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Everything posted by HexiledRazz

  1. One of the main goals i have set out for my range tank is void + a deflector. I thought the deflector was going to be the hardest, because i suck at conquest... Terribly. But with enough looking, i got someone to suicide for me for a few hours and i manage to get it. So then i moved on to normal pest control to get the remaining 600 - 1250 pest points i need(600 for the rest of the ranging set, and 1250 for complete void + all the helms). And my god what has happen to this minigame? >.> I spent about 2 hours there and got a total of... 12 points... Trying both the intermediate and novice lander. So, I'm kinda out of options here. I can't really suicide conquest, because I'll be using my void a lot, and if i die and lose my deflector, it'll take forever to get the rank for it again. I was thinking about sneaking myself into a 115+ world, but they would only use the 100+ lander, right? And after that i thought about 90+ worlds, but how well would they perform? Plus i didn't see a single person advertising in W144 anyway. Have i completely exhausted my options here? Or have i might have overlooked something?
  2. *Looks at Bandos hoodie and Armadyl shoulderbag hanging on the back of his desk chair* :roll: Jamflex be mockin' meh!@! riot fally part W2!@!@!... Oh... wait... </overusedjoke> Honestly, i bought the limited edition hoodie last year, and it's been worth what i payed for it. It's comfy, good quality, and looks cool. It's black color hasn't faded at all either. But i bought the shoulderbag only recently. Because it looks really awesome. And now i kinda feel like I'm being mocked because of this sale >.> Meh, can't win them all. In all fairness though, the shoulder bag is pretty sturdy, and of a decent quality, so I'm sure I'll get my money's worth out of it. I use it all the time too.
  3. Check out Laura's Daily Activities guide in the AOW. If you've done a decent amout of quests and have decent stats, you can make up to 1M daily. Other then that, kill some green dragons while farming herbs. It's pretty easy if you work for a good 3 - 5 hours.
  4. I can't get a decent rank because I'm terrible at the game. That's why I'm asking here.
  5. I'm terrible at Conquest, but i need the void knight deflector on my range tank. So if anyone is willing to help me out, that'd be great. EDIT: Got my deflector. Thankfully i found someone who was willing to suicide for me. Now i just need to get the other 600 points <_<
  6. Ouch... Looks like i'm biting the bullet on this one... Ah well. Once i get it out of the way that's +8 range attack that i keep forever, and will never have to pay to replace. Thanks guys.
  7. I finally accumulated a good 4M on my range tank, and decided it was time to upgrade from my Book of Balance to an Unholy book. Though when i looked at the prices i nearly had a heart attack. According to the GE, pages are headed on a straight B-line up. The whole book costs about 5M to fill out at the moment. Are they being merched at the moment? I imagine with the increased amount of people doing treasure trails because of the new rewards it would only bring the prices down. ...Or did jamflex bork something up again and make them more rare like last time? =\ Should i just bite the bullet and get them now before they rise anymore? Or will they eventually come back down?
  8. What ever you do, ALWAYS farm herbs along side of it. It's about 5 minutes of work about every hour and a half, and it can get you up to 200k profit per run. But back on topic, since you use a glory, a fury is >>>>>>>> over tassets. Only advantage tassets have over your current leg armor is +2 strength, and +1 range defense. But if you buy a fury first, you'll get 12 extra defense stats in every category, and an extra prayer and two extra strength bonus.
  9. If Elite clues are anything like level 1/2/3s, they're completely random. Clues have always been a 100% random drop. Though i don't know if Elites are different and have a fixed drop rate.
  10. I've been working on a Range Tank recently, and one of my goals for it is to be able to use a Hand Cannon. Though i hadn't looked at the requirements in a while, and just assumed that i would have them(Something that i normally don't do). But i overlooked something: The requirement of 69 strength. Though this type of range tank is going to have limited strength as to keep my combat level Range based. At first, i was planning to have 70 attack, and around 55ish strength through quests. But later i decided to bump it up to 70-60 because of the fact that i could get a rune defender to speed up defense training. And i really would only use it for just that. And if the tip.it pot calculator is accurate enough, i should just be able to reach 69 strength with a super strength and 56 strength. My question is: Is the strength requirement for Forgiveness of a Chaos dwarf potable? I did the quest before myself, but it was on my main and i couldn't really tell where you needed the strength level.
  11. I was wondering the same thing =S Well, being that as it may, there is always a few iron rocks that want to be stubborn and take a few hits to mine. My guess is that the dragon pick cuts down on scenarios like that.
