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Everything posted by Rosanante1

  1. Transport: to carry or move (people or goods) from one place to another, espeically over some distance. Conveyance: a means of transport. I'm still no better off! #-o
  2. Whaa! No circus? dang! and I was gonna do that tonight. :wall:
  3. Good topic but obviously Herblore was doomed once PK was removed from the wildy and GE was set up. Ruined my chances of achieving herb cape for a while :cry:
  4. I still preserve my very first friend from when I was level 6 or something. She's never been on since but it reminds me when I first started out. Otherwise I delete the whole list (apart from 3 ppl) every six months or so and add only those who speak again.
  5. Doesn't the Dagganoth turn different colours depending to which attack he becomes vulnerable. Or is that my bad... Lol, my bad :oops: TY Strike
  6. Okay so we've gone from GrandMaster as a descriptive to the title of the new quest / guild. Yeh that gets my vote. Free entry to the GrandMasters Guild. :thumbsup:
  7. As an avid quester I'm sitting around in anticipation of the next big quest. It was mooted that he 150th quest was postponed and we had to make do with the chosen commander. A good quest granted but not a landmark. So I was thinking we've had: Champions quest Heroes quest Legends quest What could be next? I can't think of a decent enough noun for the next quest / guild. Any ideas?
  8. Yeah it looks better.... in your inventory. When wielding it still looks like a piece of sausage with missing parts. It's awful and unbelievable that Jagex doesn't fix this. Great! now instead of whipping something to death I can sausage something to death. No wait...... :shock:
  9. GL Neilson, but as 3 hit u states, you'll probably need to do this over 100 hours to be taken as an acceptable sample. But, 14 hours, why not. I might try and drop by and 'pot-u-up' :P
  10. You're not Scott Adams, but hey, keep it up :thumbsup:
  11. Maybe a bit, but I don't think we will ever see the 10K super set again. Ah! Those were the days............ I remember they could sell at 8k per set at a small profit or break-even. That would still be nice. unfortunately been stuck on 87 ever since :cry:
  12. My average is just over 7 per seed. Best is 13 Snaps :shock:
  13. The only NPC I have a problem with is the unicorn. I just can't bring myself to kill those sweet little horsies. It's just not right!
  14. Agility course bard FTW! :thumbsup: oh and put a few gp in their hat for extra-fast restore, :lol:
  15. OK so this is what you're talking about. The complimentary thread regarding the 150th Quest crosses into this discussion. Did Zanik get transported to Mechscape? Now there's a introduction if ever I saw one!
  16. LOLZ #-o I dunno, just stating the thread I read. If I can find it i'll post back. 8-) Edit: found it! Posted by Mattie9999 currently on page 2 as follows: "EMOTES: Due to my clothing discovery, I have found that the way emotes work is very simple. Basically, when you do an emote you get a base 3 points. E.g, if you wear nothing, do one emote, and then finish, you get 3 points. If you wear full circus gear, you get 28 points. (3 + 25 points from the clothing bonus.) However, when you do an emote that the audience likes, you get an extra 75 points. E.g, with the Edgeville Ranged Citizens liking the "Trick" emote, you get 3 points from the base emote points, 25 from the clothing bonus, and 75 from the audience satisfaction. This totals 103, which is what I got. (So I hope I'm right ) I was confused because sometimes I got 23 points, and sometimes 28. I now realise that this was because I was wearing acrobat for some of them, which doesn't have a hand object."
  17. I'm afraid my eyes glazed over after the second paragraph of the science bit. I prefer to call it 'smart training'. You can check Tip It for best practice or guides on how to be effective and not waste your time unecessarily grinding away. Also, a case in point. I visited the gorillas on Ape Atoll the other night with a DFS in my shield slot when a higher levelled player said I should be using a Rune Defender. A hypothesis I intend to challenge very soon.
  18. Wth regard to emotes affecting your score, someone did a post last week stating that certain emotes gain you more points at certain locations. For instance at Edge, the last Halloween emote (the bat one) gives more points than any of the others. Can anyone confirm which emote is hot this week at Fally?
  19. Great read, really enjoyed it. Wasn't Zanik the one who climbed into that chest thingy and disappeared? Hope the next quest continues that storyline.
  20. Forum name: Rosanante1 Name to use on picture: Rosanante1 FTW!
  21. Because it's cheating... Uhm and who says it's cheating? Really this is just a circular argument it's bad because it is bad.... Really arguing with that makes no sense at all. Look at another very popular game: second life, that really BUILD around buying goods ingame with real life money! - And it's pretty succesfull, and I haven't heard of any problems ever with it. (though it's not my type of game...) I can think of a reason why it's bad alraedy: the high scores wouldn't really show dedication, but instead someone with huge amounts of money would be able to get himself up fast. - However then the question arises, what is the goal of this game? - Is it to rank yourself as high as possible (if that's the goal then indeed, RWT is a bad thing from principles already).. Or should the focus be more minded towards the actual GAMEPLAY? (in which case RWT can only be good, since it prevents doing things you think is boring, while it allows for others to do it still)... This could actually make an interesting debate.... There is actually no debate. Jagex makes the game and the rules. Rule: no RWT - fact. The nature of the game is to give everybody an even chance of achieving their goals. All players are equal at the start and it's a combination of time and smart training thereafter which dictates your level and your success. Analogy: follow the highway code and there will be no road traffic accidents / follow the rules and Jagex will not get prosecuted or suffer from RWT.
  22. Talking of forgotten updates, didn't JaGex promise new resources for the Kingdom or did I dream that? :shock:
  23. Same number of randoms as before for me TBH. Usually when i tele back to Varrock before I log. Lovin the sweetcorn seeds now though.
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