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Everything posted by Fools_Taco

  1. This is why clowns like you are not allowed to be game developers, if they were we would all be playing pong 100 because "its fine the way it is". I can almost guarantee that gemming of equipment will be implemented in this game, its pretty much the next logical step in item progression. Its called a sideways item progression in the industry i think. Before the naysayers like hawkeye chime in about weapon damage, a point can be made for gemming armor and damage mitigation. Gemming equipment also will take the items out of the game because once an item is gemmed it will not be able to be sold on the GE. This game defiantly needs mechanisms to get items OUT of the game circulation.
  2. Untill they do something about inflation keeping a cash pile in the bank is not a good idea, that cash pile is worth less and less every day. Sink it into something you will use someday, Dragon bones, oak planks, seeds, shards, whatever.
  3. You guys are all crazy. Heaps of people would buy that cape. After a while cash is usless in this game.
  4. This type of game mechanic of special monsters spawning every so often isnt new, its in many many mmos, they are just seeing how it will fly in this game.
  5. im sure a lineage player could top this i don't believe a RS player owns the title. The Koreans take these games to the next level, we are all noobs compared to them. It dosent even matter, i knew people back in everquest like 6 years ago that had well over 400 days played. That 700 days is nothing.
  6. Not saying I can tell the future or anything but if you look at a lot of the armor/weapons e.g Godswords, DFS, Bandos etc. they are all certainly dropping in price quite a bit. What I think is that the speculation about this major update could be a factor in a lot of these items dropping in price. People that get all skidish when the price of a godsword or DFS fluctuate cant afford the item and should not have bought it in the first place.
  7. God i hate the new trade rules, jagax can eat my hat
  8. What have you been smoking, summoning was a great addition to the game.
  9. There are 2 ways to craft nats, the magic teleporting donkey way and the abyss. How much faster is the donkey, is it worth it?
  10. skelly wyrvins? i totally spelled that wrong....
  11. im with you i hated that quest.
  12. Wtf those prayers suck. Im so sick of all this PvP [cabbage]. This prayer update was a total letdown. Where are the prayers that do something BESIDES manipulate stats and mitigate damage.
  13. I think if there were such a place it would be well known and in the "how to make a range pure the fast way" guide.
  14. what happened to the prayer and smithing updates?
  15. They should add your total level beside your combat level in this game. as it is now the only way you can tell if somone is not a noob is their combat level, im to lazy to look them up on highscores. For whatever reason when i see a low combat level i assume noob. Skillers are all noobs to me.
  16. 9 times out of 10 the "this is not my main" is a total lie. If you ask them who their main is they just give the name of some high level account on high scores. I just call them on it and tell them to log into that account then and come prove it. They never do. Personally i think anyone who has leveled an account past 2100 total would have to be a total sadist to start another account. Maybe im crazy.
  17. You cant do it but ill mention it incase somone else here can. Mine rune essence with the 93 summon to bank the essence for you. You dont even have to look at the screen its pretty much the best afk cash in the game.
  18. Quit your crying and level your total if you want to get into one of these worlds. You sound like a noob.
  19. Use the ZMI alter and watch movies while you do it so you wont slit your wrists from the bordom.
  20. collecting seconds for potions is mad cash atm.
  21. I have one to add. No life How can i have no life when i live and breath.
  22. A good high level update would be some raid content. Something we would need to implement a DKP system in our clans for. Also and some of you really wont think this is a high level update but trust me, it is. They need to add a guild tag to your name in game, and the functionality to level a guild, that way its very easy to spot the good high level guilds and strive to join them. As of now guilds are just IRC channels because anyone who has spend a serious amount of time in this game pretty much hates talking in game. People always get muted for the dumbest things taken out of context by some halfwit halfway across the planet getting paied minimum wage.
  23. We all know the new update will have some nice high level prayers... im betting 95+. Even if there is a new cheaper way to level prayer introduced it will be nowhere near as fast as a guilded alter and dbones. This pretty much means that the rich people that want access to the new prayers right away will buy out the dbones for max the first few weeks after the prayer update. Heck the merchants will be buying up the bones as well to make a buck, Im betting that bones will hit 6k after the update. Hold your bones. PS: If i were you i would have used them already, prayer is a good skill to have in the 90s. Money comes and goes in this game, skills last forever.
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