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How do YOU make money?


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Merchanting crap to dumb F2Pers. Some may call it scamming but its not my fault they don't know that most of the stuff I'm selling them is over priced :)

Always Rollin' in RSC

Do you love Harry Potter ?

sdik 3 evah yeht ,ynnig seirram yrrah

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I make quite a bit of money from doing slayer (slayer drops and lvl 3 clues). I don't like fletching that much, but it does give me a boost to my funds. Catching raw sharks, then selling. Barrows can also be good when I'm bored and feeling lucky.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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I made my money through Yew trees, but now that I have enough money to satisfy my greed (well the part that doesn't mind living without a santa hat), I cut willows to get faster wcing xp.








Otherwise, I make money from combat and a bunch of other skills :anxious: .

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sharks when im feeling social or need around 1+ million








flax when im not or dont need alot of cash


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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I get this question alot in game.








I've been playing too long to make money the boring ways.








Top money makers in order of effectiveness.








1) Dag Kings. Nothing beats it.




2) Abby Demons. One whip is almost 2 mil.




3) Barrows. The runes are the money maker, and the items are a bonus.




4) Blue Dragons. I'm going for 99 range, sell the skins and bones.




5) Clue Scrolls. These come from the blues and abbies. And slayer.




6) Yew fletching. Dag Kings drops alot of yew logs.








I never RC. I never chop my own yews. I never PK.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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I don't *make* money. I have no specific way of doing it. But I don't buy stuff either, and I have general goals that I'll aim for. At the moment my main target is to get all the quests i can do done, then get the skills needed to finish off the rest. I also flat refuse to buy raw materials. I find the exp more rewarding, and the whole experience far more enjoyable than if I 'cheated'. Sure, it takes longer, but I play this to have fun, not to boast about my abilities to imaginary friends;)




So... All rs players are just your imagination? I'm pretty sure that there are real persons behind some computer screens controlling them :o








Anyways.. I make cash by mining mostly, although most of the skilling I do does get me some cash :-k

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Em Tee Kay!








I love that place... I currently hav 4m in my bank in maples and flax.








AND 4 spirits, AND 3 magics, AND 7 yews.....
































8 green eggs 5 blue eggs and 1 red egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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