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Tip.it The movie (Dead)


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Before I show you, I would like to share to you on how I thought of the idea:








It was back at Christmas 2006, not so long ago, it was at the Christmas Bash V, I had a brilliant time! (For those who weren't around at the time, try looking it up in the TET Forum, I'm sure it will be there), afterwards, the idea just jumped in my head! Since it was almost midnight and I starting to get tired, I went to bed thinking over the idea. The next morning I started to type out a draft of it, it was looking pretty good, it had everything that the Tip.it community had, Humour, randomness and friendly :) I went over it in Janurary, it was looking pretty good, but, I decided to re-write the entire thing but keeping the orignal idea for jokes etc. Now it's Feburary, and it's almost complete, this thing might take a while for this to be made, but if I get enough corperation from you guys (and gals) this shall be a great time \' Now, your probally wondering "What is he thinking?" and the mods would be thinking "Oh boy, time to Lock another topic..." but your in for a "suprise" if you have been reading my blog, well, here it is, I hope your looking forward to this!
















If this is in the wrong place, my bad, move it as you wish, but for now, can it stay here? Right, moving on, the script is in the final production and thus, parts shall be posted tommorow or Thursady. All who take part must have a good length of armor/clothing and weapons to make this great. All who take part shall also be paid in cash, we will need a camera man who also must take part in a role at most scenes. The length of the film shall also be posted tommorow or Thursday with the plot line as well.








News upon Tip.It The Movie




Head lines from the man himself.




1) Tip.It Movie Announced.




2) Roles, Plot line and more!




3) First few actors are chosen, hurry people! Before the main role is taken!




4) Title changed to grab peoples attention!




5) More people sign up! Great work people! Once someone can lend us their house, we can start filming! Thanks again guys! ::'




6) We have our main role and more people sign up! We still need that house! Thanks everyone!




7) Please say a big thanks to inferno_char for setting us up a IRC Chat room! Check below for more information!




8) The Script is finished! Thanks for being paitent everyone! They shall be sent to your Inbox on this forum!




9) All the scripts have been sent out! Thanks everyone! Be paitent with the rehearsal timing! Cheers!




10) Rehersal Date is released!




11) Behind the scenes and more!




12) Estimated release date is announced!




13) An extra event? Find out for more!




14) Sequel is announced!




15) Behind the scenes and a Topic-Linker-Sig thing!




16) There shall be NO Prequal.




17) Updates and More!




18)New Movie announced!




19) Filming shall Start This Weekend!




20) Pie Man Begins announced and More!








General Information




Title: Tip.It Teh Movie!1!11Shift!




Length of time: TBA




Age-Rating: TBA (PG-12)




Release Date: Late Feburary - Early days of March (Don't expect this for a while)








Please Note: When the release date is announced, the film might have been already filmed, the extra days are there for our camera man to add in music, he shall PM me when the editing will be finished. Then, the movie shall be posted.








Tell your friends!




Cheers to Bball!




Tell your friends with this banner!

















What is "Plane Productions"?:




Plane Productions is a team (Well, 1 man at this point) of people who work to make movies for all. All of the upcoming movies are fun and enjoyable for all, however, our main Project at this point is the "TET Movie" were making and shall be our biggest project for a while. Taking part in something which is by Plane Productions is an experince which you won't forget.








Other Movies from Plane Productions:




Coming soon:




Tip.It Teh Movie!1!11Shift!1!




Tip.It Teh Movie 2 Teh Unpredicted Sequel!11!#?








General Information:




This is part is about the sequel




Since the sequel has just been announced, this won't be happening for a while, I shall keep the plot line secret for now, since if I told you, you would probally know what happened in the first film, so this is why were keeping it a secret. We shall release the plot line a Day After the first film is released, in fact, the script hasn't been started on yet, since with all the work on the first film is still going on, so its best just to gradually do some work on it. But I can promise you, the movie will be better than ever. Once the roles are posted up and people are allowed to reply, people who wish to keep their role etc, they can, there shall be tons of new characters in this film, so don't worry about getting a place. Watch this space! Tommorow, I shall announce if there will be a third film or not. Cheers for your corperation.




~Phaper. Head Director of Plane Productions.




UPDATE: There shall be no prequal after the Second film.




War Of Destiny Part 1: Dark Days:




When Tip.It The Movie 2, this film shall be in the making, the story has no relevance to Tip.It film series. UPDATE: I decided to scrap the orignal plot line. There shall be the Final Plot Line tommorow, check back for more details. UPDATE 2: The plot of this film is when two Normal Mercineries are thrown into an Adventure, they find a Young Boy and are caught and end up in a dark mysterious place, where Vampires rule and the Young Boy is with them who claims that he is the Prince of Runescape. Why is he captured? Why is nobody doing anything about it? Why is there a Prince of Runescape?




