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Everything posted by HexiledRazz

  1. If you don;t have a famialr or a pouch or a scroll ith you in ANY pvp conext it dispalys your combat without summoning. so this argument is invalid. Eg my combat is 121, but as soon as i go to a pk world or a pvp game (eg duel arena) my combat becomes 112 (displays as 112 + 9 to forewarn ppl my level is 9 higher if i have summons). Until I grab a pouch, special scroll or summon a famialr then it will display as 121 in pvp zones. Please know what you're talking about before you start giving misleading advice. It's COMPLETELY different in safe PvP. In all safe PvP zones(Clan wars, Castle wars, Dueling Arena, ect) your right-click combat includes summoning regardless if you possess a pouch or are in control of a familiar. I even tested this myself right before making this post.
  2. I can understand what he means. It can be hard to get fights around your real combat level in the dueling arena when you have summoning. Because for every fight you would have to tell someone your summoning level and go through all that. It doesn't seem like much, but in the end it can amount up to be a real hassle. But, since you can't burst nechs, i would still recommend rock lobs actually. You just collect the charms, but don't use them. So if in the future you find PKing in the wild more fun, you have a lot of charms to raise your summoning if you so wish to.
  3. I'm sure you keep them... Because if you lost them, I'm sure people wouldn't use the surge box, or would complain about it?
  4. I think this is accurate. Seems like it... But, on a side note. Isn't a G2H actually better for training because of it's slightly faster attack speed over a normal 2H, and it's sheer str bonus?
  5. But i would also think of it this way: Since the old wild is coming back, 3 and 4 iteming will come back. So possibly the helm will retain some of it's value? Since people could just 4 item with just the set.
  6. Werll usually their stuff gets updated quicklly if someone messes it up, also i saw this a few days ago. If it was still bad info it would have been changed. All i'd like to know is if this is only after getting to nex, for only zaros stronghold or w/e and anything else that I may have misunderstood. See the page for Graardor. Huge mess ups on his range attack that keep getting fixed/then put back. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that it only applies to the new armors. And not the Zaros trimmed rune items. As those were available from treasure trails even before Nex.
  7. The only way to get a REAL good team, is having over 100 dungoneering and asking in 3bo(Stands for 3 binds only). But, since you're pretty far from there, the best way would be to search on the forums for a perm team. Or, possibly you could luck out in one of the Dungoneering-based worlds and find some decent players.
  8. Blarg. I have no idea why the Runewiki still says that. It's completely false. They're getting it confused with the fact that the attack isn't an arrow or a bolt, but a seemingly magical energy. But protect from range is what blocks out it's damage. That's why they're miss-labeling it. I think... Example of a true type of attack that is based on one type, but attacks with a different type: Bloodvelds. Their attack is magic based, but they have to be in melee range to use it. Hence the name: Magic based melee attack. So, protect from melee(Not protect from mage) will block out all damage, but dhides/karils is the advised armor choice. Though granted it is hard to document mage-based range attacks, or range-based mage attacks since they can all be cast/fired from a distance. It's still not worth documenting it as a "magical range" as everyone is getting confused.
  9. What i think they mean by this update, is that if Jad was in the middle of a magic animation(Fireball forming above his head), and an attack hit him, he would do his defending animation while the fireball was still forming above his head. Thus canceling the magic animation(Fireball would still form and launch, as that isn't really part of the animation, but the projectile itself) and replacing it with the defending animation. What i think they're saying is that they changed it so that his defending animation will no longer take priority over his attacking animation. It might be kinda hard to understand, but just consider this: Sometimes when you're fighting an enemy, you'll notice that sometimes it's attack animation will be cut short and it's defending animation will happen because you just hit it with an attack. It's essentially the same thing, except it's been fixed to prevent confusion.
  10. :thumbup: Number one tip when making a Zerker. Remember, it's better to plan out your pure and get all the good quests done(Quests for Turmoil, Hand Cannon, Zerker helm/Vengeance, and Barrows gloves to name the most important) then to regret it later.
