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Meanest thing you've ever done in RS?


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Hmm... I was once hallying blue dragons in the heroes guild.








A lvl 94 girl pops by. She only had a d b axe with her and some stuff in inventory. She dumbly walks into the dragon's lair.








When the dragon respawned, it attacked her. She tried to run out of the cage but I kept shutting the cage on her.








The dragon's fire breath burned her and she died.








I got 500k, 400 nats, and 5k fires :-w


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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I was having a bad day once, so I turned Lunar Magics on, went into Varrock West Bank, and cast Tele-group Waterbrith Isle. Being the newbies that they were, about 5-10 of them clicked "accept". I just abandond them there, and they had no idea where they were.











thats fun :D i did that the whole day in world 2 cw bank... :-w (fastest snapes in the world ftw!)


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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when i wa sf2p some girl walked out of crafting guild, i was mining. She asked me to pick her appron for me. I was just evil that day i took the appron and dropped it upstairs, just emagine her face! when she had to walk back to varrock! bwhahahaha! :twisted:

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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i scammed an diamond of someone accedentaly when he asked who is 70 crafting then he gave me 1 diamond and nothing more








me being noob like lvl 20 or 30 didn't understand and when he shouted scammer i logged of because i was scared of him








and then he when i logged later that day in i never saw him again








and i dont know his name so i cant give his diamond back ( although it is over 2 and a half year ago )

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I got 4 noobs working for me. I asked them to mine 1k iron each. And i said i would buY 1k iron for 10k. To them it was the best day of there lives, and it was for me aswell. So, i wasted 40k on 4k iron, yet sold it for 400k on forums. Woop Woop, 360k profit! GREAT MERCHANTING!



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many many things, well 2 of them are just hilariously funny actual bad thing is, any remember a while back about a week before they changed dragon hides name to say what colour it was, loads and loads of noobs on world 2 would try to scam you switching d legs fro dragonhide legs (noted both) well i put up a whip(were about 3m at the time) and rune boots the guy wet his pants but i'd taken off the whip, the guy looked at second screen for ages, noticing there was no whip BUT still rune boots, he though meh rune boots for dragonhide legs is still good and accepted, laughing in my face....except...he hadn't switched the legs...free d legs pl0x...




2nd thing and this is an extremeley hilarious (and i guess if you replaced lumby with ice plateua a cruel scam) thing to do, go to world 2 and find someone who is teleothering people to fally, look for someone who is getting continuosly teled and accepting every time then just teleother them they will click accept thinking they will appear back in fally when really they are in lumby or wherever its so funny




last thing is me and a friend went green dragon autoer pking, spotted a lvl 70 something i potted up giving me 95 attack prayed up waited for him too get to about half hp he stood there after he killed the dragon and i ran over speced for 16 17 i laughed so hard that i could k.o a level 70 from half health :XD:


Sig by me....

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Years ago we used to go the hobs behind the crafting guild and kill most of the hobs and leave "bait trails" for noobs.......as you could see the lil dots getting picked up and soon as the hobs would spawn they would kill the noobs.......more bait.








Like I said this was years and years ago....I behave more than not.


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Well, i lured for one day.








Didnt fancy me, so i quit it, but it was fairly mean (luring wild to wild at agility course, not oziach luring)

Good, I was going to have to kill you if it was Oziach luring.


7 months ago, shoulen m0nk lured me for everything. If you know anything about him, pm me.

lol that was a good story but his eyesight must be poor... it's a well known fact that mods only drop garages on players. :lol:
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I just pk'ed a lvl 113 training at the Wilderness agility course. I was out of food and he was keeping his hp low to avoid damage. from obstacles. Not from my 14-6 dds spec that killed him. I'm not proud of it.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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This is something that drives ppl insane...








I said that I was buying spinach rolls 2m in world 1. Lots of people traded so I went to the screen and put up the 2m and they would put up only 1 spinach roll. I decline and say that I want 2 not 1! Then they ask if I'll buy 1 for 1m. I just say that I want 2 altogether. They go crazy saying they only have 1!








classic... :lol:



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This is something that drives ppl insane...