Oh em Cheese! Is that a COMPETITION?!




Pie Man Begins




I have been thinking this movie for a while too, but, I decided, might as well add a Competition.




The Challenge




Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to make a Poster for Pie Man Begins but must be no Larger than 577 Wide and 541 High




Send all your entries to my PM Box on this Forum called "Pie Man Begins Poster" if its not called this, I shall not read it. The Winner, shall be the Co-Director, co-script writer for Pie Man Begins, the poster shall be the offical poster and win the script of the First Tip.It Movie! The Runner Up's Shall recieve a Copy of the script and have their poster posted on the Competition Poster. Of Course, I shall be picking a few Special judges out by random who are taking part in the Tip.It Film. But, your Poster must be JEPG with the Code in the PM only. All others shall not be allowed to enter. if they don't have this You are allowed to start now and when the movie is finished. The winner shall be announced on Launch day. Thanks for reading!




Meet the stars!




NOTE:This idea might not happen, I shall discuss this with the team tonight.




When the movie is finished, we might be allowed to host a Party which will allow you guys to meet the stars of the film. Who knows, you could make an extra few friends there too. Please note: This shall not be on the same day as the TET Event.








Plot Line




Kiara Kat is stressed by how much she has to do, her advisor suggests that she goes on vacation to relax whilst he, the advisor, looks after Tip.It, but, this "Advirsor" is now taking control of Tip.It! He has told TET to take the Tip.Iter's on a "Wild" goose chase for some "Ancient" tresaure, he is taking control of the Army and plans to burn down the Cabbage spot! Now a few people must take down the Advisor with the other Tip.Iter's and seize control!












Please Note: That the Characters don't have names, for they will be filled with your RSN! You can also create your own outfit, but please PM it to me with the code in case I want to use it.




Camera Man:








Who is he? The Camera man of course! Well, he records the movie and stuff. But however, his legendary status remains hidden to all of Tip.It.




Buzz (Who is kicked) Replaced by hazezor:




A prisoner who is forced to cook for the Advisor due to he heard too much, he was freed by Phaper and told to gather the Hero's to stop the Advisor.




Phaper Plane:




A wise man who is also the Pie Man, he overheard his plans but wasn't captured due to his strength, he saved (The friend) and told him to find the Hero's to take down the Advisor.












bballchamp23 (Main role):




He is a very popular person on Tip.It, strong, brave, but lacks common sense at times, thus, making a fool out of himself at times.








He is bballchamp's bestest friend, infact, if bball was a super hero, then yeah, he would be his side kick. He has a strange obsession of Cabbage.








Very different, from the hero himself, correcting him on a daily basis, but however, he lacks strength, but is an excellent ranger.




Andrews2(Who is Kicked):




Although he is an excellent mage, he cracks a joke at the worse of times. Making him, very funny and stupid at the same time, people don't laugh with him, they laugh at him.




Kiara Kat:




Played by Fedorca99








These guys are the events team, used to be good, but now evil, if they don't do what the Advirsor says, his guards will kill the TET. (Vel Seriph, Sir_McMist, Alansson, Armourboy05)








darkblade986/Who_Le_Ow (If darkblade can't take the role):




Not much is known about him, except he is incredibly evil and hates Cabbage. He has had his eye on the throne for a while now, but, has never got the chance to take it. Now he has. Oh and that, he also hates pie.




We also might need 10-15 Tip.iter's.








Omega One2








Darth Hansen




















mojo477 Kicked Replaced by Snakeman2058




Inferno Char








Rehersal Date








UK Time: 8:25 PM




Other Time Zones:




4:25 PM EST (This has been updated due to Daylight Savings)




3:25 PM CST




12:25 PM MST




12:25 PM PST




7:25 AM ACT (Monday)




Please note that there shall be a 1 day break after each rehersal, example, Say there was a Rehersal on Monday, the next rehersal would be on a Wednesday etc.




Our next rehersal should be on: Friday




Please take note: The Weekend Rehersals shall always be held on a Sunday due to the TET Event, also, the Time shall be taken the extra 25mins off, due to it's a weekend and school is on the next day. On weekdays, an Extra 25mins will be added on for those for live in the U.S so that they can get home from school. I apolgize if you can't get home from school. Please think about other time zones too. If I add another few hours for the people who live in CST and MST, the time in the U.K would be 10 PM, thus making it very late at the end of Rehersal (Around 11PM and since it's a school night, it can be making us tired the next day) Thanks for understanding.




