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The bible


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you hit it right on the mark for the whole heaven/hell thing.




in other news, were u in a kids service when u went to shul? cause if u were, that would be the easy explanation for the apple juice. honestly, the drinking of apple juice has no symoblic/religious meaning. there is a blessing to say b4 doing so though in the everyday journey of life.




baruch ata Adonai elohanu melech ha'olam boray pere ha adamah



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To be honest, I remember there being a lot of adults around us. The drinking of juice and the hymns are mostly what I remember. I do remember us saying a blessing before the juice was consumed.




The hymns were all sung in Hebrew. Since my family didn't know Hebrew, we were given the option of singing the hymns in English as they provided a translation alongside the hymn. We also wore caps as a symbol of humility.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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  • 3 months later...

Personally, I love the Bible. Yall should just believe in that.




P.S. Did you hear about the story called




The Atheist and the Christian?

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No, but I did hear the story about bumping ancient threads that are highly controversial that no one wants to read :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: .




Don't read them.







NOOOOOO tell me more :twss: :twss:




I'll try to get the link for you...

Click Here 4 My Crafting Guide!

Yes, I Do have over 100,000+ Emails. I get about 100+ every day. Want some?


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No, but I did hear the story about bumping ancient threads that are highly controversial that no one wants to read :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: .




Don't read them.







NOOOOOO tell me more :twss: :twss:




I'll try to get the link for you...


I don't believe you will get the link.

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Now when you read this topic, don't get the god in the bible confused, with a higher being. All the bible is, is the christian story of god. If the bible is wrong, there can still be a higher being, but with a different story.




Note, this is a thread about the bible: christians story of god. I don't want this to turn into yet another 20 pages of whether there is a god/higher being or not. If anyone posts something like that I will report it, as it is offtopic.




Personally I think the bible is flawed for a few reasons.




According to the bible, the world is 6000 years old. Yet, it is PROVEN the world is approximately 4.5 billion years old. Fossils, examinations of the earths crust say that the world is billions of years old. Some people with a voice in their head is all the proof it is 6000 years old.




Here is another point in which shows the world cannot be 6000 years old:



Please, explain to me how the light from the distant stars is here. How can we see anything in the universe past our own solar system. We simply wouldn't be able to, for light wouldn't have had enough time to travel this far.





Another point, is dinosaurs. The bible does in fact mention mythological beasts, whether it is talking about dinosaurs or not is irrelivent.




A biblical day(when god created the earth) may have a different meaning, timewise, than our 24 hour system.




It wouldn't make sense if they had big days, as the bible includes sentences such as "he travelled for X days" If in fact, the days back then were big enough to account for the billions of years this earth has been around for, in this 'X days' he would have been dead in the first day.




Fossils are billions of 'today's years' old, but apparently the bible is 6000 years old. I explained above about the argument about different sized days cannot be true, so if you believe in the bible, you cannot believe in dinosaurs. Which have been proven, you might as well not believe in gravity.




There have been many religions over the centuries. Each religion can be baught down to 2 reasons, one of which is morals.




Religion works great as a set of moral guidelines untill people start killing each other over whose god is better, or untill those guidelines become outdated. Christians aren't killing off vast numbers of any other religion at the moment (except Muslims, and that doesn't count because our motive is oil, not religious zeal, though you could make a case that the Middle Eastern conflict is a modern day crusade for the holy land). So is Christianity completely outdated?




The Muslim rational for not eating pigs is that they are "Dirty" animals and it is not gods will for us to eat them. This may have made sense thousands or even hundreds of years ago, when pigs may have had bacteria in them that could cause certain diseases. This is not true today. The Christian rational for not having sex before marriage is that it is gods will for us to create families and not have sex before marriage. This may have made sense hundreds of years ago when sex before marriage created unwanted children and social decay. It is not true today.





The other reason is to explain what science and technology can't.




One example is the ancient egyptions. They did not have the science and technology to know how the sun rose and set, it appeared to them to move across the sky. So they invented a god that moved the sun across the sky. Today we know that is [cabbage], and the Earth revolves around the sun - which is why it appears to move across the sky. We know this because of the science and technology we have today.




Lets briefly compare a story of the bible, to a religious story we have today.




The sun moving across the sky in ancient egypt, and jesus being the son of god.




They both took true facts. There was really a man called jesus who claimed to be the son of god. And the sun does in fact appear to move across the sky. And then turned them into stories to explain what science and technology can't.




A god passes through 12 gates, fights a serpent and carries the sun across the sky, and A man called Jesus claimed to be the son of god and performed mericles. (sp)




My question: How is the Ancient Egyptions religion, which we all know is rubbish, any different to the stories in the bible? There are in fact still people today who believe in ancient religions, because of faith even though they are wrong, and that is all that christianity is.




Your whole post is flawed.




First off, it is in no way proven to be 4.5 billion years. Show me the proof, in that case.






Second, Why are you comparing the Egyptian God to the Christian one?




The whole morals thing is wrong, a religion can't become 'outdated,' while some parts of it can, not the whole thing itself.




Also, Christians believe the universe was created in a week, not 4 billion years. It would not be a miracle if it wasn't 4 billion years.




