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Everything posted by Solidus_77

  1. Sorry this is a bit off topic but somewhere in this thread someone mentioned about how it's proven that if you're income is greater than 200k per hour it's best to go to rock lobs in order to train summoning. Did someone post the calculations, and where can I find it?
  2. Solidus_77

    Pvp drops

    Unacceptable, you didn't have to go all the way to the forums: Know where I found that? I read the article which was ONE CLICK away from the main update page. Does it make too much sense to get a lil more info about such a huge update? Me neither. You didn't have to go to the forums to find out the drop rates (in fact I would forgive you if the info was only available on the RSOF, because I think the place is a crap-infested swampland), all you had to do was look into the info about pking. I don't have much sympathy if you couldn't do that much.
  3. Making a big fuss over details that really don't matter too much, overreacting, saying "don't spread information that's false", hell I'm not surprised he called you a nerd. Did you perhaps consider you're taking this too seriously? You could have said "The circus is not a quest" (or even had a bit of fun and say "which quest is it on the quest log?" :mrgreen: ) but the way you said it made you come across as a nerd who needs to chill out.
  4. Solidus_77

    Pvp drops

    Compfreak already addressed this kind of complaint in his thread: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=766306 If that news is a surprise to you, I'd recommend reading the damn updates next time.
  5. Back in January things were a mess. It wasn't easy to get an income and monster hunting was ridiculous, you couldn't split drops and all pkers had decided that monster hunting was the next best thing. I can only assume things are much better now, right?
  6. Solidus_77

    Pvp drops

    Yep, just unlucky. And one trial is never enough Exactly, I witnessed my friend kill in full guth and get 12k. :D Wait, is that actually supposed to prove something? :lol:
  7. Solidus_77