I said that I was buying spinach rolls 2m in world 1. Lots of people traded so I went to the screen and put up the 2m and they would put up only 1 spinach roll. I decline and say that I want 2 not 1! Then they ask if I'll buy 1 for 1m. I just say that I want 2 altogether. They go crazy saying they only have 1!








classic... :lol:




Lol, I'll have to try that sometime.

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I was having a bad day once, so I turned Lunar Magics on, went into Varrock West Bank, and cast Tele-group Waterbrith Isle. Being the newbies that they were, about 5-10 of them clicked "accept". I just abandond them there, and they had no idea where they were.












Now I feel bad. What's the meanest thing you people have done?




omg hilarious ( they probably all used home port)




i applaude you =D> dont feel bad. :thumbsup:

i use a new account now "knex2"

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This isnt actually "mean", but it kind of pertains to this whole topic...Back In RS1 I was minding my own nooby buisness in falador when a level 3 named "Clan 2 Trust" wearing a purple p-hat asked me if I would like to join his clan. His name should have thrown up a red flag then and there but I was new to the mmorpg scene so i thought nothing of it.He told me to join his clan I had to pass the infamous "trust test".








By this time in my gaming career i had finnaly started converting the tarnished and dented addy armor to the newer, shinyer rune model. Rune was about the equivalent to several million to me now.








We started off swapping cheap stuff, I would give him somthing inexpensive, he would return it and trade me somthing a little more valuable. We finnaly worked our way to my pride and joy-my rune kite. I was hesitant on swapping this but it was still cheaper than the rune plate at the time. He wanted me to trade the plate. Somthing didn't seem right though, he wanted to push my "trust" way too high, I figured he was trying to hustle me so i told him I was done.








He proceeded to tell me that to confirm our "trust", I was required to trade my rune kite one more time. I saw his scam so i decided to turn it around on him. "Well, you trade me YOUR rune kite one more time and I will trade you mine". He was reluctant but accepted the trade.








By this time I had the scammer right where I wanted him and started to walk away to see his reaction. "****, you caught me". I laughed and have never forgotten the day I scammed the scammer. O:)

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Oh, oh, and another time I remember I was in the barrows. This kid came up to me and he was like "I'll buy your whip 10M!" :-k It seemed a bit sketchy to me, whips were 4.4M at the time but I figured, "what's the worst that could happen?" He tells me to meet him in Edgeville for it.








I go to Edgeville, and I see him. I put up my whip but he declines. He asks me to follow him. Relentlessly optimistic, I follow him to the border of the wild. He offers me the 10M and I accept - but what's this? Our trade is interrupted and suddenly I'm frozen solid! "Why are you doing this?!" I asked. He replied, "Use a d scimmy from now on!" The next thing I know, I'm in Falador without my precious whip :cry:








A few months later, I see that guy again in Edgeville. He doesn't remember me, but I remember him. He tells me to add him after seeing my remarkable fire cape - big mistake.








As the months flew by, we became close friends. One night we decided to go PK'ing. He brought his friend with him. The same friend who ice barraged me for my whip so long ago. I am forced to add him for the remainder of the trip. We run into a clan and the clan kills my friend. The clan turns to the guy who took my whip and he begs me for help. As he hits the floor and I see that lovely coil on top of his bones, I send him a private message, reminding him never to mess with me. He quit RS the next day.








More months passed by and we both discovered that we lived close to each other in real life, so we decided to visit each other one time. His family was a little skeptical of me since I was a stranger in their home, but they grew fond of me over time. Over time, I moved in with him and his family full-time and I gained their trust. Big mistake.








