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Everything posted by HexiledRazz

  1. Alright, so i've been getting into F2P PvP on my zerker pure(Actually the first time i've done any sort of PvP, due to a worthless computer and laggy internet connection) and i originally wanted to get a Gravite 2H to use. ...But, soloing 64 dungeoneering is extremely grueling. I've been going for days straight and I'm not even 10% there yet. Plus the bosses and monsters are just getting too hard for my 45 defense. Needless to say i don't think I'll get 64 dg'ing by the time my member's runs out(about 10 days till). And i don't think i'll be getting it in F2P because i don't want to have to destroy my member's binds. But i've gotten way off track here >.> So, I'm thinking about getting a Corrupt DBA as a finishing weapon for PvP. But i have a few questions on it. Now, i know it only degrades while you wear it. And for a finishing weapon, it should last quite a while. But exactly how long? If i only use it for one hit every time i get my opponent low. Anyone who has use one themselves, i would appreciate a post with your hands-on input.
  2. He said no rares. Jk. :P Do skillers still sport the Blurite swords? Actually i think that would be a good idea. But it is kinda risky wielding a weapon or nothing instead of a bow with no ammo. A miss-click might get you some accidental combat exp =S Tbh if you've had your skiller for a while, a really old holiday item would be somewhat impressive. Other then that, be creative. It's nice to have a good looking outfit, but it's even better to have a nice looking outfit that you came up with yourself.
  3. OP kinda decided that it was gonna be an CLS or a CR. Besides, maul isn't really practical for DPS. Which is what i think the OP is going for. And after reading through the thread again, i rofl'ed like crazy.
  4. If you mage a lot, the necklace is what you'll want. Then most likely the blastbox. Longbow sight is also really good, but remember that almost everything protects over it. So it's a huge risk if you're risking PvP. I would highly advise against the rapier. If you look at it's stats compared to the rune scimitar, they're utter trash for the price you pay for it. Plus plate armor generally has better stab defense then slash. So that renders any chances of it's dominate attack style being an advantage useless unless in select situations. As far as i know, the Grav 2H outclasses every other grav melee weapon in terms of usefulness. And i also heard that it can actually have a higher DPS then a rune skimmy for training. If you're loaded with cash, that is. I'm saving for one on my zerker for F2P PvP. But this is just all i've collected through research. I actually don't own any DG'ing rewards atm aside from a gem bag on my main as I'm saving up.
  5. As others have said, a line needs to be drawn somewhere. I don't get offended by usernames, but ones that have obscene words in them shouldn't be aloud. Not because it's going to offend every single person that sees it, but because those are the rules. Rules are made to be followed. But i personally think that there is a certain tolerances for names like this. Way back a long time ago when i was PC'ing on my main(I'm talking 2+ years ago) i saw someone by the name of "The Holy Ass". Personally i thought this name was hardly offensive at all, but actually funny. And he was at least over 120 combat, so he had that name for a while. But i checked that name on the highscores not too long ago (before the display name update) and it wasn't listed. So i think maybe he got banned for his name or other reason. If it was for his name, i think that's a shame. So, i think there is a certain tolerances for names like that. But someone who's purposely just putting obscene word one after another in their username should have it changed to whatever Jagex sees fit. And be banned from the display name changing feature permanently, no questions asked.
  6. Statistics have proven that the CR is better then in CLS in almost all situations. But remember, this is a game made for fun. Don't let efficiency blind you if it isn't your thing. Chose which ever one you would enjoy using.
  7. That's exactly my point. What bothers me is people who keep complaining that runescape was better before update X, or before they implemented this or that. Without new content, the game dies. Not all new content is good. Example: 2007, removal of the wilderness and free trade. That killed a part of the game y'know? Well, that is true. A lot of players quit because of that. But that was all for a higher cause. The removal of both free trade and the wilderness made it much more harder for gold sellers to transfer gold to their clients. Which is why they implemented the updates in the first place. Granted bots are still around, but they're not nearly as plentiful as they one were.
  8. That's exactly my point. What bothers me is people who keep complaining that runescape was better before update X, or before they implemented this or that. Without new content, the game dies.