    Pvp drops

    Yep, just unlucky. And one trial is never enough
  8. He's saying that the other people don't sell, not that his stuff isn't selling. Which would be correct if it wasn't for the fact that there are people selling, just many more buying for that price. Hence the shortage. I do agree, it's starting to get ridiculous the number of people having trouble expressing themselves when all they want to say is "I can't buy stuff at ge".
  9. Many players have figured out that prices are rising do to a HUGE increase in demand for exactly the things that you want. If you were smart you would have stocked up before the release of pvp so just wait for the prices to re-adjust and you'll be able to buy stuff again.
  10. Right well I'm not really an expert on account security/recovery but i think im right in saying that changing your password to something you knew you wouldn't remember is in general a major No-No, Well despite being completely stupid, it's not a security risk. He should be able to recover his account if he has all the information (like when he made the account, when it had members, etc....) and there's no reason he should have those.
  11. Every time your request is denied they straight up TELL you what info you are missing. Input THAT info (each time if needed) and you'll be able to get your account back.
  12. Oh come on, I'm sure that not everyone is an incessant whiner. The graphics do create a far greater sense of immersion, something that runescape lacked greatly so it's a HUGE improvement
  13. I agree with your point about value not reflecting aesthetics, but I hate the term Burger King Hats. :wall:
  14. It's really all about how immersed you are in the game and yes, back when I did massive amounts of grinding I liked watching something at the same time. It was like "wow, I'm watching [insert show that I wanted to watch but never got around to watching] AND gaining exp, AWESOME!". It doesn't matter if there is no immersion, it's just grinding. All that matters is getting that next level and eventually reaching that goal. I'm still playing the game, I'm just trying to make the ride more enjoyable. And when you think about this that's generally what people do. Either people chat on IRC or in game while they grind to make it more fun, well I decide to watch movies (and IRC in some cases). Now, once that goal is reached, once I'm doing stuff that doesn't involve crazy amounts of 5-step repetition (like quests or monster hunting) then I'll pause the videos and stick with the game so I can get all the immersion. I really don't care what experience you get from the game while doing something else and my original gripe with whoever posted was that he claimed that one method for training was some how lesser because it was afk-able, to which I explained that all skills (especially slayer) are afk-able.
  15. Clearly you've never heard of conspicuous consumption or luxury goods. Basically, token items like rares increase in value as people's income increases (because they are luxury goods). Now many pkers are making more money thanks to new pvp. Their excessive demand for food/armor/weapons/runes will give skillers more income. AND now that all pkers have stopped going to monster hunting (it was getting ridiculously crowded back in december after wildy was gone), the original monster hunters will get more income. In short: Luxury goods like phats will rise for sure, supplies provided from skills (like sharks) will rise, gwd/dk items will rise (since pkers will do pvp rather than gwd like they did for the past 10 months).
  16. Any skill in runescape can be afk'd. Remember how I got 99 runecrafting and how I did 95-99 rc through the abyss? Well I managed to watch all 7 seasons of The Sopranos, the first (and only season at the time) of Heroes AND the first season of Prison Break. Also, I watched tons of Family Guy while getting 85 mining. Caught up with Bleach & Naruto while getting 99 range via chinchies. Watched season 3 of 24 while doing barrows. Done tons of my homework while fishing for sharks. I watched 2 seasons of Ikkitousen while alching yew longs. Finally, I watched many hours of many different anime whilst I worked on slayer. That's right, slayer is afk-able as well and if you ask me, it's pretty damn easy to afk. Honestly I don't think it's a bad thing for a skill to be afk-able. It shows you can multitask (just like girls : ) and in many cases it can be pretty impressive if you're doing a skill like rcing.
  17. They don't care about how you feel. They just want something of value: i.e. your account. Luckily, assuming that this is the account that you made since the beginning and you can remember vital information (like when you made the account which, unless you have a bad memory, you should) you can recover the account. I honestly think that a lot of people have the tendency of giving up too fast and not taking the time to recover their account.
  18. Wait, did you by any chance have the ridiculous idea to try and melee him?
  19. That's pretty good, I especially like the pose. (<3 fran, she's so badass) One thing though: Fran has darker skin (and less clothing but that's not really feasible with rs stuff)
  20. ^ Sounds like a plan : . Didn't mean to come across as angry earlier though so I'll wish you luck.
  21. I flirt unconditionally with almost every girl at work. When I was training my sister at work, after we got off she said: "wow, you're such a flirt" Exactly! I especially like "unconditionally", if you only flirt with the hotties you come across as shallow.
  22. Yeah, he was joking but I have a gf already and he keep trying to get me to hook up with the girl #-o Yeah it sounded like him joking. As for trying to hook you up, don't worry about it. Again, him joking around. If you don't want to hook up with her, then it will not happen. Anything else like flirting, you can play around all you want. Ok, so basically you're trying to hook up with a close friend just like the other guys except you've got enough drama there to make a decent soap opera. Here's your answer: Stop worrying about "feelings", grow some confidence, ask her out, she'll say "let's just be friends" (In fact correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like she already rejected you, or at the very least made it clear she doesn't quite want a relationship), then you move the [bleep] on. THE END. Also FYI I'm 18, I've improved by a hell of a lot when it comes to girls in the past year, AND STILL my only experience in relationships is rejection. It's annoying as hell to not make any progress but there's no sense crying over it. Get out there and get some experience.
  23. Guys, don't try to hook up with your best friend. Either move on or ask her out (she'll say Let's just be friends) and then move on This isn't even about sacrificing friendship for a relationship, there's just such a slim chance of success that it's not worth trying. The sooner you get over the girl, the happier you will be Also, to those who recommend to go for the shy girls, I'm gonna disagree. It's already a slim chance to begin with and shy girls tend to throw "Let's just be friend" more often. Was he joking? Sounds more like "Ha, I caught you flirting with her" than him telling you not to flirt. Seriously, what kind of friend tells you NOT to flirt with a girl? especially an attractive girl. Still, there's no need for you to be self-conscious about it or worry about it in any way: Flirting is a good thing and unless girls actually run away from you as soon as you enter the room or refuse to go near you, chances are you're probably not flirting too much.
  24. I don't suppose dancing counts? Ah whatever, I do Krav Maga (self-defensive martial art) so defense for me.
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