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Everything posted by HexiledRazz

  1. Mhm, watermarking is a good idea if you're posting pictures showing exceptional skills/wealth. And just to be safe, in case you haven't reset your password/recoveries/bank pin recently, I'd do it since it's always a good idea anyway. Jamflex isn't exactly smart when it comes to... Anything. So I'd have all of your information handy in case they do actually lock your account. A few months ago it said my recoveries were scheduled to change. I panicked and changed all of my information. But i realized it was just because my computer's clock had been reset through a computer glitch. And it was close to the date that i last changed my recoveries. Though it was a good idea to change my information anyway, because i hadn't in a while.
  2. Oo, that's right. Well, wind strike will be good for getting it's attention. And i don't mind the way it looks, i mean, what exactly do we expect? The current defenders don't look at all very thrilling or interesting. So I'm glad it looks different. Although i guess the could have made it a bit more define. Like maybe make it a bit longer/more detailed. And i just realized something. If you seriously have to fight over one spawn in a single combat zone, and it has a rather rare drop rate... Couldn't someone just start trolling a world by going in full tank gear and attacking it with flowers?
  3. If you have the slayer level for it, you can chin nechs for upwards to 200k rang exp an hour, with profit. I think someone on tif has a guide in the AoW.
  4. You can't range or mage in the guild, i'm pretty sure. Man that's gonna be a pain... But I'm going to fight arm and leg for that spawn. I want the pride of having a dragon defender a few days after it's release.
  5. They did get rid of a lot of good stuff... Glad i ordered what i wanted, while i could. Tbh, the only thing that would appeal to me is the Zamorak t-shirt, if it was black... But it's... White. Does that make sense? Other then that, there really isn't anything good, in my eyes. And thank you... Dark. I was looking for the right words and i found them in your post. I have the limited bandos hoodie myself, i got it entirely because i love the way it looks, and i wear it everywhere. Only been questioned about it like maybe 3 times. And that's only because the logo on the back looks demonic.
  6. Yeah, i agree actually. Ranging the 360s takes FOREVER. The first time i got to Jad, i cruised through the first 30 waves. But when i hit wave 31, the waves took five times as long to clear. All due the fact that i hit so little on the 360s. So it might be worth it to get the hang of meleeing them. Because one they're gone, you got plenty of other monsters to soulsplit off of to regain lost LP due to mistakes. And even if i mess up enough to the point where my LP is too low, i can switch to range to pick them off. Yeah, I'll most likely lose the void, and maybe even the torso. As i think I'm going to melee the caves. Although I'm waiting for damage soaking and to see if it's easy enough to get my hands on a dragon defender before i attempt it.
  7. This is correct. 33 magic(Or maybe a bit lower, if you're boosting) is all that's required to get the robes. As far as i know, there's no crafting requirement to fix them.
  8. Cry bow is even more outdated then Karil's xbow. If you're really hurting for huge damage on Jad, take a handcannon. Other then that, rune xbow + diamond (e) is the best. And if you're worried about how long it takes, look up some guides on how to melee the caves. It gets extremely faster that way.
  9. Most likely hates it because of the cost. OT: Just suck it up and grind that altar out. And remember, if you get any effigies, use the dragonkin lamps on prayer. Every dragonkin lamp you use, can save you upward to 1.5M on bones.
  10. Wow, seems pretty click-intensive. Though it would be good click training, which would help with Jad. And i believe the speed you can kill them off with melee would make up for it. I'll give it a try, but just in case i mess up too much I'll have range to fall back on. Right now I'm currently slaying to see if i can get 75 before the soaking/d defender update. As a task would help a lot.
  11. Hm... I never really thought of meleeing the caves. I might do it, although with today's BTS, i might just wait until after the Dragon Defender and Damage Soaking to do the caves. As those might help a lot. But I'm not completely sure what "kiting" is. Is it attacking the 360s, the quickly running away before they can melee you, then repeat?