  11. I double confirm this. My range tank was F2P for a good while, and i recently gave him member's again. And i had completely cleared out MTK and sold everything on my last day. And i had a decent profit in there. And this was around the beginning of December. And don't quote me on this, but i don't think your approval rating can fall below 50%. Because the two times i've done this, the rating has never been below 50%. I can't confirm this for sure though.
  12. Spoken like a typical skiller. And a wbm :thumbup: edit: damn it blood^ Spoken like a typical troll. If you brag about planning to PJ, lure, and hunt skillers, you are a [cabbage]bag. And people like that are responsible for giving PKers the bad name that many oh-so-detestable-skillers associate with them. Go back to the RSOF, and take your little buddies with you. I play the game for fun, and if that means laughing at kids raging over losing their spade, so be it. How about you? You have fun being an [wagon] and attacking people with absolutely no payoff. Just to irritate others. Gentlemen, i believe we have found the perfect specimen of a troll :rolleyes: Anyway, I'm done looking at this thread. Your posts, and other people's posts have done nothing but prove my point.
  13. Ew. It's people like you that make me happy that the wild went away. "HERP DERP. ONLY GOOD THING IN ROONSKAYPE IS PEEKAYING. EVERYTHING ELSE SUX. LULULULULULUL *Downsyndromicface* " Meh. I highly doubt the wild itself change much. As far as prices go, armor and weapon prices will shake a lot due to mass multiple panic attacks/buy ups. Other then that, they all should generally fall a bit due to the fact that items you drop as you die in PvP are no longer lost; just transferred. As for me personally, i hope to train up my zerker a bit and PK myself. I never really PK'ed much before this. As i was too low of a level back in your so called "golden age". And i didn't see much worth in the last 3 years when i didn't know that i was even going to get a worthwhile drop. I would hardly call it a golden age. The scumbag so-called PK'ers with no respect will rise to the top of the RuneScape community again. Other then that, free trade will have different effects. If these will be good or bad, i have yet to decide. If by mule, you mean another account you own, then that is considered multiple logging, and is against the rules. Such rule-breakings are frowned upon on this forum.
  14. I think you got the right idea with levels in the 40s. As that's where all the good content is for F2P dging. However, despite what holiday said, i actually think runecrafting is extremely useful in dungeons. As crafting about 15~ casts of high alch is a good idea. If not for you, for your team. Binding laws or cosmics won't have any use to you. As you won't have the mage level to cast the respective spell. But, i agree on crafting. I wouldn't get it up too high at first. I would wait and see how your dungeons go before getting it up. If you end up needing it more then you thought, then go ahead and take a break to train it up.
  15. I think the improvement of Overloads vs extremes isn't a big enough deal to give up Turmoil for it. I would say go for turmoil, and then save for overloads. Plus, a +5 stew boost is kinda rare... But then again, it really all depends on what activities you do the most aside from TDs.
  16. Most likely the smithing and herblore scroll, and, of course, an arcane stream.
  17. Since i've worked up a nice 23M cashpile in disposable income, i've decided that i want to start bursting rock lobs to work towards 88 summoning. I'm currently 80, and according to the calc I'll need around 7K crims(Actually, moreso around 5.5 - 6K since I'll be using my other charms too) making granite lobsters. I know you get roughly 250 crims per 1k bursts, but i kinda want to know how much this'll run my cost-wise and time-wise. With making the pouches included. I have a set of battle robes that I'll be using. Of course, along with a SoL. I've heard that +75 mage attack while bursting is the generally accepted bonus, and over that can be overkill. Is this accurate? Oh, and one last thing. I heard that the Waterbirth doors were updated so that not just 1 person can knock down the doors with a rune throwing axe anymore. Is this true?
  18. I saw this myself. Had a egasum when i saw the awesome purple-glowy-eyed shoulders on the melee armor.
  19. Why are we still seeing topics like this? *facepalm* Rapier. Best all-around weapon. CLS is only better in extremely select situations. Mostly when you're bossing while tanking with a divine. Spread the word.
