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F2p Mage Proposal *Read it now!* 105 supporters!!!!


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Toxicologist you can't use the excuse that because you got an update you somehow deserve another. Really...that analogy about F2P being a hungry dog can really be proved here.




Did I say that? Seriously, you don't read. I said the thing about the Ranged update to prove JAGeX does care about game balance, and would do updates for reasons other than money. That means an F2P mage update is possible, as opposed to people saying JAGeX would never do it. I am merely proving JAGeX would do a thing like this if they deem it necessary. Get it yet?




At low levels, the F2P Mage is rather evenly balanced with the two other combat classes.




No, the mage is severly overpowered in lower levels in fact I wouldn't complain if their powers were reduced at this level.




I agree. But that applies to Members as well.




At medium levels, Mages begin to fall back




Depends what you class as medium in pking terms but I agree when Rangers get to 50-60 ranged mage begins to fall back.




And mages begin to lose their edge over warriors as well.




At high levels, F2P Mages are basically useless.




Bind can be very affective in a team or clan and if you know what you're doing you'll realise how powerful it can be.



Not as effective as it could be, and definitely quite useless when Soloing. Anything can be effective in large groups.




I mean, Maging is expensive, what is the point if it does not have the effects to pay for it?







Craft Death runes for me. Or chaos runes, for that matter. Or are you suggesting we all fire strike our opponents to oblivion? F2P people do craft their own runes: airs and such. But they don't really cost much to start with anyway. Just the missile runes cost enough, much more than warriors and rangers have to pay for.




What they do need is extra firepower: higher damage, though most importantly; a decent binding spell.




That would completely destroy any hope of rangers and melee pking. Which is why this idea will never come to pass.




Destroy melee? Mage was meant to do that. Destroy ranged? Have you seen an F2P ranger fighting an F2P mage? At higher levels, the damage of ranged and mage is almost the same, and range is way faster. Even with binding spells (which has no use apart from preventing people from running against rangers) and extra damage, it isn't going to make much difference. Think of it this way: maximum damage for F2P Ranged is 16. maximum damage of Mage is also 16. Mage is more expensive. Ranged is cheaper. Mage is slower. Ranged is faster. Rangers own Mages. Get my drift yet?




A bit of extra damage and Snare is not going to do much against rangers, but it will allow Mages to actually own Warriors at higher levels. I mean, Warriors get 20+ damage, and they could simply not wear armour or slap on some dragonhide and a Mage stands no chance.




Jagex could do this:




Made the wizzy clothes but give to them less bonuses then the p2p have...


That would help p2p and f2p players of both parts!




F2p:Will have more wizzy stuff and will have more wizzy




P2p:don't gonna be bored or forced to enter in members world by those noobs asking how they get that and how much he sells


My stats



Quited RuneScape-17 July 2007, Still fighting for f2p rights

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No, No, No, No, No....






I'm sorry but if you can't afford a simple $5.00 a month, try and do some work around the house so you can earn it and tell your parents you'll pay for it.




It's not right for F2P to get stuff they don't deserve when they have Paying Players. You get enough. Holiday events, and all. Get over it. If you can't afford, TO DAM BAD..






That's my 2 cents...

Mages are not able to complete the combat triangle in F2P because at higher levels they can do no more than 16 while getting hit by consistent 20s and higher by warriors. Explain to me how paying $5 to pay for members will fix the problem in F2P and I will admit my defeat. This thread has nothing to do with whether or not we can afford members, it is all about fixing the imbalance in the high level combat triangle of F2P.
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Contrary to what you may think, not everyone posting here for support is an F2Per. This is about fixing something that isn't right, not F2Pers whining about a lack of stuff.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Contrary to what you may think, not everyone posting here for support is an F2Per. This is about fixing something that isn't right, not F2Pers whining about a lack of stuff.




Then why don't you direct your suggestion to the removal of dragonhide on free servers. I think mage is powerful enough, but range could be toned down a bit. But you won't do that will you...