  9. Oh, yes sorry. I was a little unclear on that :P Tbh i have no problem where i am. I still enjoy playing the game. In fact, i'm taking my time and being careful as not to get my combats maxed as soon as possible. As i think i would lose interest when that happen =P
  10. I didn't put quotation marks around the title because i wanted to throw everyone off making them thinking this is another "OMGZ I HATE ROONSKAYPE IT R RUINED BECUZ OF GE ND PEEKAY TAKE AWAY WTF!@!@!@!" :razz: No, this isn't a rant about how Runescape has become "ruined". It's about the people that complain that is has been "ruined". I got thinking about this when i stumbled across a comment(One of the top rated, i might add) on one of the top rated PK videos on Youtube. Said comment is what I'll base some of my argument against. This ranting comment is mostly about what the GE has done to the economy. When in reality, it's not the GE at all. It's the players. The GE just gave the players the ability to manipulate the economy in a large sense. I myself am completely against merching clans. It's a sad way to manipulate many people into a pyramid scheme. But the problem is, that i can't really see a way for Jagex to combat merching clans. But this person's argument is that common items like furys and also effected by clans and horders. That is 100% not true. Furys went up naturally because the supply diminished a great amount, and the demand stayed the same. But, again. It does come back to the GE. I don't really know. Tbh i would like to go back to the time before the GE, but i wouldn't at the same time. I like having the ease of being able to buy simple items i need on the spot. But i do really miss sitting in world 2 fally park buying my first pair of Dragon platelegs for 2M. And my first whip for 1.5M. And my first torag body and legs for 1M(I remember doing it clearly, but the prices might be a bit foggy :-P ) But that's something that we won't be able to go back to. So people need to stop complaining. But, there are also people who base their argument in "AMG CLAWS N AGS N DIVINE RUIN EVERYTHANG!@!@!" *sigh* I get tired of hearing this... Runescape is a ever-changing game. New weapons and such will out-date previous ones. Remember when Guthans was the absolute best for healing? Oh, then came along the godswords. Guthans, for the most part, was replaced with the SGS for high levels to use for healing. Then the bunyip and uni... Then the EE... Then the EEE... Now, Guthans is pretty much obsolete and only used by a select few. It's kinda the same thing with super potions, piety, and whips. They still maintain their spot as a staple in the melee'er's armory, but they have been succeeded by other things that are all-around better. I'll use myself as an example again. It wasn't even a year ago where i could sit in Clan Wars FFA(My favorite thing to do) with my Bandos, DFS, claws and utterly own anyone who got to close to me. But... With the coming of OVLs and Turmoil, every once in a while i would get someone who would completely destroy me without taking a single point of damage. But then, Dungoneering was released. And everyone around my combat level always had a Rapier or CLS. Then i wouldn't win any fights. Nor could i tank like i used to. This is a prime example of how stronger and stronger items will keep coming out. Rendering the old ones less effective. I didn't really like it, but i didn't complain. I just sucked it up, sold my Bandos and DFS and bought 95 prayer. I'm a little more effective now, but i still don't have a Chaotic or OVLs. That's why I'm working on my hybriding skills, so i can combine my balanced combat stats and win some fights with actual skill rather then just grinding away a skill for hours on end. I know this must seem like me just rambling on, but i guess it kinda is :P Anyway, if you have read this all the way through, i thank you. Typing it has helped me blow off some steam Xp
  11. Alright, thanks. Your advice on floors makes sense ^.^ But, i do have a few questions. First of all, spear is completely out of the question for me, as I'm doing this on a zerker pure and cannot gain any defense EXP. But, I'm comparing the stats between a Katagon 2H and a the gorg maul i have now. Gorg maul has 22 strength points over a katagon 2H, which allows for MUCH higher damage. Not to mention that it also has a massive crush bonus, overriding that of a Katagon 2H by almost 50 points. Is gaining a slash bonus when I'm going to be skipping a lot of mobs really worth it for these higher stats? And I'm not really planning on upgrading my ring anymore. I might a bit maybe, for the skilling functions. But +11% damage bonus from the Berserk class is pretty good for so little tokens. But beyond that, I'm not sure if i want to upgrade it anymore until after i have my Gravite 2H.
