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if you could have one skill at 99 what would it be?


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Runecrafting, one of my favorite skills and great for cash,




And the cape is just bootylicious :shock:

Fire cape - 10th attempt - 28/10/06

94 Magic Achieved December 26th 2006|99 Magic Achieved January 20th 2007


Jack and Jill went up the hill

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lol at people saying runecraft. mining is 600k an hour at lvl 85 so theres no way id want 99 runecraft..




Double nats are 1m an hour, so that makes perfect sense :roll:

Fire cape - 10th attempt - 28/10/06

94 Magic Achieved December 26th 2006|99 Magic Achieved January 20th 2007


Jack and Jill went up the hill

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Defense. That'd rock for Mage DK'ing, and I seriously need to get my defense level up >_<.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I would either take Slayer or Runecrafting.








Slayer: There will be slayer updates, With high slayer monsters in it, Who'll drop new items. New items = good cash.








Runecrafting: Ya you know, double nats etc.

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Weeellll.. I guess..








I guess it'd have to be mining for me :thumbsup: Think of all the ores, think of all the smithing.. think of all the money!! :lol:








Greedy ol' me.








Though it'd still take a lot of work to mine it all and then smelt it and then.. GAH! :ohnoes:



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Autoing! then i can get all the others to 99 quickly! :P

P2P forever!... Or at least 'til <insert excuse here> happens


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