  12. Not necessarily. I don't think that the soaking is going to be as high as we think. Considering DG shields already soak so little... Anyway, i think this is one of the best updates in years. Possibly the best since... Uh, a long time. If the dragon defender is good enough, we might start seeing dragon pures come out in plentiful amounts. And if it's strength bonus is higher then or equal to the DFS, it'll start crashing. Right into the price range where i can buy it... Ehehe... Oh, *ehem* I plan on getting the Dragon defender the day it comes out. Oh! Damage soaking! Tbh, i think this is a step into the right direction for fixing the combat triangle. Sure, a lot of people aren't going to like it. But in the long run, it's for the best. What kind of MMO have you played that armor only effects how often you get hit? I haven't played any that i can recall besides RuneScape. In most of them, armor effects damage removal, not consistency. And now... Rushing is all but obliterated... :twisted: But i also need to decide if i should get rid of my claws in case they crash...
  13. Mmk, I'm not flawless at clearing caves yet so i think I'll stick with my tank gear for the moment. And yes, it is a diamond (i).
  14. Seeing as there's about 3 fight cave threads on the first page, i really hate contributing to them. Tbh, there should be a sticky like there is for Heroes' Quest. Where people can get advice on their setup and strategy. It's been a while since Jad has put me down for attempting to kill him... It was long before i had my claws and Turmoil. So i think I'm going to try again. But this time, claw him out before the healers get a chance to get to him. I also heard that what works for some people, is staying on one of the prayers, and only switching to the other prayer if necessary. Similar to the way you melee him. This seems like it would work with the way my brain works when it comes to prayer switching and hybriding, so I'm going to give it a shot. This is my setup: (That's an EE) Keep in mind i have 95 prayer. But will this be enough prayer pots? Also, should i use berserk as soon as the 360s come in since I'll be praying most of the time anyway? Should i drop the void and just bring a fighter torso(Looking to maximize my ability to K0 him)? Keep in mind if i drop the void then I'm going to switch out the Verac helm for a Nezzy for the str bonus. I noticed that the tip.it max hit calc says my max with the spec would be 746 with b gloves+torso+nezzy. And a bit lower at 733 with void. But would it be worth sacrificing the accuracy for the slightly higher hit and a bit more melee+range defense? And finally, actually specing him out... How do i go about this? I'm going to veng+pot up+berserk as soon as he spawns and turn on turmoil when i have him at about 1/4th LP. But what do i do about prayer? Should i turn on soulsplit right as i spec him so i have a higher chance at staying alive? Or should i use one of the 3 protection prayers hoping to get lucky? If so, which one? And finally, if one of the specs fail, I'm going to try to salvage it by stepping away from him, and try to keep my cool at prayer switching so i can go back to range and snipe off the healers.
  15. I think the number of binds is fine as it is. Unless the new bind were restricted to a rather useless item such as gloves/boots/pickaxes/toolkits/etc I agree it'd be pretty game breaking. But my problem with the bind system is how it restricts you to certain jobs. If bind arrows/celestial box, you're kinda screwed out of laws for c1s. If you bind a hex, you're screwed out of some armor if you want to key. We definitely shouldn't start a floor with more than 4 binded items of any sort, but I really want to be able to switch up what those 4 items are. My hexhunter isn't gonna do me any good if I want to key. Reading the last bit, got me thinking: What if we were able to bind a few items (Would very with your DG level. I'm thinking maybe 10 max at 120 dg?) that would go into a bank-sort of interface that can only be accessed at the start of a dungeon, or during the WINterface. And from this interface, you can pick up to (your max bind for your level) items to bring into the next dungeon. So, while you wouldn't have your 2H, Hexhunter, primal plate, SSH, and blood neck all at the same time making you OP in a dungeon, you can choose what items you want to bring with you into your next dungeon. I can see how frustrating debating between binds can be. And going level 50 - 100 with only two bind seems... Cruel.
