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Everything posted by krugtheorc

  1. two noobish mistakes first: i got an earth talisman and followed it. when i got to the pile of rocks, i thought it was a rune ore mining spot second: thinking runescape was lame when i first heard about it in 2001...think about that don't know what is so bad about it? http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?p ... _items.htm that's what's so bad about it!!!
  2. What? I think you mean "use something what uses a lot of bars to get bonus xp" right? You get less xp bonus/bar if you make something that takes more than one bar. You get 30.5 bonus per mith item (platebody/bolts/scimitar), not per bar. If you want to be cost effective, make things that require 1 bar. If you just want to level fast, bodies are still the best option. Aaaah right, thanks :) but don't you get the same bonus exp based on the number of items you make? 30.5 bonus xp from 100 dagers = 3050 bonus xp 30.5 bonus xp from 100 platebodies = 3050 bonus xp make whatever you want?
  3. there's thinking outside the box! and here's stuffing that idea full so we can make a new box and someone will have to think outside of two boxes -a brand new type of weapon, like the chins were with hunting -a new type of ranged weapon, or the ability to use current melee weapons as one time thrown weapons -an uber mode, that protects from all attacks for a small amount of time according to your defence level -new crafting uses that tie it in with smithing to make exotic variations of weapons -a new ore to mine, or new ways to mine ore -an update to firemaking -a new type of woodcutting to make staffs -the abilty to fletch special ranged weapons that a gaurenteed not to break, or return after a small amount of time -a new runecrafting method that is more experience but with less result -seriously, an update to firemaking -new farming implementations, tieing into magic to make cooking properties with enchanting effects -herblore potions that create special attacks -summoning AI improvements through an enchanted helm -a construction patch to build a better house, complete with new concept rooms -i'm not kidding, do something with firemaking, it's useless that's all i can think of for now
  4. access to an area where all magic is free, but is a 5 minute walk from a bank. It also allows you to create any rune stone from a conviently placed rune mine. And a bunch of monsters randomly scattered around the arena that attack with melee and mage or range and mage. Maybe a minigame where you have to protect the area for free mage xp. anyone who doupts this look at the article of the week on runescape's main page
  5. you forget the soldiers also have law drops, addy ores, mith ores, mith items, death runes...the list goes on and mith plate is the worker's rare item, just like the rune square or schimmy. so it could be comparable that when you get a mith plate from a worker, you would get a rune item from a soldier what i think he is saying is that for the same stats, you can kill more workers faster and for less food than you can soldiers, making them better xp and profit potential. However there is the gamble potential with the soldiers without much of a loss of profit. you get the same drops, or better in the case of addy ores and law runes, while still having the chance of a rune item at the cost of a stronger monster. and it's already been proven that drones are good for noob training, so the true lesson here is that the player safety stronghold is just epic win :thumbsup:
  6. player: Die monster! You don't belong in this world! grind: It was not by my hand that i once again given concept. I was called here by players who wish to pay me tribute. player:Tribute? You steal player's souls, and make them your slaves! grind: Perhaps the same could be said of all games... player: Your words are as empty as your entertainment value. Playerkind ill needs a saviour such as you! grind: What is a player? A miseriable little pile of red bull and cheetos!! sorry, on a castlevania rush lately. but ya, the grind isn't fun. Don't let it take your soul. The red bull and cheetos are a sign!
  7. imo, there are three types of people for quests there are the romancistics of quests; people that could tell you all about runescape's history over lunch and just about every possiability in their mind about what could happen next. there are the purists of quests; people that see quests as a series of events that will make their character richer, stronger, or in some other way better and there are the oppourtounists of quests; people that see quests as the first time or only time to do something different, to overcome the odds, and to more or less have fun with interactivity the romancistics dislike guides except to find a soloution to a puzzle that quite litterly stops them from a grand climax in the story. They don't like to lift a 50 pound page to keep on reading the book the purists love guides, often reading them through a couple times before starting the quest just to figure out everything they might need to get it done quickly and efficently, and more importantly what they will get out of it. They enjoy dictionaries and encylopedias, but stories don't intrest them the oppourtounists loathe guides, and will avoid them at all costs, instead trying again and again to figure it out on their own, and get surprised at the new found events that take place, obsticles that get in their way, and things that they can do. They won't buy the book in the first place, but will gladly read a summarry to find the general point. As for me, purist all the way, i love to know what i am getting into and what i will get out of it. Hense the reason i completed ernest the chicken when the trade limit was brought up for f2p. AND I USED A GUIDE!!!
  8. or better yet, a 10% ep increase for using an account that is members in a f2p account if you have 1 member's item equipped all the members will flock to the f2p servers, flogged with questions like "|-|0\/\/ 63+ |<3\/\/|_ <493!!!1!1!!!"(translation:if i may inquire how to get such an excellent cape for my account, if you don't mind), and members get to talk about members while getting more xp for things that they would normally be doing in a member's account.