  12. Items i have placeholders for are just about every useful tool. Just go to stores that stock them and buy out things like chisels, hammers, knives, pestle and mortars, watering cans, seed dibbers, spades, ect. They're cheap and if you have a decent amount of them you can afford to drop them if you need the invi space and aren't near a bank. Also, just find what tools you use a lot and find a way to get 10 - 50 of them(depending on their price). And there is normally a way to get more then one tool from a quest or something like that, as long as they have a drop option. For an example, i personally have 8 sextant, watches, and charts. It's also useful to have the odd ball tele items like tele spheres. It doesn't cost much to buy about 25 of each, and they really come in handy. Also, work on getting a good amount(20+) of enchanted lyres. It won't cost more then 75k to get that many. And with the fremmy boots, you can get an extra 2 charges per lyre. Do the same with all sorts of tele jewelry too. If you can afford it, stock about 5 charged glorys, games necks, and combat braces. And recharge them at your leisure. Oh, and if you have them unlocked, charge some digside pendants. They really come in handy for switching between prayers and curses. Of course, any range gear you use often you should keep a good amount of. If you dart for exp a lot(All darts 1 metal tier higher are normally cheaper, and the same stats as knives of the lower tier) keep a decent stockpile of darts. And arrows/bolts. And of course a stockpile of runes is in order. And a decent amount of tele tabs if you're on ancients a lot(or lunars and you don't have 96 mage). Charms are a given. I don't buy shards or seconds until i actually decide to train summoning. Look over your weekly routine and find what pouches you use a lot. Then keep a stock of them. Same with scrolls. Combat gear of course, and stockpile things like rune, Dragon Daggers, and nezy helms if you edge pk a lot. I could go on forever telling you what is useful to have in your bank, but i don't want to be here all day typing >.> Golden rule: Find what you use a lot, and find a way to stockpile a good amount of it. If it doesn't have a destroy option, there is normally a way to get more of it.
  13. I'm planning on getting up any and all skills that i hate, tomorrow. Though i have a pretty small cash pile at the moment... Only about 4-ish mill after i collect from MTK. There's a few I'm having trouble with... I have 66 fletching, and I'm planning to go for 80 (or maybe just 77 and pot) for the Seers diary. What would be the best way to go about this? Stringing yew shortbows? =S Also, I'm 67 smithing and need 71 for the Varrock diary. How would i go about leveling this up? Do goldsmith gauntlets still work on the weekend? Because my take is that they don't. After i do these two skills, i plan on using my left over bonus on fishing to get 71 then pie for the seers diary. And after that, I'm planning on going for 78/80 cooking with what i have left over from that. What should i cook? Monks are kinda out of the question because i haven't done Swan's Song(Though i would have if it wasn't such short notice >.> ). Anyway, I was thinking swordfish. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Most people on this forum will tell you that your time is better spent maxing out your main. Which is wise advice. With that being said, if you still want to create a pure for a new, fresh way to play the game(Hey, it's why i did it)... Well, I'm a pretty firm supporter of Berserker pures. I have on myself, and find that training and PvP on it is pretty enjoyable. You don't have to put up with the same boring training spots that 1 - 20 defense pures are bound to. And when they're maxed, they're lethal to lower leveled mains. Not to mention they're pretty much the milestone between versatility in pures. But I've also been working on a range tank. The way i see it, range tanks have access to about 90% of the game and items if you plan their levels right(With the exception of some quests that require high level melee stats). And plus range tanks got a pretty big boost in power since they just added a 20% range and 25% defense prayer. But, if you want to settle for your main that's fine.
  15. Yeah, if someone PMs you from a funorb game, it tells you the name of the game they're in. Actually, when funorb was still rather new, i had someone try to scam me by saying they were a jagex employee messaging me from "A Tetralink 1 connection". I decided to mess with him a bit before reporting and putting him on ignore =P It can actually look pretty convincing if you don't know that all jagex employees have a gold crown next to their name no matter what game they're in. So, just a little heads up.
  16. It really depends on how often you'll use veng/barrage. I would say keep ahold of the claws. And continue chipping away at 94 mage with cheaper methods. Claws are still useful in all sort of situations without spec restore.
  17. I've been trying to buy them on my zerker, three and four bought last night for max. Still waiting on the other two. I think they might be starting to level out. So GE would be your best bet.
  18. I don't know man. Have you ever tried summoning a giant ent in a hot air balloon? Trust me. It's doesn't end well. *In reality* Yes, you can. I take hot air balloons on my dailies and always have a ent summoned.