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You only support because you don't have P2P, If you did it would be a different story. Youre paying nothing so dont expect anything.


What's your problem? Don't you have anything better to do than heckle idea supporters? :shame:




Anyways, stop trying to turn this into a P2P vs F2P argument. :roll: I myself support this idea and did have P2P. And I don't have a different story. So go away now. =;

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It's not right for F2P to get stuff they don't deserve when they have Paying Players. You get enough. Holiday events, and all. Get over it. If you can't afford, TO DAM BAD..




Oh, so what you are saying here, is that there shouldn't even be a f2p? Well let's imagine here for a bit, ok? Let's say that Jagex removed f2p entirely, and then they took away all levels, items, shortcuts, and QP that you got from F2P, would you consider that fair? You'd lose all rune, money, runes, ranged equipment, and hours of work, and random event items, but then of course, we could then justify it by saying, "you were f2p when you got it, so you don't deserve it, so we'll just take it away from you." so you couldn't wield anything you had in the bank probably, unless you became f2p at an extremely low level. You'd lose, hours, weeks, months, maybe even years of work. Then also, many people would be angry because they couldn't pk in f2p anymore. Or they can't sell members items for more profit in f2p, or they'd never see a lot of friends ever again.




Now let's say that there never was a f2p, and tutorial Island was p2p. How many people do you think would be playing runescape now? A lot less I think, they won't pay for a game they've never played. And that would be a lot less money in jagex pocket.




So why don't you rethink you're thoughts about f2p, then give a civil response.



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It's not right for F2P to get stuff they don't deserve when they have Paying Players. You get enough. Holiday events, and all. Get over it. If you can't afford, TO DAM BAD..




Oh, so what you are saying here, is that there shouldn't even be a f2p. Well let's imagine here for a bit, ok? Let's say that Jagex removed f2p entirely, and then they took away all levels, items, shortcuts, and QP that you got from F2P, would you consider that fair? You'd lose all rune, money, runes, ranged equipment, and hours of work, and random event items, but then of course, we could then justify it by saying, "you were f2p when you got it, so you don't deserve it, so we'll just take it away from you." so you couldn't wield anything you had in the bank probably, unless you became f2p at an extremely low level. You'd lose, hours, weeks, months, maybe even years of work. Then also, many people would be angry because they couldn't pk in f2p anymore. Or they can't sell members items for more profit in f2p, or they'd never see a lot of friends ever again.




Now let's say that there never was a f2p, and tutorial Island was p2p. How many people do you think would be playing runescape now? A lot less I think, they won't pay for a game they've never played. And that would be a lot less money in jagex pocket.




So why don't you rethink you're thoughts about f2p, then give a civil response.




Omfg, this is just some half-arsed crap. He didn't say that they should get rid of F2p you idiot. He was simply saying that f2pers shouldn't get extra things when the members have to pay for their updates (Not that i completley agree with that) Maybe you should read the person's post before stating your [developmentally delayed]ed defence.




Now that I've gotten that over with I can state my opinion on the topic.


I agree that the lack of F2P mage armour is ridiculous but I don't particulary like the idea of releasing p2p armour to the f2pers. I do however like the idea of releasing a new mage armour for f2p and p2p, especially if it was something craft-able like suggested in one of the first few posts. But I don't think wave spells should be released to the f2pers, but I think releasing snare to them is a decent idea.


Oh and btw, I think the reason these kinds of petitions have so many supporters is because of the huge population of the f2p world being filled with noobs who are simply greedy and just sign every petition suggesting more f2p stuff.




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magers are supposed to hit high with low defense. rangers are hit medium with medium defense. melee hits high with high defense for one reason. noone bothers to get melee defence!!!!! magers, oh heaven forbid that they might have defense at the cost of a lil less on mage bonus. rangers only whine about msb spec and the majority of those whining rangers are pures that can't figure out why the designated combat triangle class can beat them in a fight. but magers ALWAYS! whine about how the dds goes through their robes so easily. ever try to not cut open a mortal wound in someones side while slashing thin little robes with a dagger? it's hard belive me (worst 7 hours of jail ever! luckily enough i found bail).