  20. In the next few months i want to ease into serious DG'ing for all of the better rewards(Rapier, Arc Stream, and the useful scrolls). But i really want to get ideal binds before that. So, I'm looking to see if there's any CC for Dungeoneering smithing requests. Or, maybe if someone on here with 92~ smithing and maybe 90 mining is willing to help me out. I know there was a CC a while ago(Can't remember name) when DG'ing was still pretty new, but i went into there a few months ago on my Zerker for help, and there was hardly anyone in the chat. So i assumed that it had died.
  21. For basic edgy melee rune fights, people general use something looking like this: -Nezzy helm -Rune plate -Rune legs -Climbers/D boots -Rune RFD gloves/Barrows RFD gloves -Team capes/Legend cape -Ammy of str/Ammy of glory -Rings of Recoil -Dragon defender/Rune kite/Obby shield -Korasi's/Chaotic/Whip/DDS for spec Of course, this is just a basic template of what people use. It can very greatly on how much you want to risk, and your style of PKing. If you're ranging, you can use a black hide top, a rune C'bow with Dragon bolts, and maybe morg's javs for spec. Oh, and a lot of people consider Korasi's as a cheap weapon. Which, it really is. But what ever you want to use.
  22. As said above, it'll take about 25~ hours to get 300 rank. I myself grinded out 1 - 100 rank somewhat easily, and will be going for 300 sometime soon. The key is multitasking. Suiciding is somewhat AFKable, so watch a movie/shows while keeping an eye on the round timer so you know when to cannon your troops. As for buying the Onyx, i have heard that they no longer have street value, most likely because of kinglys. So, it might take a while, but you should be able to snipe an onyx ring from the GE. However i don't personally think the onyx is worth 13M for the extra +1 boost in each stat. Dragonstone (i) would be a more economical choice, as it costs next to nothing and doesn't protect over almost EVERYTHING else on death. And even so, you'll have 300 rank so Berserker, Seers, and Archer's (i) rings would almost be better choices in situations where you're only using one type of combat.
  23. As magic defense is part of your magic level, and the prayers boost your magic level, then by that logic i believe so.
  24. This thread has been around since those weapons came out; it's part of the reason why we know that the CR is superior almost everywhere. There have been exact figures and numbers -- read the thread. And like SirIzenhime said, this thread exists for the purpose of finding out which is better. The only people arguing opinions (as opposed to facts) are angry CLS owners who try to justify their purchase. Sounds a little like you, incidentally. I thought a common poster that i see like you would at least look at someone's levels before making accusations as to what chaotic they own. Anyway, I'm pro rapier for when i finally to get 80 dungoneering. As it would be more suited for my needs. I guess i should have given the thread a bit more of a look through before i posted. But i couldn't be asked to read over 70 pages #-o I'll look for these statistics.
  25. No one is forgetting this is game....what people seem to be forgetting is this thread exists for the soul purpose of figuring out which is better. Not which is more fun to use Not which one looks the coolest Not which one most people will choose. It is to figure out which is THE BEST. Nothing is stopping them from getting a CLS, Go for it, we don't care, just don't post here saying you got it because it's better for This and That, when it's been proven it's not on this thread. A thread, which I'll say again, exists to figure out which one is better. Well, the discussion of what is "best" normally turns out to be an argument based on personal opinion. Which is why i worded my post the way i did. Generally referencing the whole CR/CLS debate. But, since it's already been proven that the CR is general better then the CLS, i find it funny that topics like this are still made and discussed about a lot. What i would like to see is research of exactly how better CR is then CLS at training/boss hunting. And if in fact that the whip has better DPM then CLS at training. Like maybe EXP/hr figures. Maybe someone has already done this research, I'm not quite sure. I haven't read this entire thread and i haven't really looked into other discussions on the forum.
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