One day, he got bad grades on his report card. His parents had warned him that if he got bad grades he wouldn't be allowed to play RS anymore. So, he refused to tell his parents of his bad grades. But I didn't O:)








His parents went berserk - so did my friend when he realized his computer had been removed. He was very angry at his parents for taking away his computer and his parents were very angry at him for getting bad grades. The tension grew because of their own arrogance. Finally at one point, my friend was like, "Ok. I have to do something about this." "Like what?" I asked. "I don't know. Anything." "Anything?" I asked. "Yes, anything," he said. That was my cue. :twisted:








I killed his parents that night. I don't regret it either. It served them right for the pain they had caused me of losing my whip. I buried their limbs under the floorboards of his room while he was at school. Every night after that night, he would be up wide awake, wondering about the noises he would hear in his room. He would never suspect that it was his dead parents. I told him that his parents went on a short vacation to cool off :lol:








Finally, I realized the time had come. I called the police and ordered them over to his house to examine what was beneath the floorboards. After overcoming the shock of what was beneath the floorboards, they gave my friend the death penalty. As he was being carried off towards the electric chair with tears in his eyes, he asked me, "Why are you doing this? I thought you were my friend!" I replied, "Because I had to use a d scimmy from then on."








:XD: :XD: I'm laughing in real life...I need to copy that story into Word... :XD: :XD:








EDIT: Skimming throught the topic, I'm amazed how many times this story has been quoted!

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Kept looking the gate in the heroes guild after a guy was almost dead. He was a ranger with a cannon and he couldn't get out. Haha, I was lucky he got hit with fire breath. I got a cannon, lava staff, and about 4k nats. :twisted:

"...You're not supposed to die for your country, you're supposed to make those S.O.B.'s die for their country..."

~U.S. General Patton

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Oh, oh, and another time I remember I was in the barrows. This kid came up to me and he was like "I'll buy your whip 10M!" :-k It seemed a bit sketchy to me, whips were 4.4M at the time but I figured, "what's the worst that could happen?" He tells me to meet him in Edgeville for it.








I go to Edgeville, and I see him. I put up my whip but he declines. He asks me to follow him. Relentlessly optimistic, I follow him to the border of the wild. He offers me the 10M and I accept - but what's this? Our trade is interrupted and suddenly I'm frozen solid! "Why are you doing this?!" I asked. He replied, "Use a d scimmy from now on!" The next thing I know, I'm in Falador without my precious whip :cry:








A few months later, I see that guy again in Edgeville. He doesn't remember me, but I remember him. He tells me to add him after seeing my remarkable fire cape - big mistake.








As the months flew by, we became close friends. One night we decided to go PK'ing. He brought his friend with him. The same friend who ice barraged me for my whip so long ago. I am forced to add him for the remainder of the trip. We run into a clan and the clan kills my friend. The clan turns to the guy who took my whip and he begs me for help. As he hits the floor and I see that lovely coil on top of his bones, I send him a private message, reminding him never to mess with me. He quit RS the next day.








More months passed by and we both discovered that we lived close to each other in real life, so we decided to visit each other one time. His family was a little skeptical of me since I was a stranger in their home, but they grew fond of me over time. Over time, I moved in with him and his family full-time and I gained their trust. Big mistake.








One day, he got bad grades on his report card. His parents had warned him that if he got bad grades he wouldn't be allowed to play RS anymore. So, he refused to tell his parents of his bad grades. But I didn't O:)








His parents went berserk - so did my friend when he realized his computer had been removed. He was very angry at his parents for taking away his computer and his parents were very angry at him for getting bad grades. The tension grew because of their own arrogance. Finally at one point, my friend was like, "Ok. I have to do something about this." "Like what?" I asked. "I don't know. Anything." "Anything?" I asked. "Yes, anything," he said. That was my cue. :twisted:








I killed his parents that night. I don't regret it either. It served them right for the pain they had caused me of losing my whip. I buried their limbs under the floorboards of his room while he was at school. Every night after that night, he would be up wide awake, wondering about the noises he would hear in his room. He would never suspect that it was his dead parents. I told him that his parents went on a short vacation to cool off :lol:








Finally, I realized the time had come. I called the police and ordered them over to his house to examine what was beneath the floorboards. After overcoming the shock of what was beneath the floorboards, they gave my friend the death penalty. As he was being carried off towards the electric chair with tears in his eyes, he asked me, "Why are you doing this? I thought you were my friend!" I replied, "Because I had to use a d scimmy from then on."








We have so much in common :D








Well anyways, the meanest thing I ever did was when I was low-level I begged my friends for stuff. :ohnoes:

99/99 Cooking. 1500+ total level. 96+ Combat


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