I can't explain the light thing, I think about that myself.




Why is it irrelevant if they're talking about Dinosaurs or not?




And lastly, Science tells how something works, Religion tells WHY something works.

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The Bible says nothing about the Earth being 6000 years old or even how long the Hebrews considered a year to be. Hell, to be honest God is telling the story in the first place. Everything is relative, not literal.




There are VERY few Jews or Christians that believe the world is 6000 years old, the vast majority agree with the scientific view of the age of the Earth. We also believe in dinosaurs and the Big Bang. Ooooh. This thread is 55 pages of the same basic kiddie arguments being shelled out over and over again on both sides. I'd love to ask some doctorates in theology to come lay some of you straight but I don't see the point in wasting their time.




The intelligent posting in this thread ended long ago. It's simply boiled down into "Nuh uh, Uh huh!" back and forth.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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There are VERY few Jews or Christians that believe the world is 6000 years old, the vast majority agree with the scientific view of the age of the Earth. We also believe in dinosaurs and the Big Bang.




Really? Really? I mean, I would not call 26.3% of the population that labels themselves, "Evangelicals" a "very few" amount at all. Sure, there is the evangelical "left", but THEY are the ones that are in the very tiny minority. That's just evangelicals, that's not even Baptists or whatever else sect that there is that believes in a literal translation of the creation story, and history of the bible.




Also, a gallup poll was just performed and 44% of US Adults agree that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old. That's very far from, "very few".

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The Bible says nothing about the Earth being 6000 years old or even how long the Hebrews considered a year to be. Hell, to be honest God is telling the story in the first place. Everything is relative, not literal.




There are VERY few Jews or Christians that believe the world is 6000 years old, the vast majority agree with the scientific view of the age of the Earth. We also believe in dinosaurs and the Big Bang. Ooooh. This thread is 55 pages of the same basic kiddie arguments being shelled out over and over again on both sides. I'd love to ask some doctorates in theology to come lay some of you straight but I don't see the point in wasting their time.




The intelligent posting in this thread ended long ago. It's simply boiled down into "Nuh uh, Uh huh!" back and forth.






While it does not say exactly, someone used points in the bible to figure the Earth out to be around 4,000. And we also don't believe in Big Bang, you may, but I don't.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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*sigh* The other thread, which shall remain nameless, just died, did we have to bring another back up?


The bible is the worst piece of fiction I've ever read.


You must only read really really extremely good books which have immense plot lines that twine together perfectly if it's the worst you've read.


The fiction part is controversal, as it is at least based in history, and you can take it farther if you wish, but regardless, the Bible is an amazing piece of literature whether you agree with what it says or not. The literary expressions used, similies, metaphors, and the way the New Testament intertwines with the Old is amazing.

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There are VERY few Jews or Christians that believe the world is 6000 years old, the vast majority agree with the scientific view of the age of the Earth. We also believe in dinosaurs and the Big Bang.




Really? Really? I mean, I would not call 26.3% of the population that labels themselves, "Evangelicals" a "very few" amount at all. Sure, there is the evangelical "left", but THEY are the ones that are in the very tiny minority. That's just evangelicals, that's not even Baptists or whatever else sect that there is that believes in a literal translation of the creation story, and history of the bible.




Also, a gallup poll was just performed and 44% of US Adults agree that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old. That's very far from, "very few".




There is something VERY wrong with either that poll or the Education system. I'll vote for the latter.




Not all Evangelicals believe the same thing. Just like not all liberals are card carrying communists. The stereotypes based upon a WORD are getting out of hand here.




EDIT: Just checked some things. Most all major Christian Denominations (AKA Catholics, Methodists, Episcopals, etc) have in their written doctrines and disciplines that the Earth's age is currently believed to be approximately 4.5 billion years old. At the very least there is major theological debate in seminaries which focuses on the theological side rather than the scientific view of the argument. The broader unorganized denominations (like Baptists) are hit and miss, because there is no central authority, only individual churches that interpret things differently.




I can see this as being a reason for your figures (although I still think the gallup poll was seriously wierd) as those groups make up large portions of the international Christian assembly.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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There are VERY few Jews or Christians that believe the world is 6000 years old, the vast majority agree with the scientific view of the age of the Earth. We also believe in dinosaurs and the Big Bang.




Really? Really? I mean, I would not call 26.3% of the population that labels themselves, "Evangelicals" a "very few" amount at all. Sure, there is the evangelical "left", but THEY are the ones that are in the very tiny minority. That's just evangelicals, that's not even Baptists or whatever else sect that there is that believes in a literal translation of the creation story, and history of the bible.




Also, a gallup poll was just performed and 44% of US Adults agree that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old. That's very far from, "very few".




There is something VERY wrong with either that poll or the Education system. I'll vote for the latter.




Not all Evangelicals believe the same thing. Just like not all liberals are card carrying communists. The stereotypes based upon a WORD are getting out of hand here.




I know that they don't all believe the same thing, that's why I separated them from the "left" evangelicals. Besides, it's still not a far cry to say it's a lot of people even if you don't think people believe the same thing.




