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Grrr - I was unfairly muted/banned!


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My account is currently black-mark free, but after reading some of the stuff in this topic, I gotta stop joking around with people selling their accounts.


Joined RS2: Late May/Early June 2006

100 Combat achieved on June 30, 2007 All skills 60+ achieved on August 22, 2007

Quest Cape achieved on September 8, 2007, at 104 Combat

Check out my blog to 85 Slayer!

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If you truly want to help, then help Black Knight77. He was permanently muted. He is level 124. There is no way he deserved to be permanently muted. Very few in their right mind would, purposely, do anything to get banned or muted at his level. It takes no less then 2 to 3 years to become a level 124. He cared or he would not have been a member for that long, and worked on his skills for that long.




If you break the rules, you should have the same threatment as everyone else. Just because he is 124 or a paying member it doesn't mean he should get away with rulebreaking. In my eyes the only difference between him and a lvl 60 muted character is that he was stupid enough to risk being muted at that level. Only one who he can blame is himself and when he wants to see the one who to blame, he should just take a look at the mirror.




Btw, he isn't the first 124+ muted people with a long time member history :-w



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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My account is currently black-mark free, but after reading some of the stuff in this topic, I gotta stop joking around with people selling their accounts.




Thats a very wise desission, although I my self do joke around alot, it's dangerous to do it where if being serious you would be breaking a rule.




It's always worth remembering how things look to people exteria to the situation, if sombody was to report you, there is a high level of chance that the evidance Jagex had to base a Judgment on would not make clear that it was a joke.




Having said that, dont let that stop you joking, just think about how things might look






If you truly want to help, then help Black Knight77. He was permanently muted. He is level 124. There is no way he deserved to be permanently muted. Very few in their right mind would, purposely, do anything to get banned or muted at his level. It takes no less then 2 to 3 years to become a level 124. He cared or he would not have been a member for that long, and worked on his skills for that long.




If you break the rules, you should have the same threatment as everyone else. Just because he is 124 or a paying member it doesn't mean he should get away with rulebreaking. In my eyes the only difference between him and a lvl 60 muted character is that he was stupid enough to risk being muted at that level. Only one who he can blame is himself and when he wants to see the one who to blame, he should just take a look at the mirror.




Btw, he isn't the first 124+ muted people with a long time member history :-w




Very well said: basically my view is....




Member, free player, high level, low level, Mod, new player old player, mature player, imature player........ we are all part of the same community, and need to conform to the same rules, it does not matter who we are in this community the rules should come with the same punishments for breaking them.




dlainedee keeps refering to Jagex as a Coporation, well frankly I see them as a compan, not a cooporation..... the company is based around the community, not around members community.....




Free players are just as important as members when it comes to the rules.




You when you become a member are not becoming a god, you are just a customer who happens to pay. You are paying for regular updates,greater profile size, and acsess to the forums.... and at the cost it's a bargin. Free players are still customers.

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If you break the rules, you should have the same threatment as everyone else. Just because he is 124 or a paying member it doesn't mean he should get away with rulebreaking. In my eyes the only difference between him and a lvl 60 muted character is that he was stupid enough to risk being muted at that level. Only one who he can blame is himself and when he wants to see the one who to blame, he should just take a look at the mirror.




Btw, he isn't the first 124+ muted people with a long time member history :-w




I agree, but they shouldn't be banning and muting so quickly. They do so without heart, and too often without real responses. Especially real responses to the appeal.




Also, if a member hasn't had any black marks in a long time, they should have been removed.




They seem to be so obsessed with catching bad members, that many good members are unjustly punished. They need to slow down on all this banning and muting, it makes good customers fear spending their money and giving their time.


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I agree, but they shouldn't be banning and muting so quickly. They do so without heart, and too often without real responses. Especially real responses to the appeal.




Also, if a member hasn't had any black marks in a long time, they should have been removed.




They seem to be so obsessed with catching bad members, that many good members are unjustly punished. They need to slow down on all this banning and muting, it makes good customers fear spending their money and giving their time.