  16. I have done that before. Many times. I have made a 1 def pure, 10 def pure, runite pure, zerker pure, range tank, and DFS pure. All of but one have been made members for at least two months. My zerker pure and DFS pure, were members for over one year. I've played a lot of aspects of this game. And i've had a lot of fun, but i think my obsession might by dying down. Maybe I'll quit, maybe i won't. But i will play a lot less.
  17. Mhm, i agree with you for the most part. Although, i believe weapons could be made a bit more diverse if the weakness and resistance of monsters was heavily weighed. Just as it is in Dungoneering. Although range and magic would also play a part. As an example, maybe if the speeds and stats of all of the melee and range weapons were re-vamped, monsters could be weak to say, maybe crush weapons, crossbow bolts and earth spells. And another could be weak to stab, arrows and water spells. But of course, it would be much easier to make combat-type diverse melee weapons then it is range weapons and magic spells. Which is part of the reason why the combat system needs revamped in the first place. For better balancing melee, you would want to adjust the speed and power of all the weapons. Make it so if you're fighting a creature who is weak to crush, you have multiple options. "Okay, so I'm fighting a (insert monster name here). They're weak to crush, so that rules out my daggers, long and short swords. I think I'll go with a mace... But, i don't need the prayer bonus so i think I'll take something a bit slower, and a bit more powerful. Maybe a warhammer? Hm.. Still a little weak as the monster's level is (insert level here) and i don't think it'll have the best DPS. Ah, i know! My twohanded sword!" Certain weapons could be weaker, but yet a lot faster then 2 handed weapons and some single-handed weapons. Making them better at killing monsters that are at a lower level then you. As you wouldn't need all that power of the heavier weapons. For balancing range, maybe longbows could have higher accuracy, and a damage bonus added on to the existing arrow's bonus. If calibrated right, that should make them a potentate competitor for the shortbow. And both would be use equally, based on the situation. Of course, this wouldn't stop at just bows. It would go on and all of the other range weapons would be calibrated. If done right, each weapon should have it's use. Also, range's effects should be split into 2 skills, just as melee is. Or maybe strength should effect what weapons you could use. Because it doesn't make sense that a 1 str 99 range pure could be strong enough to throw a rune knife with the force to inflict up to and onward past 150 damage. Although for this to happen, the way levels effect your combat would have to be changed. Said 1 str pures and range tanks would be a bit mifed if they logged in one day to find out that they hit like crap. And would have to level their strength and thus their combat to change that. Magic could also use a re-vise. As with range, it's effects should be split into 2 skills like melee is. Maybe you could call them Will and Force. Will could determine how much you splash, and Force would determine how high you hit. I don't know if clothing should effect this. If it didn't, and you could cast spells in metal armor, then magic's power would have to be calibrated. As for weapons, i think every staff should boost the power of a certain type of spell. Whilst only the best staves boost the power of all of them. And for spells, well that should be largely based on what monster you're fighting. Or what the player that your fighting is wearing. For runes, i think they should be done away with for combat spells, and only be used for non-combat spells. If not, then the ones uses for combat spells should be MUCH easier to come by, and should have a equipment slot(If an elemental rune is in a equipment slot, then it cannot be used for non-combat spells. This will hopefully preserve the value of training magic via non-combat spells). [hide=Huge suggestion to pacify RuneScape's current combat system] Note: I originally planned this part to be a small suggestion to help RuneScape's current combat system to be more diverse and complex, but i ended up making a huge suggestion that really belong in the RSOF suggestion thread. I didn't realize how big i made it until it was too late. But since i got so pumped about my idea typing this, i might actually turn it into a actual suggestion thread later and post it on the RSOF. Since i believe in miracles, maybe Jagex will see it and pickup on it. Anyway, feel free