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Everything posted by icecube

  1. If you're using the 20m junk for expensive items like party hats, then yes people may take it. Remember that they can always use the 20m junk as well, so they're not really stuck with the junk. It's basically just another type of currency now.
  2. Isn't it dead because of the updates with GE? Now items in stores have to be bought at GE prices, so you can't buy items for cheap anymore.
  3. GS's set to skyrocket? If you read the above thread, chances are that GS's won't fall for a little while.
  4. Use maples instead. Time saved > money spent.
  5. Here are some green naval slacks, guess I won't be using them anymore in any outfits :(: I was expecting more change in how items looked. Dunno if I'll play RS even with the new graphics once I get back from China.
  6. Sorry, I'm on vacation in China and didn't have any internet access till now. Weird, :o I expected more people to have voted and that it should be over now. Voting will end July 6th, end of the day.
  7. I love the colors. Awesome shirt design overall :D.
  8. Here are my votes: 1. Nadril 2. ThruItAll 3. Soa 4. runemesta 5. Glandringg And I edited in the points from all the votes cast so far.
  9. Don't think dual wielding those would cause any more of a problem than it is now. The DDS will only be useful for its special, so why dual wield it? Currently you can just switch to it for its special and switch back, even if its a hassle, it's very similar. Increased damage wouldn't help much either (in this case), since the DDS is fairly weak and the Ancient Staff is, well a staff.
  10. Sorry I wasn't at home at all on Monday, so voting will begin today (guess it was good for runemesta :D) Refer to this post to see how you should vote:
  11. If I can find a good Sprite to use, I'll enter as well.
  12. Yeah, we could try that VjuliusT. Voting will start tomorrow and will be open for a couple days.
  13. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been gone for the past 3 days. Seeing that we have so many entries already, the deadline will be this Sunday. EDIT: Updated first post with all entries (hopefully didn't miss one this time XD).
  14. If you run there, you'll probably only have to drink once. I normally don't bring any waterskins, and just take the damage which usually isn't too much since it's only happens one time, or possibly none :D.
  15. Always use Void on lower defense creatures, and where you don't need high defense (that includes Yaks). I could get ~4-5k more exp/hour with Void, or it might have been more.
  16. viewtopic.php?f=12&t=528670 (Apparently I was a bit angry later on in my topic)
  17. Here it is reuploaded to Imageshack: You should have him enter it in the SOTW, since it fits the theme.
  18. I believe you still have to walk away from the ladder a bit, to reset the aggressiveness, I don't remember though. When I was training there with my stats (92 attack, 88 strength), I got around 73k exp/hour.
  19. 40k is a bit high for Yews. You should probably expect more around 30k exp/hour.
  20. Barrows degrades whenever you're in combat - as long as you're dealing damage or getting dealt damage. It always lasts 15 hours, no matter how much damage.
  21. Rather then getting them yourself, why not just make money some other way to buy the natures? It will save you time, unless making natures is your fastest way to make money.
  22. Deadlines for SOTW are usually iffy because in previous ones, there weren't that many entries. It's usually left open until we get a good amount. Yeah animations are fine. The size is good :thumbsup: .
  23. My current computer can run it (yay) and my new laptop (whenever I pick one out) probably will be able to run it. Hopefully I'll be able to try it out before school starts and I need to quit Runescape again. :(
  24. Stick with option 1 (void). For your cape, I would recommend an Accumulator for its range bonus. When I chinned, I preferred to go with more range bonus because you'll get more exp/chin and spend only a little bit more on prayer potions compared to what you save on the chinchompas.
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