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Weekly Poll: What do you think of RS membership prices?


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Its a great price. You can work for an hour at a minimum wage job, and have enough for a month of membership. It is much cheaper than most other, if not all other online games of its caliber, and there are many payment methods, making it that much more easy to get membership. :)




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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I think when people throw it up in people's faces about how cheap it is they tend to forget that not everybody lives where they do. In Australia some months i have paid up to $15 AUD for membership and for me that is just too expensive for a game.








Right now i am lucky that my boyfriend has a Visa Debit card and we subscribe both accounts under the one card so i pay $10 a month per account. But still there are a lot of people who aren't lucky enough. I also payed $50 for membership one month when i did it via the phone, granted this wasn't because of Jagex but still.








In Australia there aren't many options for people younger than 18 to get membership. They can't do paypal, they can't have credit/debit cards, you can't call the phone line from your prepaid mobile. There isn't an sms service set for people. Granted there are money orders but the Australian Postal service isn't always that great and you'd be waiting three weeks for membership.








Maybe bring in some of these other options for the younger kids would improve sales and make it easier and more affordable for membership.








ouch that sucks


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It cost more than xbox live per year!








yes, but how much is an x-box/360?








(360=400 dollars, 400/60=a little under 7 years of membership)





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I think the price is very reasonable, 5$ may just mean using a little bit less of something, (or as previously said) not going to eat out once in a month, I honestly feel members is definatly worth this.




Although it would be very nice if JaGEX could possibly work on evening out the prices per say a flat rate of 5$ for everyone I'm sure in areas where 10 is the least it would cause more people to want to get members. Although to uphold an agreement with certain paying options (PayPal for example) it may actually cause JaGEX to spend more per person than to make a decent profit off.

This is where they want I should sign?

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I think when people throw it up in people's faces about how cheap it is they tend to forget that not everybody lives where they do. In Australia some months i have paid up to $15 AUD for membership and for me that is just too expensive for a game.








Right now i am lucky that my boyfriend has a Visa Debit card and we subscribe both accounts under the one card so i pay $10 a month per account. But still there are a lot of people who aren't lucky enough. I also payed $50 for membership one month when i did it via the phone, granted this wasn't because of Jagex but still.








In Australia there aren't many options for people younger than 18 to get membership. They can't do paypal, they can't have credit/debit cards, you can't call the phone line from your prepaid mobile. There isn't an sms service set for people. Granted there are money orders but the Australian Postal service isn't always that great and you'd be waiting three weeks for membership.








Maybe bring in some of these other options for the younger kids would improve sales and make it easier and more affordable for membership.








I'm an Aussie too, i pay by phone and its $12 AUD. If it costs $5 USD like they advertise it then i think they got the USD - AUD exchange rate wrong. So everyone who says were cheap because we cant cough up $5 you can be quiet now. If it was any more i might as well as just buy WoW and pay the $20 a month.

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I Think that its dumb that they make you pay, i mean with the adverts and all the people that like to click them, they probley make as much as they do off of the members. I remember back in good ol' 2-d where there was no "members" world. When they made a "members" world i quit for about a year or 2. Then I found out that they were making a 3-d version and i joined back in dis-liking it. lol ... But I think they have no reason to charge money except for lots of profit. (Just like WoW. :P ) ( And now there "login server" is down \' )









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I want people to consider this, lets say you're a member for 3 years and you pay 10 dollars in american dollas equivalency because you're money is worth less(or is it more..?) here. Anyway, that would be 360$, now if you play for 2 hours every single day out of those 3 years. That means that you will have payed 360 dollars(now this is most likely double what alot of people would pay in 3 years but anyway) for 2190 hours of enjoyment. Is 180-360 dollars worth 2190 hours of enjoyment, I would say so.

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The five dollars thing is very smart on their part. Runescape doesn't have the draw a WoW type game has so it can't charge 15 bucks a month. I played WoW and as soon as I got bored I canceled my subscription and quit. When I got bored with runescape I stayed a member and didn't play for six months and then came back because it was only 5 bucks a month.