to read it or look over it. -------- I think a way we can(Not so much fix, but it would definitely help A LOT) pacify the combat system is making augmentable armor pieces(Some in the hyt chat suggested this). Going with what you said first, i think you should use your smithing and crafting skills(un-assistable) to make un-tradeable armors for all 3 combat types. Or be able to make slots in existing armors, depending on your crafting and/or smithing level. Higher crafting levels(for hides and clothes) and maybe higher smithing levels(for metal armors) could carve more slots per armor piece. For example, maybe at level 20, you can add one slot. At 40, two slots, at sixty, three slots, at eighty, four slots, and finally at 99, five slots per armor piece. F2P'ers would have access to this feature too, but they would only be able to carve up to 2 (maybe 3?) slots into armor and maybe weapons(see below). And would have acess to far fewer augments. Any item that has more then the F2P slot count becomes a member's object. Same with any f2p armor piece that is augmented with a member's augment. What should be augmentable? Well, i think only platebodies, and platelegs, for the sake of balance. But other items could be augmentable too, but have a slot limit. Example: Boots would only be allowed to have 1 augment slot, and would have much lower stat caps(explained later). Helms could be allowed to have two augment slots, and maybe shields could have three. Though only actual shields. I think defenders and books should be left where they are. Weapons SHOULD NOT be able to be augmented. At the very most, basic metal (Bronze - Rune) F2P weapons, basic F2P (normal - maple) bows, and F2P basic staves(Magic staff, all 4 elemental staves, and the normal orbless staff) may be able to be augmented to bring an extra dimension to F2P combat. I think that this should be permanent on the basic metals and hides, and cloths (bronze - rune, green - black, wizard robes - mystic) and reversible on the special armors. Though i believe it should be costly to reverse it. Maybe you have to pay a NPC to remove the augments, and on top of it costing a lot(Maybe around 500k - 5M. Depending on the type of armor, and what it is) maybe you also lose the augments. Although the last part is debatable since the augments would hopefully be un-tradeable. This will make people think twice before augmenting their beloved armor. And it would also make the market more permanent. Meaning that people won't constantly be buying and selling their armor. It will be more staple. The problem is that i have no idea what kind of effects this will have on the market. It could be good, or it could be bad. The augments themselves, should be EXTREMELY plentiful(I'm talking over 1000 augments. All with different effects) and be dropped by EVERY enemy who drops gems and the such. They should be untradeable and the lower effect ones should be common, and the higher effect ones should be more rare. While 'elite' augments should only be dropped by bosses. They can range from rather common, to extremely rare based on their effects. Also, certain slayer and quest monsters can drop exclusive augments. Augments could also be future quest rewards. Storing augments shouldn't be hard. You should be able to get a free augmentation case that can store a few(up to 10 maybe?) of EVERY augmentation. They would be organized by their effects, then by how good they are. You wouldn't be able to see a slot where an augmentation goes until you have stored one of that type. This keeps the interface more simple, as you don't have over 700 icons that aren't even representing an augmentation you have. The case would open up a whole new inventory screen, similar to the bank screen. From here, you can augment your items. However, the case has a 0gp kept on death value, and you can only have 1 of them at a time. This makes it EXTREMELY risky to bring the case on a slayer task or something to store augments you find. It is best to pick and choose which ones you want to bring to the bank with you. The augments themselves could have a variety of effects. Reducing weight, speeding up the recovery of lifepoints, slowly restoring prayer, and enhancing stats. Certain lower or mid-range augments could give negative effects as well as positive ones. Stat enhancing augments would have special moderation. You don't want someone loading up a fighter torso or Bandos chestplate with three +5 strength enhancing augments. That would defeat the purpose of augments somewhat balancing combat in the first place. But, augments would bring about a problem: