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Everything posted by Skinzo04

  1. 5/10 for 10m. Nothing special. 2/10 for the Fm level - 65 Fm is fail. 5/10 for total level.
  2. Stick with the Dragon boots. Bandos are sucky.
  3. Aviansies. Then with the money you make, chin. That's the fastest possible way you could get it, unless you have the money to chin to 99 right now.
  4. Personally, I hate Gargoyles. The whole rock hammer thing I hate. I skip Gargoyle tasks when I have the points. When I dont, I do them. Decent blue charms.
  5. I don't seem to have that problem
  6. 1/10. You can buy things then sell them later on, nice.
  7. I see Im the only person rating it 3/10. But yeah. It's still not worth 8/10.
  8. I agree. Put the money into skills. Try aim for all stats 80+. Then see how much you're left with.
  9. I love getting rates like this, showing that you acknowledge it as achievement, but there's room for improvement. What skills do you recommend I train? I see you're close to all stats 70+. Do that. And raise some of the easier skills to level. Like thieving, hunter, fishing + firemaking. They may be boring, but they're fast and will rake in the total levels.
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