  9. i'm a F2Per, and i approve of this message seriously, though. Jagex is a business. They have so much oppourtounity with this diary as with all the others, hense the reason they take their time to make it all happen. A diary over the course of 4 months means someone works to design, balance, implement, create new items, create new locations, and to an even greater extent even new npcs. what i don't approve that you said that we're too cheap. F2P is for people what don't need P2P, whether by economical, personal, or social needs. I've been playing F2P and while i have had the thought of upgrading, i would never actually need it. so basically, i sincerely sincerely SINCERELY doupt it will be F2P. If it is, it will give me something to do. But i'm not gonna pout and march through the F2P world yelling out how we've been robed. Besides, if it is F2P, the reward will be crummy for P2P anyways. All they got was a farming teleport, really... Edit: woot 42 posts!!! anyone who laughed when i said that you're welcome. anyone who didn't laugh continue on as you were.
  10. the grim reaper, harvester of souls... harvester... reaping isn't a skill!!! it's a farming update!!! please don't hurt me...
  11. amazing how much we value the freedom of speach until someone else exercises that right and says something we don't agree with. it degrades into a void of madness and oblivion, with well constructed ideals and opinions spiraling into a furious back of forth of i'm rights and you're stupids. yet we revere this right as a basic human necessity, a requirement of human communication, which leads to conflict and hate. yet what would we do without this form of intelectual debate? save money on migrane medication du jour? have time to finally reach that elusive 99 stat? or leave runescape and go play a much better one player game? as much as language is a bane in socieity, it is just as much a blessing. while we create enemies, we also create friendship. so the next time someone is irritating you, leave it best to ignore it, and share your wealth of information with your mental equals. ...noob...
  12. krugtheorc

    Smash Club.

    wow...amazing what you find when you're surfing the web. i don't have my wii with me now(its at home and i'm at college) so as soon as i can i'll join the brawl =3
  13. noobs hate being called noob but love calling other people noob therefor noob =/= noob, noob = player approaching noob since player approaching noob = limit of noob f(player) = x, if x=rating of noob with a range of 1 to 100, 100 being max noob the limit of noob is 99.9999999 infinate so the true noob is the second noobiest player using the current system which means the noobiest person in runescape according to current system is not a noob ...anyone who follows that gets a cookie...
  14. matral arts--for all the special skills like natural weapon and armour bonuses, two weapon fighting, one handed style 2 handers of course, all at penalties that would be slightly under what they are worth: natural weaon and armour would match addy at 99, two weapon fighting would halve the hit, round down, for each attack, and one handed style 2 handers would keep the speed, increase def, but loose accuracy and strength for the sake of the shields better defence
  15. i always have 2 goals, one short term and one long term for the longest time the long term goal has been 85 mining(77 currrently) as for short term goals: 40 ranged for d'hide=done in 2 days full saradomin rune=done...twice 50 runecrafting=in progress 43 prayer=in progress, not being helped that i fight cockroaches... and when all else fails, bash things =3
  16. What i am trying to say is that runescape is not a game with rules, like some computer ai. It is a game with real people and real competition. If someone comes into, for example, the crafting guild with 7 rocks and i'm mining, i'll talk to him. If he starts mining my rocks, then i'll fight back, and i will do the same to him if i come in and he's mining. If he has a problem with it, i'll say we'll split the rocks. If he refuses, then we'll continue to fight. I see no reason to world hop to just play by my self when people can talk, share, or compete with eachother. If someone like you is mining and i come in to mine, i won't world hop just because you're there. I have just as much reason to be there and no problems with sharing or competing. This isn't being selfish or spiteful, it's me playing the game and using my levels while having fun. What you don't seem to realize is that this is one of the charms with mmos universally; the human aspect replacing what would be computer generated, linear characters. How about instead of grinding your way to 99s, have some fun and meet some people, and treat the game as something to do besides that? Take the person that just ran into your monster or mining spot and talk to them or compete with them. Show off your levels, and if they leave, you win. And as an aside, i know you need to grow up when you take something completely out of the blue for your retort to someone's argument. Seriously, you have to think before you type, and saying that someone is a scammer, whether they are or not, just to make yourself look better, is probably one of the lowest things you can do. However, as i said before, such is the internet.