People would be carting around 5 sets of rune in their inventory, all with different augments. A way to counter this, is to only allow 1 item in 1 equipment slot of every metal/leather/cloth to be augmented. This means, that if someone has a Dragon platebody augmented with reduce weight -10, enhance magic defense +30, and regenerate health(level 4). They couldn't turn around and buy a dragon platebody, or dragon chainbody and augment it differently. This would keep the balances in check. With Barrows, maybe the player could only have a total of 4 - 6 barrows items augmented. This would mean that they could augment 3 different tops and bottoms. Augmented barrows pieces would work the same as normal barrows pieces and would still activate the set's effect proven correct conditions are met. I also think that there should be a cap on the stats you can augment onto a piece of armor. Say you can have a max of 5 strength bonuses augmented onto a platebody. That means that you could augment a fighter torso to have +10 strength, or a rune platebody to have +5. Although, only the more rare augments would give +5 strength. But you could still add one +2 strength augment, and one +3 strength augment to get the desired effect. Though at the cost of using two augment slots instead of one. Similar caps would be put on defense, range, melee style(crush, slash, stab) and magic boosting augments. Though they would be different caps. What the actually augments themselves are could be small little trinkets that are "fused" with the armor's augmentation slots. Hence the fee for removing them. They could range from very basic augments that the player can make by enchanting cut gems(Some of the few augments that could be made by the player) to crystals or bone shards dropped from enemies. Their effects would be explain in detail when examined. A few examples i can think of are: -"Tiny Heart Crystal" Examine: Restores 25 extra lifepoints per minute.(This is a rather lower-tier augment) -"Cursed TB. Boneshard" Examine: Cursed Terrorbird boneshard. Reduces weight -15 and adds a -2 prayer bonus.(mid-range tier augment) -"Gnome Spearhead" Examine: Increases stab bonus +8. -"Greater Energy Crystal" Examine: Restores an extra 20% special attack energy per minute(Elite tier augment) This is just a taste of what augments would be like. They would have a lot of effects, both in and out of combat. Maybe even some effects on skilling. Lastly, this is a list of some of the "Special" items that can have the augmentations removed, for a price: -All Barrows armors(weapons excluded) -Bandos -Dragon armors -Granite armors -Infinity robes -Armadyl armor -All treasure trail god armors. However, you couldn't have both a black dragonhide body and a armadyl leatherbody augmented at the same time. Same for the rune god armors. -Castlewars decorative armors(This makes Castle wars veterans' work pay off. If they have full profound, it could be augmented and also has the stats of rune) -void armors -Barbarian Assault armors -Third Age armors Sacred clay, rockshell, and Elite black wouldn't be able to be augmented along side of rune. Also, these armors would not be able to have the augmentations removed.[/hide]
  18. Lately i've been looking through a lot of general discussion threads here on TIF, and i've seemed to derive one fact that people generally agree on: RuneScape is indeed, a broken game. Now when i say "Broken game" i mean that it was never planned for RuneScape itself to actually come this far as a MMO. I don't really think Jagex thoroughly thought out expansion plans. And i've seen a lot of others share this opinion as well. I'll take the weapon damage complaint as an example. Three years ago when i would play a game of castle wars, i was set with a a basic setup: torags, rune defender, glory, and my trusty whip. Grouped with a half of inventory of bandages, i could survive attacks from level 120s+ pretty well whilst my combats were only in the 70-70-70 range. While i normally wouldn't win the fight, i could stall them for a good minute or so before i died. But now, we have so many items that overload the basic combat system that we once had. Chaotics, overloads, extremes, turmoil, armadyl godswords, dragon claws, ect. It's obvious that the average player in the 100+ range has at least one, if not more of these items or abilities. Some people might say "Well, it makes combat take more skill." No. It doesn't. The fact is, that we have obtained more ways to dish our higher damage faster, and no upgrades to defense or constitution to counter-balance it. Fights can be over in mere