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Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) (Review with more!)


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So, the most wanted game of all time ever since in 2004 the trailer was shown to us at E3. Ever since then, we have been wondering what this game will be like. Let us continue.








The story begins as Link, a local farm boy who herds goats and practices the way of the sword in his free time. Until one day, he is chosen to take a gift to the Royal Family in Hyrule. But, disaster strikes! Monsters attack Links village kidnapping the children (Oh noez) and Link starts to find them, but he finds a gate way into a different realm known as the Twilight Realm where he turns into a blue eyed wolf, once there. He meets Minda, an Imp like creature who helps Link out of the Prison that he is in, but in return, he must help Minda to recover the Fused Shadows...








The controls are simple, the Nunchuck anolog stick moves, Z Lock-On System and C to look around. The Wii Remote is used to attack by waving it, the D-Pads to choose your item to the B slot and to speak to Minda. Of Course to attack, you wave your Wii Remote to attack. The new item screen is now put into two seprate places, the - Button opens up the Item screen which is very different and the + button opens up the quest log. The Wolf mode is very neat, you can dig and use sense to find tresaure and to see Spirits/Poes, with also the ability to run faster. Your Horse, Epona, can be named to even the BMW Z3, with the ability for some nice Horseback fighting! A nice new feature is Running whilst slashing, this now makes cutting grass for money really fast. The music is fantastic as ever with even some OOT (Ocarina of Time) music as well!








Now lets move on to what makes the Zelda Series awesome. The Dungeons, the first Dungeon is a Forest themed Temple where you have to help some monkeys, the way how the Dungeon Works this time around is alot different in the other games, the detail really shows as well. The best dungeon has to be the second one, the Puzzles are great and there is always alot of fun if you have to use Occoco, this thing can get you out of the dungeon and back to the start whenever you like, quite useful really. The Mini Bosses are quite more of a Challenge. Above all, the Dungeons are great.








One of the most important part to a Zelda game is Fishing. This one is much more fun now with the Wii Remote, it makes it seems much more real, and its funny to do the actions as well, which makes it great! There are other fun Mini games as well, which make you less of an Idoit...








Above all, this game was worth the wait. Graphics are great, lots of re-play value, easy to understand the controls, fantastic Dungeons and a fantastic story. But the Wii Remote dose tend to lag a bit and the battries in the remote as well tend to die out quickly in a day but that dosen't really matter, you can't even notice if the Wii Mote tends to lag. Another thing is the length of the game, its too short in my view, OOT had lots of Dungeons! This dosen't have that much. But its still a great game but it dosen't beat OOT. This game gets a 9/10. My quote:




"To sum this game up in one word, it would be.... Fantastic!"








Things you didn't know about this game!




Link carries his sword in his RIGHT hand and the shield in his left but in the GC Version its the other way round?




Use the C button to look around in the Fishing Mini Game shop, now look at the Black and White photo. It's the orignal Fisherman from OOT carrying the ledgendary fish you caught!

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One of my favorite games of all time. I haven't played a Zelda game this good since Ocarina of Time. Twilight Princess doesn't actually beat Ocarina of Time though. It's a great game but I'm still looking forward to a Zelda game that uses the Wii's capabilities to the fullest. Twilight Princess for Wii was just a modified version of the Gamecube Twilight Princess. Still, a great game. 8/10 from me

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Its very good for the 3 years Ninetendo spent on the devolopement of it but im still waiting for the side quests like in Wind Waker to come so i can have abit of exploration but i guess i have to wait and do the water temple and be able to change from forms to get around easier, i hope the temple isnt as hard as the agonising ones for the N64

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Did anyone actually play the NGC version?








well i found twilight princess to be the best game of all time, but i was kind of easy








i was really dissapointed at the battle against Zant=loss of creativity


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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Did anyone actually play the NGC version?








well i found twilight princess to be the best game of all time, but i was kind of easy








i was really dissapointed at the battle against Zant=loss of creativity








I've only played the NGC version, since I don't have a wii. I found the game was pretty good, although personally I found the story to be somewhat short, and I also didn't really care for some of the side quests (bug catching for a bigger wallet, or fishing) and maybe it was just me, the bosses we're really easy. I should've checked if there was a harder difficulty before writing this review though.








