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LOL? have abreviations lost there meening?


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I say lol in AIM just to break the ice, when i dont give a flying \' \' \' \' what the person just said












-I just finished my homework!












instead of








-i just finished my homework!
















I also say lol to girls who say "i love you" and i dont really love them, i just say "lol" and nothing happens

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lol MENT laughing out loud, now it just means; i'm saying LOL because i have nothing beter to say, I'm not really laughing out loud, just being a dork!


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I talked with a mate about this recently.








I believe it's a simply natural progression of our language.








I mean, language changes constantly. You just have to read an old Shakespear book to see how much English has changed in the last few centuries (to the point where it's difficult to read).








Even reading a newspaper article from the middle of the last century, you can see massive differencies.








It comes as no surprise to me then, that our language is continuing to change to meet our ever changing world.








It's not necessarily a bad thing.








I wonder how many of us would recognise english were we to timewarp say, 500 years into the future lol.




What he said...








Using these expressions reduces the time spent reading and writing, so they're actually useful... And my english teacher uses W/E (she barely knows anything about computers; she would count off about 5% if someone used W/E in his/her paper).


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What he said...








Using these expressions reduces the time spent reading and writing, so they're actually useful... And my english teacher uses W/E (she barely knows anything about computers; she would count off about 5% if someone used W/E in his/her paper).












haha you teacher uses w/e ok whatever, now i've heard everything.











i'm a loser!


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and thats ok, its just saying stuff like: jeff whent to the store to buy a pickle tree, LOL.








saying lol when something is funny is ok.


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I agreee i dispise them, people area becomming addicted to games, and speaking some stupid language that makes no sense to the world, what happens when they wake up and realise they shouod go out of their homes?? Go to a shop and ask for a tub of AtFB?? (I have no idea wat that is but it helps my point) People need to use real words and stop being lazy. Do you want to end up sitting in your parents house all you life eating ready meals and using some ultimate messenger that automatically translates your real words into slang letters.

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The only abbreviation I use which actually mimics exactly what I'm doing is kmt (kissing my teeth) but I would only use that in msn seeing as that would be the only place I would be understood. I used to only type lol when I was laughing, now it comes out a lot more just as a response. On the internet though, I rarely use many abbreviations, the only time I use them in full force is texting someone off my phone, less characters=less I have to pay.



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finaly some one who agrees with me!








i rarely use abbreviations, and if any, WTF or OMG. but i rarely even use those.


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Some common acroynyms I will use. This could include stuff such as BRB or something like "brb, afk 1 sec" in guild chat. Of course if I'm screwing around I can just get some odd stuff, but thats different.








Of course 'lol' is always fun to use, pretty much is just me acknowledging them and/or slightly chuckling.








However usualy I'm talking to others through either a forums or voice chat such as ventrillo so I have no need for a lot of acronyms. I will say 'AFK' in real life though, because its better than trying to say you are away from the keyboard and then why you are.

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erm...u guys have gotten the original meaning of lol wrong. initially, when these abbreviations came about, it meant 'lots of love'. However, people came to mock or tease ppl who used such an abbreviation as a sign of love by saying 'laughing out loud'. Over time, it came to replace 'lots of love' as the main function of lol.

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I believe these appreviations for the words are not all bad. When I am talking online it really depends on how much I use them, even if I use them at all. When I am training in RuneScape and do not want to be bothered I will just be like "lol", "haha", "cool", "w/e", etc. When I am in a good talkative mood I will have extended conversations maybe with just a few added "lol's" or "haha's."








Some useful ones are:




BTW - By The Way




IMO - In My Opinion




BRB - Be Right Back




WH - World Hop




W/ or W/O - With or Without








OH and of course.... ROFLCOPTER!11

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I have nothing againts you using it ingame, but if you start saying it in real life (without clearly joking), then its weird. But it's also pretty annoying when people start over using lol, it sometimes happens: "lollollollol", and I once had someone pm me: "lol I need 50K lol" yeah he really sounded like a moron there, I didn't even reply, just laughed to myself.








Lol generally doesnt mean someone is actually laughing out loud, it simply means they saw/heard something that wasn't histerical, but still funny, so they want to tell you.

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The only practical modern abbreivation i would use irl is brb because it's faster and more economic to say, especially when you need to go to the toilet (bathroom for our american friends) quickly. I only use lol as a mock against someone else who used one of those abbreviations. Using OMG (spelling out the letters) is actually harder to say than 'Oh my God', but OMG is easier to type. Go figure wether to use them irl, typing, both, or not at all.

~ W ~



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I say it sometimes irl. Kidding, in real life :P. I say like "Hey, Jake, nice tre flip l.o.l" just kidding around though.








I'm sure if everyone gets used to it by 2015 everyone in the world can use 1337speak in real life, even hippies! \'

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ok, saying owned is fine, i say it,( but don't type it) ok, ok, ok, you win, typing lol is ok, ONCE AND A WHILE but saying lol timmy fell down the lol old well lol. is wierd, and saying L O L in real life is dorky. and i get tired of people saying lol LOL Lol L0L lol all the time! drives me nuts.


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kids at my school say LOL occasonally, and some use it entirely instead of actually laughing. the other one I hear a lot irl is "pwned" which sounds quite funny. In my english class, one kid loudly proclaimed that he pwned the teacher when he proved to her somthing about placment of verbs or somthing.

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when me and my friends are playing video games we say "owned", or "pwned"( pronounced pouned)












its LOL that bugs me, when pepole say it or "lawl" in real life its stupid.








and even typing ty, is really freking lame. i hate it! it looks terrible!


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I know people who say 'lol' (pronounced lawl) instead of laughing.








lawl is leaning against wall laughing isnt it?








No I don't mean pronouncing the letters but pronouncing it as a word.

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