seconds without much luck if the attacker does everything right. If you want to call that a fight in the first place... Basically, in the last five years, there hasn't been any major update to the armor we wear. Barrows still holds the title of the most practical and useful armor. With weapons? We keep getting more and more over-powered weapons that can slit the throats of the the most heavily clad tanks in mere seconds. And yet, we're still stuck with 990 measly lifepoints, and an average of +200 defense bonuses. But... I digress in the combat rant. As that's been discussed plenty. Aside from that, there is a lot more wrong with this game. -It's market mechanics make it too easy for clans to manipulate prices. -Controls of the game could be a lot less cluttered and easier to use. -The world is small and congested. You won't go a single screen's pace without encountering something that's of importance to something. A part of a quest, diary, or what have you. -Weapons are useless. What do we use? Scimitars and shortbows(in a nutshell). There's almost no use for other weapons like warhammers, maces, daggers, long or short swords, or longbows. -Monster drops are hardly useful. See, with other MMOs, a person slaying a monster might have a slight chance at finding a special type of armor or weapon that could be better then their current one. Granted, this wouldn't work with RuneScape's current mechanics anyway. Since there's so little diversity in armor and weapons in the first place. Monster slaying now is largely based on EXP, or getting a high amount of items which you can then turn around and easily sell for profit. Not items that are directly useful to the player collecting them. -There's only a few methods for boss hunting. Any other method attempted is deemed "inefficient" and any player attempting them, a "noob". But again, this relates back to RuneScape's combat system and rather blocky character movement. As you can see, one problem branches from a bigger problem. It ultimately comes up to either: The combat system, price manipulation, and/or skill grinding. But... Are these problems actually fixable with the way the game is coded now? Or would jagex just have to create a whole new "RuneScape 3" to finally fix these problems? Or do they even see any other problems other then their constant war with RWT'ers and botters? And finally, I'm going to add a little disclaimer here at the bottom to avoid some potential flaming: I honestly love RuneScape. I've been playing it for over 5 years now. It's just that I'm running out of things to do that i find fun, and i often to run into problems with the flaws i point out. It's just getting hard to play anymore. If i do quit, i won't switch up for one of the more traditional MMOs. I'll most likely just quit in general. But for some reason, i still find quitting RS hard even if i seriously think about it. And for Jagex themselves... Well, i guess you can say i have a love-hate relationship with them. Some of their updates make me love them, and others make me wonder if they even play the game they're releasing content for (Example: The right click update a few days ago). But, i do think that I'm losing more and more respect for Jagex as a programing company with each passing update that throws something out of whack. In closing, I'm writing this in the dead of the morning after a long night. So sorry if it's a bit hard to read #-o
  19. [hide=Original Question]Most of my digital media is stored on my 1TB external hardrive, so all my music on itunes and some programs run off it it. Though, i recently shut down and moved my computer. And when i plugged everything back in and booted up, my hardrive's drive letter change. So, windows and all my other programs are unable to locate all of the files i had stored on it. Example: Instead of External HHD (R:) like it was before, it's External HHD (F:) now. Any way i can fix this? Or will i really have to manually re-locate all of my files...? (Running Windows XP Professional)[/hide]
  20. Hehe, i love this for some reason. Makes me wanna build moar. In other news... Reason i sought out this thread: [hide][/hide] Pretty snazzy eh? I wanted to brand my main world with mah name. And i put a lava backdrop behind it, and it ended up looking pretty good.
  21. Lunar Diplomacy requires the completion of Fremennik Trials, which gives defense EXP. Sp it's a no-go for a 1 def pure. Seer's (i) indeed isn't practical for risking PKing, but it does have the highest mage attack as the OP requested. But there are other cheaper alternatives like Dragonstone, Diamond, and Ruby (i).