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also, those of you who say that f2p isn't a demo of p2p are idiots!!! f2p is only a little bit of p2p because they want to get you a little taste of it so that you want more so you join p2p. then you get the full game with all the items you whine about and jagex gets money, its a win-win situation.

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magers are supposed to hit high with low defense. rangers are hit medium with medium defense. melee hits high with high defense for one reason. noone bothers to get melee defence!!!!! magers, oh heaven forbid that they might have defense at the cost of a lil less on mage bonus. rangers only whine about msb spec and the majority of those whining rangers are pures that can't figure out why the designated combat triangle class can beat them in a fight. but magers ALWAYS! whine about how the dds goes through their robes so easily. ever try to not cut open a mortal wound in someones side while slashing thin little robes with a dagger? it's hard belive me (worst 7 hours of jail ever! luckily enough i found bail).
Learn to read [developmentally delayed] this is about F2P.


And according to the triangle, Mages > Meleers > Rangers > Mages. How can F2P Mages win when they can't hold them for long, deal less damage with their best spell in the F2P Version then a Meleer does with a Scimitar? Hell. I'm 67 Combat and hit harder with a Rune Dagger.

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Contrary to what you may think, not everyone posting here for support is an F2Per. This is about fixing something that isn't right, not F2Pers whining about a lack of stuff.




Then why don't you direct your suggestion to the removal of dragonhide on free servers. I think mage is powerful enough, but range could be toned down a bit. But you won't do that will you...




You know, I actually did think of that, but immediately dismissed it as it goes against common sense. Think about it: if you wish to balance something, would you nerf everything else to balance one thing? If it is one aspect that is overpowered, then nerf it. If one aspect is udnerpowered, you wouldn't nerf everything else to balance it. And besides, the issue is against warriors. Mages are meant to be owned by rangers. But what is taking away dragonhide going to change a mage's ability to fight warriors? Even without dragonhide to slap on, a warrior is still superior to mage in F2P.




Empirical evidence please, to support your claim mages is powerful enough. And ranging, in my opinion, is quite balanced at the moment. At least it owns mages and (generally) get owned by warriors. Now now, stop making desperate, unfounded statements and start arguing rationally.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Am F2p and ex-P2P


f2p dont deserve new spells or anything. i think Jagex does this(not adding new stuff) to prevent the increse of auoters that already exist.


Autoers would be farming the cloth and enchanting it like hell and then sell for low prices thus messing up the RS Economy.




You cant just make a thread and say we want more Bankspace or new mages robes with better bonus, because this will only help autoers...


I my self used auoters in the past and i know of what other noobs that use programs like those, they try to make a profit.




I would support the new spells but like the first poster said f2p makes you get p2p...




One way or another were all zombies

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Am F2p and ex-P2P


f2p dont deserve new spells or anything. i think Jagex does this(not adding new stuff) to prevent the increse of auoters that already exist.


Autoers would be farming the cloth and enchanting it like hell and then sell for low prices thus messing up the RS Economy.




You cant just make a thread and say we want more Bankspace or new mages robes with better bonus, because this will only help autoers...


I my self used auoters in the past and i know of what other noobs that use programs like those, they try to make a profit.




I would support the new spells but like the first poster said f2p makes you get p2p...


Maybe it could be p2p craftable and f2p sellable. And also have vendors in the champs guild sell the robes. Just like they did with the green dragonhide armor.

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Contrary to what you may think, not everyone posting here for support is an F2Per. This is about fixing something that isn't right, not F2Pers whining about a lack of stuff.




Then why don't you direct your suggestion to the removal of dragonhide on free servers. I think mage is powerful enough, but range could be toned down a bit. But you won't do that will you...