If it was much more than that I would have canceled and never given it another go. $5 bucks a month is a huge draw for this game and they would shoot themselves in the foot if they increased it to $10 a month. The game wouldn't keep going for years and years if they did that.

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its reasonable but still could be cheaper me thinks... but then again it depends on your age bracket because I know alot of people who play runescape are too young to work and so the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3.20 could be alot of money to some people and not to others








If anything it should have a higher price. You can spend a couple of years playing runescape and still enjoy yourself, trust me on this one. And if you can't pay up then you know what? You need to be happy with F2P.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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its reasonable but still could be cheaper me thinks... but then again it depends on your age bracket because I know alot of people who play runescape are too young to work and so the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3.20 could be alot of money to some people and not to others








If anything it should have a higher price. You can spend a couple of years playing runescape and still enjoy yourself, trust me on this one. And if you can't pay up then you know what? You need to be happy with F2P.








You cant say that:"And if you can't pay up then you know what? You need to be happy with F2P." Not all of runescape acount families can afford that of their 500$ month income (if we count down taxes and all about 180$) to pay runescape membership. A LOT of people DO NOT have a credit card and some of them have to pay 10$.worth of money is different for different peoples.








But I think that prices are reasonable.








edit: omg how bad english I have :oops:

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its reasonable but still could be cheaper me thinks... but then again it depends on your age bracket because I know alot of people who play runescape are too young to work and so the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3.20 could be alot of money to some people and not to others








If anything it should have a higher price. You can spend a couple of years playing runescape and still enjoy yourself, trust me on this one. And if you can't pay up then you know what? You need to be happy with F2P.








You cant say that:"And if you can't pay up then you know what? You need to be happy with F2P." Not all of runescape acount families can afford that of their 500$ month income (if we count down taxes and all about 180$) to pay runescape membership. A LOT of people DO NOT have a credit card and some of them have to pay 10$.worth of money is different for different peoples.








But I think that prices are reasonable.








edit: omg how bad english I have :oops:








So because they are poor they should be allowed to have membership for free/cheaper? You get what you pay for and if you don't want to pay you get nothing. Thats doing business for you.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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A LOT of people DO NOT have a credit card and some of them have to pay 10$.worth of money is different for different peoples












Its important to remember that which ever method you use to pay, Jagex still revive the same amount for it, so its unfair to say that its overpriced because of the pay by phone option..... It is beyond jagex'es control.








I think the price is very cheap! very very cheap!








When you look at it incomparason to console games, a new console game in engalnd will cost around ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã30, and people after buying these will probaly play them for only a few weeks, before putting them down and never touching them again, others will make you pay ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã30 and then monthly subscription for online membership.








Runescape however (to round down) costs the price of a new game, for an entire year!!! and lets not forget the fact that you can play for free.

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Compared to games like Everquest and world of Warcraft which cost $15 dollars a month and offer a huge amount of content the same as runescape, and then take into the consideration the lack of graphics that runescape has, I'd say 5$ is reasonable.








If runescape ever upgrades to full 3d engines like EQ and WoW, then I would never consider playing any other game but runescape! And, I would even pay $20 a month since I feel runescape has a better gameplay perspective than most MMO's.








But....(and hats off to the java success and abilities)....But....Runescape graphics just have to be upgraded one day.

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It's a reasonable price if you look at what membership offers you.








It is not a reasonable price if you take into consideration what kind of problems P2P will cause, such as excessive addiction.








That is why I never chose to member, but on the other hand, it weakens my opinions.

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The bottom line is that for 60 bucks a year, in that 1 year period almost everyone that plays rs buys at least 1 other video game for x box, ps2, ps3, Wii, psp or whatever.








What is more worth your 60 bucks a year, a game you beat in a week or a game that always progresses and grows?

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