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How Did You Start Playing Runescape?


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I stumbled upon it on Miniclip, started playing and got up to lvl 20-ish as a pure ranger. Got bored, and quitted.












Then 1 year later my friends started playing it as well, I was all happy coz I had to take care of a bunch of level 3s but now I'm the weakest :|












Ahh, the good times.

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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Well, I used to play a game called Monster Hunter and a member of the clan I was in showed me runescape.




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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My friend told me it was a "well cool game and that when i go on i should get 60 woodcutting first cos u get really really rich from woodcutting its the best skill etc. " So me and him raced to 60 woodcutting, he quit soon after and here i am still :D

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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i used to download games from miniclip when i was younger. i remember runescape was on miniclip but i never tried playing it cause i only playd the games you could download. then one day my little brother wanted to play a new game so i clicked on runescape and was shocked how you could talk to people and move around in a virtual world. i had no idea there were those kinds of games, but i loved the social aspect of the game ever since.








i had one account named after my brother untill i got to lvl 40 and i realized i was playing this game to much so i gave away my account. the next week i was back and named my new account after someone i saw ingame the week before, and for the lack of comeing up with a better name. still regret it to this day. (both my name and playing rs)

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Well, My story is like toms I found the game on Miniclip found it really stupid and ditched it. Then one year later all my friends were talking about this Runescape game, I was like I've played that before its a stupid game then I went back on did the tutorial and got hooked, got better than all my friends. And they quit AFTER they got me hooked <.<

Iv Green vI.png


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I started playing when my best friend (now) moved and started dating a girl i know down the street. He got me hooked, and i got to level 35 (he was 33 XD) then he gave me his prized possesion, a green phat. Eventually, after making ALOT of pies, i could finally afford full addy.








So, i head out from varrock west bank, to the edgeville line to show off my addy, but i accidently walked into the wilderness...








I was 3 hit by that evil black pure -.- I was soo devistated i quit.








I came back during the time when whips were about 11m, and dragon chains were upwards of 36m, with an account i completely forgot about. All i had was 34 firemaking and 1k logs in the bank i cut, and i went on from there.....








Ive come such a long way in my book O.o


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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I started playing when my best friend (now) moved and started dating a girl i know down the street. He got me hooked, and i got to level 35 (he was 33 XD) then he gave me his prized possesion, a green phat. Eventually, after making ALOT of pies, i could finally afford full addy.








So, i head out from varrock west bank, to the edgeville line to show off my addy, but i accidently walked into the wilderness...








I was 3 hit by that evil black pure -.- I was soo devistated i quit.








I came back during the time when whips were about 11m, and dragon chains were upwards of 36m, with an account i completely forgot about. All i had was 34 firemaking and 1k logs in the bank i cut, and i went on from there.....








Ive come such a long way in my book O.o








Still got that green phat? Lol.








Anyway, I started because about 8-9 months ago my friend told me this game was pretty cool and you could have adventures on it and stuff (cliche I know), and so I started playing he gave me like 11k (I KNOW THE EXACT AMOUNT) and full iron. I eventually ended up dying and losing the iron, and I thought 11k with pretty rich lol. I hate the dark wizards circle to this day :evil:








Yeah, I was a mining addict when I first started but I haven't ever mined a lot since I started (especially when i started members).....about 9 months ago..lol.........

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I started playing when my best friend (now) moved and started dating a girl i know down the street. He got me hooked, and i got to level 35 (he was 33 XD) then he gave me his prized possesion, a green phat. Eventually, after making ALOT of pies, i could finally afford full addy.








So, i head out from varrock west bank, to the edgeville line to show off my addy, but i accidently walked into the wilderness...








I was 3 hit by that evil black pure -.- I was soo devistated i quit.








I came back during the time when whips were about 11m, and dragon chains were upwards of 36m, with an account i completely forgot about. All i had was 34 firemaking and 1k logs in the bank i cut, and i went on from there.....








Ive come such a long way in my book O.o








Still got that green phat? Lol.








Anyway, I started because about 8-9 months ago my friend told me this game was pretty cool and you could have adventures on it and stuff (cliche I know), and so I started playing he gave me like 11k (I KNOW THE EXACT AMOUNT) and full iron. I eventually ended up dying and losing the iron, and I thought 11k with pretty rich lol. I hate the dark wizards circle to this day :evil:








Yeah, I was a mining addict when I first started but I haven't ever mined a lot since I started (especially when i started members).....about 9 months ago..lol.........








Naw, i lost everything due to the fact i skulled XD








I remember being a mining addict, and not knowing much.








Go from faladore, north, then east to the dwarf mountain (Now refered to as ice mountain) and to the 3 coal rocks, then walking all the way back. It would have been soo usefull to know about the stairs or even edgeville.








Or smithing... walking from varrock to lumby... XD








I was such a newb back then


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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Back when I used to play Mininclip (Looooonnng time ago), I saw Runescape, but I was like "Eh, naw, I rocket man!!!!!!" (Yes, I was an idiot!). My brother started playing, introduced to the game, and I made Chocobodude1, got bored, quit, and made Chocobodude0. The rest, they say, is history....

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good friend of mine showed me it back in 04' i got hooked pretty quickly, but about 3 months later got hacked and quit until mid 05' when i started up again. luckly my friend that showed me still played and helped me get back on my feet after starting a new a char ::'

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When I first started I needed something more addicting than cocaine to get me off the drug. Hey, it worked, didn't it?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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My friend showed me back in 7th Grade. It was RSC and I was somewhat addicted to it for a small time. I quit eventually halfway through the schoolyear.








Then during the following summer I started playing again, I found TipIt and got through some quests and trained my skills more. I played until the summer before my 9th grade year in school. I got up to a whopping lvl 72 and was a hardcore mining addict. My original SN was Nathanzach11. I then figured out how to hack....unfortunately I wasn't as mature as I am now and password scammed a few people, got caught, and got perm banned. I gave up.








Finally a year ago I started up another account casually leveling here and there just to pass the time and now I'm here, Range This11 (a much more mature and knowlegeable 11th grader) and I also have a pker in the making. Kind of a sad, yet interesting story.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I googled my name, and up came RuneScape as like the fourth post.. Wierd huh... Name is Zac by the way. So yea I clicked on it, and this was before RS2 boom, I played and I was hooked. Then I quit when my account got hacked right before RS2 which was full of valuables <.< Started up Devoted12.... Been good ever since!

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I found it through miniclip (I think thats where noobs come from). 2 or 3 years ago. None of my friends played it, but I did manage to get a few converts since then. I remember that I thought it was pretty cool at first, but i got bored after i beat tutorial island. I guess i took a month off or so then :-w . But i got bored one day and came back. It didnt take long to get me hooked! I guess i spent a few weeks just exploring. I remember i didnt see port sarim for at least 2 weeks, even with the map (couldnt teleport). About this time, i realized that runescape had its own website, and i quit miniclip for good! Luckily, i found tip.it early, and i stuck with it the whole time.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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a friends friend showed my friend who showed me, then i overtook him and he got bored








thats it :?


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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