I'll agree that the education system is failing, but the larger hurdle is confronting the ignorance of the Christian Right. It's not even ignorance, it is WILL FULL ignorance. If you try and educate them in the humblest of manners, they get agitated and lash out that you're a godless heathen, and then cite http://www.answersingenesis.org . Jerry Falwell's Liberty University isn't helping much when it comes to "educating", either.




I grew up in a household of them, I went to an Evangelical church against my own will for 10 years. I know they don't all believe the same thing, but when it's a religion followed by tenants of beliefs, it's quite obvious that the majority do.

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Read my edit above. Like I said in the other thread, extreme "left and right" are very annoying to me, as they are generally ignorant and misinformed.




As for your personal experiences, I do detect a LOT of hostility in some of your posts that kind of scream "rebelling! RAWR!" to me so forgive me if I treat you a little harshly. I, on the other hand, have willingly gone to church for 16 years. My parents never forced me to go after I was a certain age, before then it was just because they of course could not leave me alone.




The Christian "right" is a real mess nowadays for a variety of reasons internal and external which I like to think of as a vast confusion. I'd post more thoughts but I must be on to class.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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The bible is the worst piece of fiction I've ever read.


Can we get a "No [bleep]s" sign on every thread in off-topic? I'm really tired of [wagon] coming in thinking they're funny or intelligent or rebels when they are blatantly ignorant about religion. Magekillr, for example, while I often disagree with him, I respect (most of the time) because he respects me (most of the time). AAAARGH.




Whatever. I don't technically follow the New Testament in worship, or belong to any particular church.




I like gospel churches the most, though.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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The Bible is hilarious.




I find it like reading a boring fiction novel, as someone said before. On the other hand, the morals and stuff that they teach are good, sooo i can't really hat on it too much.




This is incredibly immature, but there is an actual place in Caanan (it says so in The Bible, I did this in Scripture today) called the Hill of Foreskins.




Disgusting, no?





If a man is not a worker, he is nothing.


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Your whole post is flawed.




First off, it is in no way proven to be 4.5 billion years. Show me the proof, in that case.






Second, Why are you comparing the Egyptian God to the Christian one?




The whole morals thing is wrong, a religion can't become 'outdated,' while some parts of it can, not the whole thing itself.




Also, Christians believe the universe was created in a week, not 4 billion years. It would not be a miracle if it wasn't 4 billion years.




I can't explain the light thing, I think about that myself.




Why is it irrelevant if they're talking about Dinosaurs or not?




And lastly, Science tells how something works, Religion tells WHY something works.




1. You didn't need to quote the whole thing...


2. I think the guy is banned anyway.. Or at least was banned.




The Earth really is that old, and most Christians realize that. There are very few fundamentalist morons who think the world isn't 4.5 billion years old. I won't try to tell you gravity doesn't exist, and you forget about arguing against a well known fact, deal?




A number of morals in the bible are outdated, or at least what was morally correct. He makes sense because the morals in the bible were based on the morals at the time of writing, the morals today are much different, so the bible doesn't really work as a moral guidebook today.




I mean there are a lot of good points in there, but if you only follow some of the morals then you are really just following your own morals, so it's not the bible.




Finally, science tells us how and why something works, religion is essentially a bunch of stories with morals, and a fictitious version of the creation of the universe.

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Man I love this site.


After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. 2:18-22


Genesis 6:14-15


Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.




Noah's ark is 450 feet long. The largest wooden ships ever built were just over 300 feet, and they required diagonal iron strapping for support. Even so, they leaked so badly that they had to be pumped constantly. Are we to believe that Noah, with no shipbuilding knowledge, was able to construct a wooden ship longer than any that has been built since?




but not only was the ark too big to be seaworthy, it was far too small to be able to contain the earth's millions of plant and animal species.




The Creation Wiki points out that the dimensions of the arc are in the ratio of 5:3, which is pretty darn close to Phi, the golden ratio. This proves not only that God exists, but also that the Bible was inspired by God. How else could this happen? (I think this is the best proof for the existence of God and the inerrancy of the Bible.)




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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God damnit why do I always instinctively click on this thread first before I realize what hell I'm entering.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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First off, it is in no way proven to be 4.5 billion years. Show me the proof, in that case.


Here's a start:






And lastly, Science tells how something works, Religion tells WHY something works.


Science tells us both how something works, and why it works. More importantly, it does so without using untestable and unreliable supernatural explanations.

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God damnit why do I always instinctively click on this thread first before I realize what hell I'm entering.




I'm actually kind of mad at myself for clicking on it for the first time in six months.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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And lastly, Science tells how something works, Religion tells WHY something works.

That is exactly why religion exists, people want to know why everything happens so they have to make something up for something they don't understand yet. A good example would be Egyptians and Greeks making up gods for things they didn't understand.




Anyway, on topic about they bible. My mom made read it last year, I started it...... and then I stopped when I got to Noah's Ark. I rather be reading The Lord of The Rings ::'

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Science tells us both how something works, and why it works. More importantly, it does so without using untestable and unreliable supernatural explanations.


Science fills the human why and how we always crave.




Religion fills the "for what reason?" in science's tracks. It has always been so, and likely will be.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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