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Has Jagex reached its peak?


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Well now we all love and play runescape a widely massive game created by the British Company Jagex.








But, have they finally reached their peak of ideas? Lets look back...PC has made alot of people happy/anooyed. The PoH's was a great update but alot of things after that wern't that good imo. The hunterskill, fun but its the same things over and over again...The Hallowneen event was pretty cool but the 05 xmas event was horrible! And even Barbarian Assault isn't that populated anymore.








So my question is, do YOU think Jagex is running out of ideas.



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Maybe. Maybe not, if they actually listened to the players, they might have a few more members. :roll:








Thats one of the things that confuses me abut jagex, us players come up with some brilliant ideas that almost everyone likes yet they dont use them :-k



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no they can have that such games quite popular if they reduced the server numbers and increased the amount of players that can play on 1 server at a time so there will be more players doing castle wars for example :wink:


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no they can have that such games quite popular if they reduced the server numbers and increased the amount of players that can play on 1 server at a time so there will be more players doing castle wars for example :wink:








Yea, like 4000 people on each server, but it could cause majer lagg....



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no they can have that such games quite popular if they reduced the server numbers and increased the amount of players that can play on 1 server at a time so there will be more players doing castle wars for example :wink:








Yea, like 4000 people on each server, but it could cause majer lagg....








Major* ^








But it would work if they had better game support. And it would be better having 3000 people on a world except for world 2 :wink:








And I still think they have many idea's. That's what they pay people to do.

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I remember this being discussed in late 2003 - members was a year and a half old and updates seemed to be slowing down. But a few months later they finally pulled the long-awaited RS2 out of the bag. :P








I think that pretty soon we'll see expansion OUTWARD. The western mountains and the traditional confines of RuneScape will be blown away in the next few years.








I also think they might start to focus more on expanding their player base (like the German translation). They might also FINALLY give some clan support and make PKing the jewel of the game as it once was. Who knows - they player numbers on at a single time seems to have peaked, but I still think RuneScape has yet to peak.








And if they started to actually use player suggestions (like the famous better bank idea), they'd become more popular. Especially since the protests of the WorldSwitcher ban, they need some popularity points...

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Maybe. Maybe not, if they actually listened to the players, they might have a few more members. :roll:








Thats one of the things that confuses me abut jagex, us players come up with some brilliant ideas that almost everyone likes yet they dont use them :-k








sometimes there are flaws; but yet again sometimes there aren't. hm? :|

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The hunterskill, fun but its the same things over and over again.




Only farming isn't like that, and that's why people hate it :roll: .








But I really doubt Jagex is out of ideas, there is still so many to add.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

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The hunterskill, fun but its the same things over and over again.




Only farming isn't like that, and that's why people hate it :roll: .








But I really doubt Jagex is out of ideas, there is still so many to add.








I quite enjoy farming but it takes to long for the plants to grow!








And is Jagex are planning for something big, what will it be? The white knights overthrow rs? Or maybe the Gnomes are hiding something?



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Well now we all love and play runescape a widely massive game created by the British Company Jagex.








But, have they finally reached their peak of ideas? Lets look back...PC has made alot of people happy/anooyed. The PoH's was a great update but alot of things after that wern't that good imo. The hunterskill, fun but its the same things over and over again...The Hallowneen event was pretty cool but the 05 xmas event was horrible! And even Barbarian Assault isn't that populated anymore.








So my question is, do YOU think Jagex is running out of ideas.








Jagex does have some creative ideas, and I'm sure they have more up their sleeves. It's just that perhaps Jagex was concentrating too much on other things to put in the game, such as the Barb. Assult, so the Christmas event wasn't taken into consideration too much.








Otherwise, I think they're only half-way up the mountain.


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No, they aren't. I think they're instilling disappointment, only to release a MAJOR Quest update and a major minigame update, graphics update, and whatnot. They're just in a rut for a moment :)

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Out of ideas? Not a chance. Jagex and the many players of Runescape have a lot of ideas left, and just because it doesn't seem like Jagex incorporates what the players of Runescape say, doesn't mean that they don't. If you don't believe me, read the last update. Jagex didn't make those particular items untradeable at random, but rather because players felt that many scams we're related to these items.








I know that Jagex still has a lot planned.. they may be slow and secretive, but Jagex can throw down something new and amazing at any possible time. Don't forget, a lot of things still need graphics updates, and Varrock is due for a make-over.








There are most likely a lot more items to be released relating to the third-age armour, and another skill or two with arrive without a doubt within the next year or two.








Mind you, I haven't even been playing for a year yet, and I have seen a lot of positive reinforcement, and great updates by Jagex. The bag of magical tricks which Jagex holds, will never be depleted. :thumbsup:




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I'm sure they've got a few more ideas up their sleeve. Though it won't be lasting for much more longer. Rs will reach its end in a few years time I believe. Jagex will move onto bigger and better things, eventually.

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No, they aren't. I think they're instilling disappointment, only to release a MAJOR Quest update and a major minigame update, graphics update, and whatnot. They're just in a rut for a moment :)








I wonder if the pengiuns will be that MAJOR update?



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The hunterskill, fun but its the same things over and over again.




Only farming isn't like that, and that's why people hate it :roll: .








But I really doubt Jagex is out of ideas, there is still so many to add.








Don't talk about mah skill like that *slaps*!








Nah, they have plenty of tricks and updates in the bag for us, but they seriously need to STOP giving us lame headgear for the holiday events.








Like seriously, who actually wears that stupid reindeer hat and pumpkin head?!

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Are u sure Jagex doesn't listen to its players enough to make decisions?








Think polls. They have polls conducted weekly for members to find out their preferences. It's a good way to keep in touch and satisfy the majority of the players' taste.




In addition, when players come up with updates, it's not the players who think what are the bad and good points of a suggestion, they don't really see the big picture except the jagex team. I'm sure Jagex does view suggestions offered from players in runescape forums from time to time(look at the jmod's replys), but the thing is these suggestions need time to implement, probably 6 months and furthermore, when they r implemented, they must not compromise the future developments and interests of Jagex.








That being said, i definitely disagree that jagex has reached a plateau. If u think of the market that jagex is catering to, it's quite small but it's only the majority of english players who are attracted to this game. Think of the explosion of players who play runescape when it is more language friendly with people who dun speak or use english well.

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