me. Next?

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woah, this thread is overflowing with egotism. lets try to see how much we can brag about our lives, or exaggerate them! or both! wooohooo








this thread promotes the justification of oneself. you dont need an internet forum to ask you what you think












how do i view myself? i dont care, how others around me view me is the only thing thats important

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