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should jagex change the way we see players?


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ingame we see others by combat level. Combat level is based off of 7 stats prayer, attack, str, def, mage, range. Other then those stats someone could appear 126 and pretty much have all stats at level 1 if they wanted. but thats the person that would get most of the respect till someone looks them up in the highscores.








Skillers however get 1500 total before 90 combat or 1600+ before 95 just look like the normal player. as a level 92 a yellow level 92 may have a total or 1200 or they may have a total of 1700 but thiers noway to know and unless i highscore check them they look the same.








but when you look at the highscores were ranked by total level not how much expieriance we have in combat related skills.








what if jagex put and this is sorta someone elses idea totallevel/10 displayed instead of combat level in nonplayerversusplayer areas.








would this be a good idea? would the people that play to get respect accually train other skills?








debate away

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No, this is just an elitist view. Stop caring what idiots think of you if you're low combat with higher non combat skills, its really irrelivant and im sure the roles will be reversed with people with high combat and low skills becoming the victims of insults.

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I completely agree... your combat level is not necessarily a reliable indicator of how good a player you are.








Ideally, I would like to be able to be able to choose between displaying combat level or total level...








As for other skills, the capes of accomplishment are fine.

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This is why I think there should be an extension to the Skill Capes. Ones that you can get depending on your total level. No emotes, and the stats advantage shouldn't be as good (maybe as good as legends?) but it would be a good way of telling how long people have been playing.








Of course, not even total levels mean you're a nice person... maybe a friends cape - when 50 people add you to their list you can wear it? Or when 50 people add you to their ignore you stuck wearing a 'hated' cape - that you can't take off, only cover up? It would be like the basic clothes you wear underneath the armour and such...








I'll stop talking now.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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This is why I think there should be an extension to the Skill Capes. Ones that you can get depending on your total level. No emotes, and the stats advantage shouldn't be as good (maybe as good as legends?) but it would be a good way of telling how long people have been playing.








Of course, not even total levels mean you're a nice person... maybe a friends cape - when 50 people add you to their list you can wear it? Or when 50 people add you to their ignore you stuck wearing a 'hated' cape - that you can't take off, only cover up? It would be like the basic clothes you wear underneath the armour and such...








I'll stop talking now.








I hope you're joking with the friends cape. :lol: "look at me im cool! i have 50 e-mates!!"

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lol, that friend/hated cape idea is weird








i dont really see what you could possibly achieve by knowing someones total lvl, knowing their cb lvl is actually useful for something



"If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all."

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I totally agree with you. Displaying total skill level would give other players a better indication of experiance in RS, whereas combat level merely indicates that the player can kill monsters.








However, one modification to your idea is needed. You need to display combat level in the Wilderness as it IS very important there. Incidentally the displaying of your combat level originates in RSC where combat could take place anywhere and you needed to know peoples combat levels.








I would like to extend on this and suggest that the display also shows the level of the skill you are currently using (don't know if it is possible though). This will stop the annoying noobs who keep asking "Whats your xxx lvl", as it would be clearly displayed.

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This idea works completely, however, a few changes ought to be created. The formula to calculate your displayed level though, needs many tweaks.








These may be possible solutions:








1) Total level/10




2) (Total level/Combat level)*10




3) Total level/Combat level




4) [(total level-combat level)/combat level]*sqrt 200












Total= 900




Combat lvl = 90








1) 900/10= 90




2) (900/90)*10= 100




3) 900/90= 10




4) [900-90)/90]*sqrt 200= 127








Although these may help the current system, overall, it is in rough shape. Unless people come to view skills as being vital to the game, the entire system is doomed because of one fact- Mage's and Ranger's are biased against with the current formula for combat levels


i mean wth no1 cares about that weak noob that was scared of the great almighty lord ZAROS!
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i don't think combat level should have a relation to total. just think that...the way we see is only 8 skillz but thier is 23 skills in the game.








this idea would also help jagex in 2 ways








1 it would get more members as total level is the status point...




2 it would get more members to stay with the game longer think about it...most people max out combat at 1800-2000 totals but that would only be level 180-200 when the max level would be 228 rounded up at 5..people would have a motivation to train besides the scores.

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I don't think it needs to be changed.




It would definately be a drastic change and not everyone would like it if it happened, but that's with any big change.








I think people with lower combat and higher total level are like that on purpose. They have the oppurtunity to get high combat like anyone else, but they choose not to. They've known you see people's combat levels forever, and if they really wanted to be noticed, they probably would have chosen training combat more over skills.









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This does not need to be changed whatsoever. To the previous comment about pures, I am primarily skill-oriented and am strongly against this. In the early days of the game, combat levels were hidden: they were added to give players a good idea of the danger of fighting another player. The combat level still essentially serves this purpose.

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Good thinking Kam.








You know, the only players who won't like this suggestion are Pures.








uhm how come I don't like it too either?












someone could easily stand in "lvl 0" wildy just to watch who is in the real wilderness... Then he has an advantage over the other person who are already in the wildernes because they can't see him comming!








and making something like: cmb lvl / ttl is completely strange as it would give a pure skiller a very high lvl (only mining lvl 85 would mean 85/3 = 27).. While someone who has everything to 99 would have only: 2277/126 = 18, not really very fair isn't it?








The only thing I can see working is that they BOTH show the combat lvl and the total lvl... like: XXXX cmblvl / ttl - however this would make the size of all people's bars very huge and I think they have to lower the text size then (like the quest text size).

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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It's an interesting thought that Jagex does need to consider. Though combat can judge alot, a persons total level and judge even more. To a pker, combat levels are all they care about. But what about those old time players that have focused much more time in skilling than boosting up their combat?



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

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A clever thought. Maybe Jagex should put a ranking based on how your skills are next to where it says your level. You could be ranked 1 to 10, 1 being all skills level 1, and 10 being all skills 99. I suppose it would be a good idea, but I'm perfectly fine with how it is right now.





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I think the basic idea of switching around the combat level to total level is good. But instead it should display the total level and combat level

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I think it should display both. Total level because its a better indicator of experiance and achivement and combat level because Im used to seeing it and, to be honest, runescape is largly oriented around combat, and combat level is an achievement that is truly seperate from your total level. So ya, display both. ::'

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