Bans and mutes don't come too quickly, they come for breaking rules. Jagex has given us the rules to play with and breaking them leads to a ban, mute or a blackmark depending about the situation. Also Jagex has so many players that they cannot give a "real" answer to everyone.




They don't hunt any rule breakers, it's the other players who "hunt" for them. We got report abuse button for a reason AND we have player moderators to handle things Jagex just can't do. Honest players don't have to be worried of being banned without reason and as the current trend shows, actually more people are joining p2p every day.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Bans and mutes don't come too quickly, they come for breaking rules. Jagex has given us the rules to play with and breaking them leads to a ban, mute or a blackmark depending about the situation. Also Jagex has so many players that they cannot give a "real" answer to everyone.




They don't hunt any rule breakers, it's the other players who "hunt" for them. We got report abuse button for a reason AND we have player moderators to handle things Jagex just can't do. Honest players don't have to be worried of being banned without reason and as the current trend shows, actually more people are joining p2p every day.




I think, an appeal, especially, should be read by a real person and responded to by a real person. There should be no exceptions to this. My opinion...


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I got a blackmark cause some stupid 7 year old reported me for saying "Cutting gems no scam my crafting is 39". I wasn't scamming and i really had 39 crafting. That just goes to show you how pathetic these wanna-be mods are. Well the next day i appealed and was luckily successful because jagex (surprisingly) knew it wasn't a scam. I've only been successful 2 times! Nice thread btw.

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Obviously jagex stopped caring LONG AGO. On july 7th i was in fally cause i thought there was going to be another massacre (just a joke). So this guy was saying stuff like "ahhh run run another massacre". Nobody really cared but then here comes this mod and says "Reported for making people panic". I was like "Ok.......................?". I didn't get that but whatever. Sometimes i just wanna bash my computer with a bat because jagex is such a piece of (CABBAGE).


Hello this is the automatic censor system, as you can see our friend has had an accident but it will be corrected soon :).

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I am only here cause the forums i use are down






anyway, jagex dont care about people, they have banned like 4 of my friends this eyar for autoing or pass scamming without a signle bit of evidence, in return all they get is a autmoated decline when they appeal

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well remember my post i have checked it again and after trying to appeal it i have been perm banned soz after 6 years of playing i am selling all my stuff then givein away the gp.........look in market to by i will not take beggers for money i drop it random this will happen on all 7 of my accounts DO NOT CONTACT ME ABOUT SELLING THEM THATS AGAINST RULES AND I WONT ALLOW IT



Started: 12/27/01

Stopped: still going strong

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I think, an appeal, especially, should be read by a real person and responded to by a real person. There should be no exceptions to this. My opinion...




Look at the amount of players and imagine how many people send messages to customer support every day. They definately can't give a real answer for everyone, that's physically impossible. Why should you be put higher at the query list than someone who would actually have something to say? If the case is certain, there's no point for them to waste their valuable time on it.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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All appeals are read by real people, however you must remember bans are only given for set offenses, and with the set offenses there are only so many ways to word the correct reponce..... it is nto so much that they cant give personal responces, it's more that there is no point in doing it! Premade messages just allow jagex to prosess appeals quicker and ensure all the requred infomation is there....




I stress again though, ALL appeals are read by humans.

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I think, an appeal, especially, should be read by a real person and responded to by a real person. There should be no exceptions to this. My opinion...




Look at the amount of players and imagine how many people send messages to customer support every day. They definately can't give a real answer for everyone, that's physically impossible. Why should you be put higher at the query list than someone who would actually have something to say? If the case is certain, there's no point for them to waste their valuable time on it.




Wrong! If you can't handle the amount of customers that you have, hire more employees, or change businesses.


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i got a perm ban for doing this at the fishy guild:




person 1: I got a spinach roll!!!!!!


person 1: Selling spinach roll, 5mil!


person 2: ill buy


me: dont buy, its a scam!








Banned, for item scamming and offensive language... :-s

Mizzou is ballin'!

Illini are fallin'!

Kansas is dead.