The chance to turn Link into a wolf was pretty awesome though, this being my first zelda game I found it added a nice touch, and will keep me coming back to the series for along time to come. :D

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I had the NGC version for less than a day. Got it at EB Games; then the next day I bought my Wii :-$ I like the Wii version a lot more. So much more feeling to it - if you get me. Less of push this; hold that. And more activity ::'

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Well so far it is sort of 'easier' then I expected...Allthough I'm not very far in the game yet...(Just got the Master Sword)




I hope in the future we'll see a "Master Quest" verson of TP much like we did with Ocarina of Time...








For those who don't know what that is...




If you pre-ordered Wind Waker before it was released you recived a copy of The Ocarina of Time for NGC which included the normal version and an extra "Master Quest" Version which was the exact same as the normal game except all the dungeons were 10 times harder...(And when I say 10 times harder I mean it...Still to this day I am stuck in Ganon's Tower).








But a Master Quest for Twilight Princess would be downright awesome.








But other then that this is a tight game! And the dungeons are challenging but not so hard that you would throw your Wii against the wall...




The only problem with this game is the bosses are way to easy...as in any Zelda game (Except for the final battle in Majora's Mask which was a little...to tough) :D

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(Except for the final battle in Majora's Mask which was a little...to tough) :D
Without the Fierce Diety mask; yea it's a bit of an pain. With it, however, it's a complete joke. You can beat Majora (all 3 incarnations) in under a minute :uhh:
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(Except for the final battle in Majora's Mask which was a little...to tough) :D
Without the Fierce Diety mask; yea it's a bit of an pain.








Well ya your right but you know what I mean...




How many people are going to actualy get all (However many) masks there is before killing the final boss.








The best dungeon has to be the second one








Actualy I disagree but this is just my opinions...




I'm not 'that far' into the game but I found the Goron Mine's to be the easiest of the 3 temples I've been into so far.




The Water Temple however (Forgot actual name) is my favorite.




I found it pretty challenging and I found the puzzles very creative...I think this was much better then the OOT's water temple which was the 1 temple in that game I hated the most...(Switching your boots on and off constantly...) I also like how you have the ability to actualy swim. Makes things alos easier.

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I'm really enjoying the game, although it is a little bit on the easy side. I'm in the palace of twilight now, and I've got one sol. It's really freaky With the hand and all, brrr.. >.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Question about the game. I dont know if im getting a wii anytime soon, and i do have a gamecube. Does the wii control add a lot to the game play? Or would it basically be the same with the GC too?


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Hmm, depends. The swordplay doesn't really add much for me. It's the aiming with bow/clawshot/boomerang etc. and fishing that's really cool, and of course there's sound trough your remote. If you're not sure about if you're getting a wii and when, I'd say get it for cube. Becuase you do want to play this game soon!


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Yea; being able to swim (like really swim) reminded me of MM and the Zora mask :D I loved being a zora; no joke I'd waste hours swiming in Great Bay doing tricks <3:








agreed, that lead-guitarist sure could swim :)








I'm really enjoying the game, although it is a little bit on the easy side. I'm in the palace of twilight now, and I've got one sol. It's really freaky With the hand and all, brrr.. >.<








hehe, yea, but it IS a classic Zelda monster :)

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Its already become voted as the #3 game of all time, only losing to Ocarina of Time and Soul Caliber 1. The ranking was determined by averaging out all of the rating from every major game magazine and site. I think they average a total of about 100 sites and mags.



you know there is a place called outside, better graphics 100% pvp and no fee to play :-w
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is an amazing game, just have to beat Ganon and I'l lhave beat the game. Kind of sad since I've had this since the day Wii came out, but I haven't been playing that much. Wii Sports was just too addicting.


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