  17. I hate people like this. If I happen to log onto a world with someone (Or a group of people) already there, I'll world hop. It's a waste of time trying to fight over NPC's. You only end up annoying the other person(s) and cutting down the rate at which you gain experience. Meh. It's fun. And when you wear Full Bandos and strength cape at level 130, people hop a lot faster. Overrall, I get more exp than i would trying to hop and find an empty world. I won't tell you to hop because I'm stronger, but you will more than likely. I will attack your monsters to make you hop. You're welcome to fight me over the spot, but I seldom lose. Grow up. wow...i just thought of something. Skillers and slayers asking people to world hop so that they don't take their space is a lot like pkers asking people to not use food, safe, teleport, etc. The usual answer to this is that we are allowed to use whatever advantages to get a win and gaurentee our own safety because it is a game of freedom. That is what makes runescape great. Yet people insist on instilling rules to imporve their chances of winning or getting more exp or in some general sence get ahead, even though we have these advanges such as good food, magic, and skill level. So, in responce to your rebuttle entangle, you should learn to grow up and expect that the world of runescape is just that; a world where anything can happen and there are no rules.
  18. You need less destructive passtimes >.> I have to agree with morningrise on this one. Mining gold is one thing by yourself, but with another person or two putting on run and proving your level is quite satisifying. The thrill of the hunt is more precious than the rewards.
  19. If looks don't matter, then the 3.6 mill i spent on full sara was the stupidest thing i could ever do... :wall: Thankfully it is :thumbsup:
  20. +1. If jagex still would do how they did back in the 2001s... they wouldn'tve done the game this far, and this good. Some oldbies might know what I mean: RS was supposed to be a free, nice game, in jagex's likings, too. 'upgrading' F2P? Let's take a look at this... Holiday events are traditional and have little effect to the game PvP was to replace wildy The strongholds were to improve a person's knowledge of internet safety The runecrafting and fist of guthix minigames were partal replacements to wildy to imporove player interaction The dec 2007 update was for RWT these arn't upgrades, they're security to keep their business safe while not making their customers run away in terror in having to read a page essay on what to do if someone want's to meet you in real life through runescape or go to another game that isn't a series of clicks. The only reason for f2p is to let people play the game so they will pay members. And if the game was still f2p, we would be at 60 quests, player owned houses would still be asked for, and people would still be begging for dragon plate not for the new item but because it would be the best they could use.
  21. I'm currently f2p, and i don't think we need dragon weapons, and even to the point that we don't deserve them. *barrell rolls to avoid various thrown objects* though seriously, better melee weapons leads to better melee armour, leads to bigger monsters so that things don't die as easy, leads to better food to fend off the max hits, leads to better fish to serve as food, leads to a completely new area for f2p, leads to a new quest to unlock the area, leads to better range and magics to balance pvp, leads to monsters to act as a challenge to range and mage, leads to fletching and runecrafting becoming more f2p for ammunition, leading to new ways to get better weapons, leading to boss monsters, which leads to...members. pay the 5 dollars, or be happy with what we got. Jagex is a business, and a good one at that, surfice what people say. Even the people complaining on the RSOF are paying 5 dollars a month for cabbage's sake.
  22. from what i heard, the 30 minutes starts as soon as you first equip it, so just equiping it to cast would still be a fail. seriously, all the equipment looks like it was supposted to be something used for pvp to gain an edge, a cherry on top of the cake if you will.
  23. i wish people would quit saying that's a dragon platebody in the banner...plate bodies do not show elbows...
  24. on both sides: (the even leveled main character)Oh goodies! PvP has come out! I think i will go check it out, however i do not want to lose my riches to the likes of pkers. I will simply risk a trusted rune scimitar and use protect prayer. (the optimium pure)Oh snaps! PvP has come out! Time to go pwnzors some newbs with my iron pure with uber strength!! [the two of course meet and attack eachother] (main)Heavens!! This level 4 has just hit me for a 20. At this rate, i will never win. Good thing i still have my protection prayers. Surely all i have to do is click it on and the battle will surely turn favor to my side. (pure)Z0MG!!!1!Stupid noob with protection prayer!!I still pwn u!! [a full inventory of food from both sides later] (main)Oh cabbage, it seems that i am out of food. It seems victory will not be mine today. Tootles and fairwell, fair brute. Till we meet again. (pure)...******* noob... Moral of the story: when mains use prayer, noone wins
  25. I hope you realize that this will never be the case. After all, what's stoping a rwt to wear a saradomin set, stay at some little spot in the sticks of runescape like rimmington, and just letting the paying customer kill them for a 4m drop? If anything, i'm expecting the drop to be randomized on a bell curve set of random, with a 400k drop 62.5% of the time and the 4m drop 2.5% of the time.* It will never match a pure loot, so BH is secured in it's place for that purpose. While changes will probably be made to it, probably a wait room that you need a group of people to join like in FOG.** --------------------------------------------------------- *before everyone starts asking, nothing i say is set in stone, and that will probably not be the probabilities for the drop tables, or the lowest amount, or anything that would state that i know anything. I don't even remember if the precentages in the bell curve are correct, or even the correct spelling of precentages is precentages. and if anyone wants to correct me, go ahead, because my attention is long since gone from the topic and i will give you a suitable amount of attention based on this fact **again, if BH already has something like this, correct me if you want. Such is the internet
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