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Everything posted by Fools_Taco

  1. Whats the best runite rock to mine. Preferably one with the least competition from other people. Keep in mind i have good stats and can pretty much go anywhere.
  2. You think people cant change their mac address? Clearly you have no clue what you are talking about. Anyone in the cheating community could get past that in .0002 seconds.
  3. Thanks guys you have been a tremendous help.
  4. Can a pro miner give me the skinny on what i need to know for LRC mining? Like gear, what nodes to use whatever. Im going for 99 mining and i could use the leet infoz. Is there a certain circuit you follow? what tricks do pro miners use?
  5. They are working on a direct-X installable client. Im sure the functionality you speak of will be included. I forget where i read that, it was on the main site somewhere.
  6. Ya thats what bernie madoff said.
  7. But how long does it take in hours to get the staff and how much gold is that time worth?
  8. So do you have to get this skill to 120 to get access to the maxed skills forum on the official site?
  9. It will speed up alot as people learn more and jagax releases updates. Im betting the exp in the later levels increases ALOT if true mastery is level 120, thats over 100m exp.
  10. Wow you fail hard, did you even read the post? You are dumb!
  11. All the cash i have ever made has been from skills. Slayer is a cash cow, over the time it takes to get 99 it pretty much rivals runecrafting in terms of profit. 99 fishing and 99 woodcutting made me about 100m total. i haven't made much cash off runecrafting, its pretty much all ZMI exp. I would say my main source of income is herbs, it usually make about 6m a week from herbs alone. Can someone explain to me how i can make cash from thieving?
  12. Just back up your stuff and reinstall the OS. It could take weeks to track down whats going on and if you are asking here you are no qualified to troubleshoot this issue. Os install will take an hour and fix the issue.
  13. I hope they update smithing before the new skill. They said they had a smithing update planned and its been months. I hope this weeks update doesnt suck, because last weeks was lame.
  14. The bonus exp modifier that only works for 10 hours isnt even a factor for me. Having a reason to kick my girlfriend out of the apartment for a whole weekend because of jagax "bonus exp" event is what really makes the difference for me. Ill get a good 20 hours of runecrafting in (and a bottle of scotch), its going to be sick.
  15. How do you spend all your money then? You can only play the way you do for so long. It gets to a point where the only thing to do with your gold is to dump it into a cape. I think i had made about 300m off slayer what else is there to do with that cash then buy the bones for 99 prayer.
  16. Im going with a +1 to linux. However if you are a novice computer user dont bother, it can still be a pain in the balls sometimes. But it is worth the effort to learn. From what you said in the OP i would have to say go with a mac, microsoft can dero-lick my nads.
  17. They are doing this to clean out the game of gathered things like herbs, bones, seeds whatever because they will more then likely be useful for the new skill.
  18. IT is impossable to give you an accurate figure, after all the rune drops, runes, seeds, back masks, dboots, whips, gmauls, gold, clues it adds up. I would put it well over 300m. Look at my stat sheet, slayer payed for alot of that. Keep in mind i have 99 smith and Construction banked and i have used the ZMI alter since i was 86.
  19. Hahaha^ For the record, my account has been recovered swiftly and easily everytime I've been hacked. Either you don't know your recovery questions, you typed them in wrong, or they hate you. In either case, your virus protection sucks. Good luck when you lose a higher leveled account. Repartition your harddrive and install ubuntu, everytime you want to play runescape just boot to ubuntu. Its next to imposable to install a keylogger by accident on a linux system. You dont have to worry about viruses either.
  20. This is why clowns like you are not allowed to be game developers, if they were we would all be playing pong 100 because "its fine the way it is". I can almost guarantee that gemming of equipment will be implemented in this game, its pretty much the next logical step in item progression. Its called a sideways item progression in the industry i think. Before the naysayers like hawkeye chime in about weapon damage, a point can be made for gemming armor and damage mitigation. Gemming equipment also will take the items out of the game because once an item is gemmed it will not be able to be sold on the GE. This game defiantly needs mechanisms to get items OUT of the game circulation. Just because you are to short sited to see what an update like this can add to the game dosent mean a professional game developer cant make it work. They could add elemental damage to weapons via gems and elemental defense to armor via gems adding a whole new paper, rock scissors element to combat. This is just one idea i am sure there are better ones to be had at a development meeting at jagax HQ. basically what im saying is you open your mouth before thinking and you are dumb. Because we need even higher prices [/sarcasm] Realize that any change in combat mechanics will have an enormous ripple effect. You can reduce damage by 25% with new gemmed equipment? You thought Bandos was crowded before, look at it now. I'd say no. What we DON'T need right now is to [bleep] up an already unstable marketplace. Did you even think this through before you spewed out that insane comment? Did you ever stop to wonder why the draron legs are pretty much worthless now? Ill give you a hint because you are dumb. Its because there are more and more comming into the game every day and there are very few LEAVING the game every day. The only way to maintain the value of an item is to stabalize the price of the item. Items leaving the game is a good thing. Just because you are a poor noob and cant afford items dosent mean the rest of the players who dont suck should have to suffer. And the market place is unstable because of the mechanic of the GE. You are dumb.
  21. Fools_Taco

    "kid, gtfo"

    god u annoy me so much, sunday dm me, if u lose u have to be nice forever! and if i lose ill never post here again ? why would I dm if i could just look for you and rush your [wagon]? lool challenged to a legit fight and [kitty]ed out - well done you;ve just become the sterotype of all rushers :D If you think the community in WoW is any better then you are off your rocker. Also, when going into the wild you never bring your best gear, you bring the junk you can afford to lose. I really feel for you though, you got a raw deal. If there were anything i could do to help you i would do it in a new york minute. One of the things i hate the most about this game is the lame rules. Jagax is so scared of kids mommys we have this watterd down version of a PvP mmo. I play with public chat OFF and private set to friends. I do all my chatting on IRC where i can say whatever i want and i NEVER say anything against the rules to ANYONE in game, even people on my friends list. Jagax having long time players like me to scared to chat in game is a massive failure on their part if you ask me. I have seen people muted for the lamest of reasons because whoever goes over the report took it out of context.
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