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Never been banned, muted, or had any black marks. \'




me either but ive been in black hole for reason...so you cannot get any of those mentioned, without reason :P




I think these days you need to watch your mouth in game but when i played active, almost everything possible could had been said in game without worrying of getting punished...

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Wrong! If you can't handle the amount of customers that you have, hire more employees, or change businesses.




Most of the messages they get, for example ban appeals in certain things, aren't worth even reading. There's totally no point to answering them and even less point hiring more staff just because of them. They can handle the amount of customers, but they don't have any need to give a long&detailed answer to every post they get.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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=D> well said.




Here is a little situation which you could apply your logic too....




You walk into McDonalds and order a Big Mac, you hand over the money and they hand you a premade burger!






But wait that Burger was premade! why did they do that? well.......






They COULD have made you a burger from scratch, it would have taken a bit longer but there is no reason why they could not do it.




But why would they? you asked for a Big Mac, they gave you a Big Mac. You got exactly what you needed.






If we change the situation, a player sends jagex a message asking "why was my account banned for offensive language?"...... this is esentially the customer ordering!




Jagex (McDonalds) have no reason to make you a fresh explanation as to why your account was banned, they have done it many times before and know what you want.




So they send you a premade message, it's just what the customer ordered! it's an explanation as to why their account was banned....... who gives a damn if the answer was premade or not? they have been told what they want to know.






Please note: I in no way condone eating Big Macs :P

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=D> well said.




Here is a little situation which you could apply your logic too....




You walk into McDonalds and order a Big Mac, you hand over the money and they hand you a premade burger!






But wait that Burger was premade! why did they do that? well.......






They COULD have made you a burger from scratch, it would have taken a bit longer but there is no reason why they could not do it.




But why would they? you asked for a Big Mac, they gave you a Big Mac. You got exactly what you needed.






If we change the situation, a player sends jagex a message asking "why was my account banned for offensive language?"...... this is esentially the customer ordering!




Jagex (McDonalds) have no reason to make you a fresh explanation as to why your account was banned, they have done it many times before and know what you want.




So they send you a premade message, it's just what the customer ordered! it's an explanation as to why their account was banned....... who gives a damn if the answer was premade or not? they have been told what they want to know.






Please note: I in no way condone eating Big Macs :P




Wrong again... If you appeal that hamburger, not only do you get a real person to speak to about it, but they REMAKE a fresh burger for you. Customer Service...




When you pay for a membership for a health club, for example. If you do something against the rules, or maybe a little out of line, they usually give you a warning. They always tell you nicely. THEY NEVER just banned you without explanation, and then tell you TO SIGN up again...


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Wrong! If you can't handle the amount of customers that you have, hire more employees, or change businesses.




Most of the messages they get, for example ban appeals in certain things, aren't worth even reading. There's totally no point to answering them and even less point hiring more staff just because of them. They can handle the amount of customers, but they don't have any need to give a long&detailed answer to every post they get.




You are ABSOLUTELY, WITHOUT any doubts, wrong!


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Wrong! If you can't handle the amount of customers that you have, hire more employees, or change businesses.




Most of the messages they get, for example ban appeals in certain things, aren't worth even reading. There's totally no point to answering them and even less point hiring more staff just because of them. They can handle the amount of customers, but they don't have any need to give a long&detailed answer to every post they get.




You are ABSOLUTELY, WITHOUT any doubts, wrong!




Actually, you are wrong.




Sure, we see threads EVERY SINGLE DAY about "oh noes my acct got banned unfaarly lol." If you think this represents even a single digit percentage of all ban appeals, you are wrong.




I believe Jagex, on a large part, is doing a good job. They probably ban and warn tens, even a hundred times, and probably nine out of ten they have a good reason for it, or more.




So every day you see threads saying how Jagex was unfair and how the player was innocently petting bunnies when all of a sudden the big bully Jagex comes up and bans the player out of the blue. Well, you have probably omitted some parts of the story that justify the warn or the ban.




I will bet if there was a thread about everyone who was warned or banned with good reason, they will outnumber the supposedly "unfair" bans and warnings immensely, and so why should Jagex change?

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