You know, I actually did think of that, but immediately dismissed it as it goes against common sense. Think about it: if you wish to balance something, would you nerf everything else to balance one thing? If it is one aspect that is overpowered, then nerf it. If one aspect is udnerpowered, you wouldn't nerf everything else to balance it. And besides, the issue is against warriors. Mages are meant to be owned by rangers. But what is taking away dragonhide going to change a mage's ability to fight warriors? Even without dragonhide to slap on, a warrior is still superior to mage in F2P.




Empirical evidence please, to support your claim mages is powerful enough. And ranging, in my opinion, is quite balanced at the moment. At least it owns mages and (generally) get owned by warriors. Now now, stop making desperate, unfounded statements and start arguing rationally.




I would like to see empirical evidence on your behalf, you cannot under any circumstance dismiss the argument that F2P is not the full version of the game. Jagex even say 'for the full version join members now'! So in that case I will stand by the argument that is the rock concluding that problems with the combat triangle in F2P are not a problem, because once you get buy the actual game all problems are straightened out.

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So in that case I will stand by the argument that is the rock concluding that problems with the combat triangle in F2P are not a problem, because once you buy the actual game all problems are straightened out.


The problems aren't a problem? Ohhhh, Striker, Striker. What were you thinking?




Put bluntly, being able to purchase a working version doesn't cut it. A sample that doesn't work properly doesn't entice customers.




Now, as much as the eloquent quest talk and whatnot might suggest otherwise, F2P doesn't require some grandoise [bleep] of a project to adjust the combat triangle. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the SoS did its fair share of delaying membership purchases, so it's not out of the question, but in all reality it ain't necessary. Generate new objects, slap cheap robe recolors on them, splatter values, sell 'em in Aubury's shop. If they're feeling really ambitious, copy/paste and tweak the enabling code (or trunc the disabling code, as the case may be) for the snare spell. It's likely not even two days work for one programmer.




Would an update like that have people delaying purchases? Conceivably, yes. Would it reduce the proportion of players who quit before purchasing members? Bet my bottom dollar on it. Because really, that's what it's all about - my bottom dollar. Right? No, wait..............A-Anyway.






Interesting to see that, apart from a few of Baron's comments which were long-coming (gotta admit, Komodo, some of that argument defense stuff was just goofy), the opposing argument hasn't really changed. Oh, I'd also suggest that you tone down the use of large, colorful lettering in the OP, Komodo. It has its use, but entire paragraphs of it is rather gaudy... perhaps even desperate.




For what it's worth, though, this,


here's five dollars, go get a happy meal :D
literally made me laugh for all the wrong reasons. :wink:
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I support.




I suppose they could do it kinda like green dragonhide. Have the skirt and hat sold in the Champions guild, have Oziach sell the top, and then let members be able craft them.


And of course, like green dhide, it would be sold in the shops for about twice the market price...




So, that would help f2p mages in battle and help p2p crafters get exp and money.

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Contrary to what you may think, not everyone posting here for support is an F2Per. This is about fixing something that isn't right, not F2Pers whining about a lack of stuff.




Then why don't you direct your suggestion to the removal of dragonhide on free servers. I think mage is powerful enough, but range could be toned down a bit. But you won't do that will you...




You know, I actually did think of that, but immediately dismissed it as it goes against common sense. Think about it: if you wish to balance something, would you nerf everything else to balance one thing? If it is one aspect that is overpowered, then nerf it. If one aspect is udnerpowered, you wouldn't nerf everything else to balance it. And besides, the issue is against warriors. Mages are meant to be owned by rangers. But what is taking away dragonhide going to change a mage's ability to fight warriors? Even without dragonhide to slap on, a warrior is still superior to mage in F2P.




Empirical evidence please, to support your claim mages is powerful enough. And ranging, in my opinion, is quite balanced at the moment. At least it owns mages and (generally) get owned by warriors. Now now, stop making desperate, unfounded statements and start arguing rationally.




I would like to see empirical evidence on your behalf, you cannot under any circumstance dismiss the argument that F2P is not the full version of the game. Jagex even say 'for the full version join members now'! So in that case I will stand by the argument that is the rock concluding that problems with the combat triangle in F2P are not a problem, because once you get buy the actual game all problems are straightened out.