  12. My zerker pure is going to become F2P in about two weeks, so i wanted to solo 64 DG'ing and get a Gravite 2H for F2P PKing, which is basically the only thing I'll be doing on him for the time being. But, right now I'm only 21 dg and can only access up to floor 11, and I'm really at a loss for what floors i should rush/what ones i should do med. So i have a few questions... What's the ratio of floors i should do c1 rushes/c6 meds? I was thinking about just doing them all c6 meds since they're all pretty similar in early floors. But I'd like clarity on what is the best EXP. For higher floors too. For instance, if I'm 59 DG'ing, and can access floor 30, should i do my first 20 floors c1 rushes, and my last 10 c6 meds? Or my last 5? Or some other number? Also, something that i've been wondering. Is it better to kill every monster when you're doing a c6 med?(I know you don't kill single 100+s for obvious reasons) Or, should i just kill the ones required for guardian doors? I'm looking for which would be the most EXP efficient. Binds. I know a weapon is a no-brainer. I have a gorg maul bound right now, and it performs pretty well. I know that the 2H is better for normal players, but as a zerker i can only train strength atm, so i have no use for the Technician class. Plus my attack is only 70, whilst my strength is 85. With that aside, would a Katagon 2H perform better? Or should i stick with my maul? And as for my second bind, i know that a SSH is the best, but until i get one, should i still bind my best plate? Even though my best is only a Fractite? And lastly, my ammo bind. I only have 39 runecrafting, and I'm seriously considering raising that to 44 so i don't have the trouble of not being able to alch drops. But when if i do get 44, should i still bind natures? Or is there something a bit more useful? Atm i have the 125 zepp arrows they start you out with bound. Thanks in advance for your answers ^.^
  13. I could have sworn it did, but someone here told me otherwise. So I'm thinking they might have changed it in the last year. Can anyone confirm? Does MTK still run after member's credit expires?
  14. First of all, get a whip. I have no idea why you're using an SS O.O And second of all, bandits are really just AFK exp. If you want better exp, then get your Salve ammy and go kill something like big skeletons.
  15. I'm trying to work on my main's crappy skills(surprisingly, they're the "easiest" to train). I'm just unfamiliar with the methods, as i don't really touch skills that don't have a payoff. Though i really want to get the hard seer's and varrock diary done.Though keep in mind that I'm working on a pretty small cashpile. So i really don't want to spend too much for each method. 66 - 80 fletching: Meh, hate this skill with a passion. Basically, I'm most likely just going to train to 77 then pot for the diary, then get 80 afterwords just to make it look good on my stat page. But i honestly don't know a good way to go about this. Yew bows? Some sort of bolt?(Dun really feel like clicking for hours on end though -.-) 70 - 75 firemaking: I just need to know how long this'll take. A basic logs burned per hour ration would be nice. I'll use eucalyptus logs with a firemaking ring. Will only have to burn about 2k of them, but I'd just like to know how long it'll take. 67 - 71 smithing: Not quite sure what to do here. Keep in mind that I'm working on a tight-ish budget, so smithing 4k gold bars would be kinda costly(around 1.5M) and time consuming. I'd be willing to do it, but I'd like to ask first if there are any cheaper alternatives. 70 - 80 cooking: Most likely going to be the most easy and laid back skill. But i haven't done Swan Song =S If monks are what i should cook, then I'll go ahead and do it. But if something else would be better then go ahead and tell me. Thanks for your help in advance ^.^
  16. Except, according to this, SoL and Arcane Stream won't stack. Which I'm pretty damned sure they do. I never said nor implied that... Of course SoL and Arcane stack. Because they're both stat boosts visible on the stat page. And both their percentages even stack to 30% when they're both worn :rolleyes:
  17. Arcane gives a damage bonus that is VISIBLE on the stat screen. While the Full Slayer helm's bonus is INVISIBLE. Thus, both of the effects will stack.
  18. Agreed. Zerkers are so much more versatile then 1 def pures. Plus, when they're maxed, they're a force to be reckoned with. 1 def pures are just... Boring. All you really do for them is slave away at places like rock crabs, and experiments. It gets very old very quickly.