  22. Assuming money, quests, Dungoneering and attack levels are not a object(This is taking into account magic damage > magic accuracy): God Mitre Runecrafter robe God robe bottom Adamant Gloves Wizard boots Arcane stream necklace God Cape Seers' ring (i) Chaotic staff Mages' book = 86 magic attack and a +35% damage bonus. Of course, this setup is rather expensive, since you're looking for a PvP setup. So you'll want to substitute a few things. -Ghostly robes, runecrafter robes, and the god vestments all have the same magic attack. Except for the god vestment tops, which have one less magic attack then the tops of the other two sets. All three have their advantages, Runecrafter robes have some defense bonuses. The god vestments have prayer, and the ghostly robes are the cheapest and easiest to obtain. The most practical chose for PvP are ghostly robes. -Mitres have 1 more magic attack then Ghostly hoods and runecrafter hats, but are pricey. So, again, ghostly hoods are more practical. -Wizard boots are also pricey, so ghostly boots again or climbers if you don't mind the extra 75k risk and are using a melee spec weapon. -No reason not to get and use Adamant Gloves. Same case for god capes. -Of course arcane streams are hard to get, especially for a 1 def pure. So, you'll want to switch it out for a str ammy/glory for much less risk. Which ever suits your needs best. I'll also note that a 3rd age amulet has 1 more magic attack, but no sane person would let that anywhere near a PvP world. -Seer's ring (i) takes a LONG time to get, and has a pretty big risk. So it's best to use a Dragonstone, Diamond, or even a ruby (i) ring in it's place, depending on how much MA you play and what you want to risk. If you don't want to go through the effort for those two, then either an Explorer's ring or Recoil. The latter doesn't offer magic attack, but is useful. Another note, i'm not sure if the beacon ring has stats during the quest you obtain it in. But if it does, it might be worth getting as it would be free to replace. However, DO NOT finish the quest, as it gives 2k defense exp. -Of course, the chaotic staff requires 80 dungoneering. But is hardly practical for a 1 def pure. So, if you plan to raise your attack, a Staff of Light. If you don't, ancient staff is the easiest and most practical. Though a Master's wand as a big risk, and more magic attack. -Lastly, mages' book is the best. Although a Zammy book is much more practical for risk, as it's free to replace and offers decent offensive stats. In case you haven't noticed, item setups and research is my favorite activity :roll:
  23. It was awesome watching him side 'step' attacks from crayfish and rip their arm off and eat it, then go back and finish them off... <3: Oh how I miss him. Rofl, now every time i see a forum post by you I'm going to think of that picture and laugh XD Anyway, for me... My very first username was Link353510. Link came from Zelda, which is still my all time favorite game. And the two 35's were because that was my favorite number when i made the name. Due to the fact that at the time, i was also obsessed with Hotwheel cars. Specifically a exclusive collectible set named Highway 35. And the 10, well. I'm not really sure. Maybe it was my second favorite number. Once the name change update came, i switched to X HeXxiLeD X. Hexxiled is a word i created by combining the word "hex" "exiled". Dunno why, just sounded cool. Oh, and i like having a spaz attack with the shift key sometimes. After that, i switched to Hexiled Razz, because online i've been starting to be known as "Hex" or "Razz" Though personally i preferred Razz. And finally, i came to Razz-kun. Because people still called me Hex as it's the first 3 letters of my name >.> And kun is a Japanese honorific. As I'm somewhat into Japanese culture. I wanted Razz-san, but it was taken. I'm pretty content with my username at the moment, and don't think I'll change it again any time soon. I hate it when people sporadically change their username as soon as they get the chance... As for my pure's names, I just tried to think of the coolest name i could. Hexiled Zerk, Tankimanjaro, Runited Fate, and Im0tal Fire to name most of them. I only changed the first 3 once to their current names.
  24. I think you only need to complete the Barbarian training in order to smith Hastas. Don't think Tai Bwo Wannai Trio has anything to do with it, other then being able to poison spears with KP poison. OT: Yeah, you said you're making a spear, so make sure you're making the actual hasta. Because they're two different weapons. If it still doesn't work, try logging out and logging back in. And if that doesn't work, submit a bug report.
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