Dear me! Did I try to dismiss the argument that F2P isn't a full version? I hadn't noticed. How silly of me.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! take it down a couple notches here... calm y'all arses down now!




This really isn't a definitive argument between toxic and stihl and striker, and any other smart-arse who wants to get legal and technical here, but isn't the F2P Aspect of RS definitve based on JaGEx's terms? They have not called it a demo at all. When I found the game (yes, on Miniclip, got a problem? otherwise I wouldn't be playing), it was a GAME, not a demo. But, hell, that's still up to JaGEx whether or not to call it a demo. A demo really doesn't appeal to many people. A demo is like, "hmm, this'll be done in 1 hour", or "I can't save my stuff." RS is too furnished a game already to become called a demo. Rather it's step 1 for JaGEx's marketing ploy, which is incredible in their part. Bravo, really, JaGEx! No joke.




Back on topic, which I believe is not nerfing or dropping p2p items into f2p, but the topic is WHETHER OR NOT F2P SHOULD GET NEW MAGE ROBES!




I support. I'm p2p. I don't know why I am still p2p. I don't play much, and hell, I haven't done any p2p quests in the past 3 months. Actually, I've been trying to sell off all my p2p items, just in case I have to drop/want to drop to f2p. ("Hah, is he crazy?" moment)




I absolutely support. Yeah, I'm only a cmb 75, but my mage is 64. In the past 3 months, what, JaGEx brought out CONSTRUCTION ROBES? WTF do they do? Give you a +5 boost in construction? Not even a temp boost of 1 extra const lvl when you wear the full set. (I didn't get the outfit, ive only 6 constr, i rly dont care about constr.)




I'm sick of seeing so many freakin mage robes in p2p. I'm @ Seers all the time, and let's say 90% of people NOT WEARING RUNE are wearing blue or red mystic. It's BS.




Having em on f2p would be great! In limited quantities, though, it'd suck if every freakin player was wearing those robes. URGHHH... .




No, not mystic or splitbark.




I would like to see (here's a joke!) INFINITY ROBES on f2p. They are extremely hard to get. I tried to attempt to do it. Then I found out, you have to do all 4 things, not just 1. I just left it after seeing that. What a waste of cosmics.




No, not infinity robes. What, you thought I was high? pftttt....




There's been an idea floating around, at least, Tip.It forums about the fabled PALADIN ARMOR, armor consisting of a mage-melee mix. Metal armor, dyed in 3 different colors for the 3 gods of RS...




Actually, it was MY IDEA.




Paladin platebody, Paladin platelegs/skirt, Paladin staff, Paladin mystic hat, Paladin boots, Paladin gloves, and Paladin cape.




Best for mages (full set with an offensive total boost of +50, and a defensive total boost of +50), it's also effective (not as well) when worn by meleers or hybrids. For full mage effect to work, your Magic level must be greater than the highest of your Attack, Strength, or Defense lvls.




A quest can be done to obtain this in F2P. Not craftable by P2P. This is god Mage armor.




The quest can be along the lines of this...




The gods of Gielinor have long ignored the simple folk in Misthalin and Morytania (f2p moment - the f2p lands) in their long-standing struggle for balance of power. The gods, although mighty, have grown accustomed to each other's strengths. The gods, whichever side you choose, need brave souls to assist them in their quest for good, evil, or neutrality.








60+ Combat


--> 50+ Defense


--> 50+ Mage


40+ Firemaking


45+ Woodcutting





Quests needed:


Dragon Slayer (must be able to get into Champion's Guild)


Witch's Potion





This is an f2p quest, yes. Whatever it boils down to, it better be long and hard, 'cause the rewards are too great!




© 2007 Intellectual Property of WarShadow212





Yeah... I'll have pics of some Paladin armor up in a while. (Probably a separate thread)




But for this, I support (half-heartedly)

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