Take notice! Sometimes, I can't be there, due to it's a school night and at 11PM GMT, it wouldn't be nice. So, Inferno is Second Director. This means he will take charge on nights if I can't make it, since the outcomes aren't going too well.








How to sign up




Copy out this table:












Will you give it your best:




Are you prepared to practice at times:




What time Zone you are in (please state country as well):




Please take notice! That there are ARE some spaces left.




















Behind the scenes!




We tell you what we have been doing on the film




First Rehersal




It was a bit chaotic at first, some were late, some didn't show up. Once they got to the throne room, they mucked around, didn't listen etc. After I told them off, I took control! The Rehersal had begun! The first few scenes went very very well, but one scene was disrupted by one person, so we had to move location. So we practiced around 2 scenes (One of them extra) and did a bit of scene 3, then I had to go to bed. Above all, it is going well, I have made a rough estimate when the film is going to be released, but I shouldn't say because the date it might not be safe to say wether the movie will actually be released then. However, I can say though, it shall be released in this month or the early days of March. That is all from me! Hope you look forward to the next update! Hopefully, they might work instead of me making them :wink: But it was fun overall ::'












The second rehersal was much better than the first one, people were more settled and were more prepared, I wish I could say for some other people who didn't even show up <.< Which is annoying because most of them were on the main roles, thus making my life very difficult, I gave them a part and what do they do? They don't show up. Most of them did and we got to sort things out, which is great because we just need different outfits. We got from scene 3-7 which in my view is fantastic! We ran into another problem with another annoying person but we managed to ignore him and got the scene done. That rehersal was a very good one and I'm looking forward to the next one. It just gets more fun by the minute! \'








Teh sequel!




Yes indeed! When the rehersal got cancelled, I decided to use the time to talk to them about the sequel, when they first asked me about the sequel (Before even the discussion happened) I thought "Oh drat, looks like I got to spend some time making the sequel." But now, after a discussion with most of them, we agreed on making a sequel, so yeah, we got some ideas down etc, and so far, it's looking pretty good. Will there be a Prequal? Only time will tell... For now, I got to be working on the main one for now, I don't wish to multi-task. :P












If you miss 2 or more Rehersal's, you shall be kicked out and your role shall be given to someone else. So please. Corperate. If you can't come, post on this thread with a reason, then you shall be excused, if you don't, you will let us down as a whole. Cheers.








IRC Channel




Thanks to Inferno, he has set us a IRC Channel. Thanks man! Once you have connected to Tip.It's offical channel. Type this in your box; "/join #rsmedia" and I should be there most of the time. Cheers and enjoy!








Your thoughts




Some thoughts from the Tip.iter's




WolfhunterXZ: Phaper is teh genius pmgz0r <333




Dude_of_war4: this is gonna be gooood!












Q) Will you post screen shots of the Rehersal?




A) Nope




Q) Will you let me be in the movie?




A) If I have said that there are no more spaces, then no. If there are spaces, please use the form.




Q) How can I conctact you?




A) Using this site, this thread or via the IRC Channel








Special Thanks




To all the actors for making this possible!




Inferno Char for making the IRC Channel!




Bball for making a sig which links to this topic!




Mods for not moving this topic!




Your constant support!




And for you lot for bieng paitent with the movie!








Please take note: Do NOT ask to be a camera man or ask for a role YET, as the roles shall be announced tommorow or Thursday. Thank you. All who ask for a role/camera man before the roles are posted up, shall not get a part. This is for keeping the thread clean and balanced. Cheers! Oh, no flaming, otherwise, enjoy your banning ::' Happy posting!

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O0o0o a movie! Wish I could be in it lol!!!








Phaper is teh genius pmgz0r <333








Sounds like an awesome idea man :) hope it turns out to be awesome like in your visions :P

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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i sooooo wanna be something in it, shame i cant apply yet :?








this is gonna be gooood! :XD:


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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I'd play a lead role/filming if I can find p2p by the time this goes into production








If you can hold off until january I can film it.








If you can get someone to film and to forward the parts to me. I can edit it/ add special effects to it for you.








Message me back. PM or contact me on hotmail: [email protected]



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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Oo great idea! I can't wait for the roles, if i can ill play the legendary...talented...amazing...handsome... BBALLCHAMP23!!! =D>








Hee hee ::' And here I am thinking that everyone would hate it and only like, 1 person would really like the idea! Thanks very much for your support! :D

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I'm willing to volunteer my house. It's quite expensive and very nice. :D The dungeon isn't like a normal dungeon. (I put big empty rooms in it because it makes an awesome fighting arena, complete with prayer altar.) If you would like me to log on so you can check it out, then I will.








Also, I'd like to be in the movie if I can be myself.








One more thing, I'll act/loan-the-house for free. Money isn't really an issue.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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