  19. I've been keeping my approval up and putting money in regularly -.- And yes, it does gain resources when you're F2P.
  20. I'm currently running 3 members accounts, all of which i actually play on equally. But i've decided that my main really won't get anywhere if i keep wasting my time on these two other accounts. Plus, the extra 12 bucks a month can go to much better uses =P Anyway, the two accounts are a Range tank and a Zerker pure. The range tank i just started not too long ago, so it isn't that graphed into member's yet. So it won't be hard to liquidate all of it's worth-while member items. But my zerker pure has been member's ever since i first created the account. And plus it's been a member for almost a year and a half now. Needless to say, with MTK running for a little over a year(Plus i haven't dumped any large amounts of cash into skills), i've cut off a fair bit of cash on it. Everything in my bank + what's in MTK(I haven't collected in over a month. So I'm pretty confident that it's over 10M) i imagine will bring my total wealth to around 70 - 80M. A good chunk of it is my claws, SS, whip, fury, and other equipment(I have placeholders for a lot of items). Would it be worth while for me to invest in anything? I already have a fury that I'm not going to sell. As i can only see those going up unless Jagex somehow makes Tokkul or Onyxes much more easy to obtain. And even if they started crashing, i don't think I'd sell it since it's so useful. So, what should i do? Is there any worth-while item for me to invest in after i liquidate? If not, will putting 7.5M into MTK on my last day of membership and letting it use it up while I'm F2P flip some sort of profit?(I'm on full herbs and rest maples)
  21. I'm normally not pessimistic about BTS updates, but this one made me facepalm =\ Ah well. Main thing I'm looking forward to is the godsword rework. And maybe I'll do all the quest requirements for the grandmaster if it has a worth it reward(Dragon defender, maybe?). Other then that, i don't think i'll be playing RS that much this month...
  22. way to read the Z-buffering update :P I did read it, but honestly Jagex hyped it up how they can do all this new stuff with the Z-buffering update and blah, blah. But what do we get when it comes out? Clipping ground tiles that still haven't been fixed weeks later. And on top of that, i still see a lot of clipping on my character(things like the tip of a weapon not appearing at certain angles) that was said that Z-buffering would fix. I got really excited that they might have changed the way we hold weapons when the update came out, but was disappointed =\ We held them straight before with minor clipping, so what's the big deal about it now? Idk, well it said in BTS that they're reworking godswords(So maybe graphical improvements) this month so maybe the scimitar update will come with that. And just maybe there will be a little thing at the bottom of the page saying: In other news... You may now notice that your character will hold certain weapons a bit more loosely.
  23. With this update, i PRAY TO GOD THAT THEY FIX THE WAY YOU HOLD SWORDS!!! Seriously, the way we hold our weapons(scimitars, longswords and the CR mainly) is completely stupid. We look like uptight [Term for World War II German soldiers] marching into battle... Why can't we hold them more loosely like any normal person would? Like the way we hold the CLS or the way the Sir Vant holds his white longsword? [/subjectirantaboutwaytoomuch] Anyway, I'll go on topic here. I voted B. Because it's the one that i would see best fitting the Dragon Scimitar's image. A and D look way too simple. They don't fit the fact that Dragon weapons are ancient weapons forged by the Dragonkin. Rather they look like something that a current-age blacksmith would hammer out. Option C looks completely horrid. It would be a completely unbalanced blade, and would shift in your hand as you swung it, causing it to be ineffective as a killing device and might even twist your wrist since it's so unbalanced(Hey, I'm kinda trying to think of this from a real-life scenario =P). And the old design... Well, it hardly resembles a scimitar. It resembles more of a single-edged blade. It should have more of a curve, down to the actual hilt. In which case the curve should actually reverse once it reaches near the pummel. Basically, i wish they would just bring back the old design that has worked perfectly for so long. Maybe just add a bit more color detail to the blade, and make the hilt a goldish brass color like all the other new dragon weapons.
  24. I use RS Wiki when i need in-depth information on an item, or something like that. Or if i simply just need a second source for something. Due to the fact that a lot of quest guides on tip.it are out of date, i tend to go to RuneHQ for quest guides from time to time. Not often though, since i don't exactly need in-depth explanatory quest guides. Also i think tip.it could improve their official minigame/monster hunting guides a bit. Like when ever the game is updated to the point where it provides an extra method or item to the activity, i think they should actually rework the optimal equipment sections to include the new item or what ever it is. Instead of just adding a small footnote at the bottom the the guide. An example is the FoG guide. There's nothing in there including strategies for curses, chaotic weapons, or powerful spec weapons like godswords or claws. That being said, even the given armor setups are sub par at best.
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