  19. So, I've been hearing that the second double EXP weekend has been announced. But I've run into a bit of a problem... I thought i would have time to buy back my claws after getting 95 prayer before i had to start stockpiling money for double EXP weekend and 85 herblore. I think I'm gonna have to wait a little longer to buy my claws back. I have a little over 22M saved at the moment. And I'm using Laura's guide to make about 1M daily. So, i should have a decent amount by the time it hits. I just need to start stockpiling herbs. Which brings me to my question. How should i go about getting 85 herblore? I'm 61 at the moment, and have never really looked into training it. I don't want it to be extremely expensive, but i don't want a really slow method either. Because i want to make my time count. So I'd like sorta a middle-of-the-road method. If anyone could help me with this. Thanks!
  20. This still works. It's a really good method. You basically retain a steady flow of constant EXP.
  21. before you read my post please note i am a level 96 range 80 defense range tank. 1. if you are lazy you can use long range. for most of mine i used melee with slayer. it works fine then gets a bit tedious into the high 70's of defense. 80 defense was more than worth it. 2. i was at 46 for a long while before getting 52 and then 60 since i'm finding more uses for it. its worth noting that there is a new prayer coming out for presumably 78 prayer that will be great for tanks. also if you plan to get maxed relatively quickly and want to be a succesful hybrid, soul split is yearning for you. 3. yes. range tanks have access to about 99.9% of the game, depending on melee stats you might just miss out on a few 70 str requirements or new quests. since i'm slaying to 99 range i've decided to take a detour to get enhanced excalibur. remember at low levels having high quest points and good quest/minigame perks will be great, especially for pvp. void = win. excalibur = win. BSS = extreme win. zaniks = win. 4. Didn't even think of that. i suppose your right. never take melees above 70-70 I'm at 70-58 right now and have no plans to raise either of them. maxed i believe melee stats can add up to 149 or 154 without becoming melee based. 5. tbh go with 70-50 over 60-60 if you are doing slayer with atk/str pots. as already stated thats what i did. i remember with about 53 str i would hit 22's (now 220's) on slayer tasks and people were amazed my str was so low. just make sure you get a good str bonus going. good luck Thanks, that's answered just about every one of my questions. I think that's everything i need answered. Thanks guys! ^.^
  22. I've been playing around with the thought of a range tank recently. And i have a few questions about them. First off, how do they gain their defense levels? As far as i know, a good range tank has high range, and defense. And low, if any, melee combat stats. Most likely just get enough for quests. But still low enough so that their combat is range based. So does this mean they train with long range? Or do they use Soul wars? Wouldn't that make them miss out on valuable Constitution XP? How's their prayer? Is it more effective to go for smite or just stay at 44 for eagle eye? They're able to access stuff like Barrows gloves, vengeance and all that good stuff right? As far as i can tell, it's a good idea to keep your melee stats as low as possible when your a range tank now. Because when you're maxed and fighting in PvP, there's gonna be a lot of maxed zerkers out there with turmoil. And you don't want to give them much of a percentage bonus. So, if i do end up training my defense though melee. What would be a good set of levels to do so with? I was thinking around 60-60. With a range level of 85, that'll still leave my combat range based. And it would give me access to the dragon scimitar for a bit faster training. Plus there wouldn't be much for turmoilers to take from if i ever to get to the point of PvP in the 100s. Thanks in advance for your answers ^.^
  23. I know, that's what it seems like right? But as far as i can tell, I'm doing the exact same thing as everyone else who solos Bandos =\ He always seems to just hit way too much. Alright, thanks. I'll stick with turmoil through the whole fight then.
  24. So, you might recognize that this is the THIRD thread I've made for bandos solos. My last two didn't go so well... First time? Died. Second time? RoL saved me. BUT, i have reason to believe that it'll work this time. Why? Because i have turmoil now. Although at the cost of my claws as a spec weapon. As of right now, i have just enough cash to get a BGS. Which would be somewhat more useful then a whip and defender. Though it's current GE graph shows it on a downhill plummet. Which doesn't help resell value because I'm penny pinching till i can buy my claws back. So, i need advice if i actually should buy a BGS, or stick with whip + defender. As of with my current budget and equipment, this is what i would imagine my setup to be: Nezzy helm Black hide body Verac's skirt(OR torag's platelegs) Addy boots Barrows gloves Zammy cape Fury Ring of Life Whip +defender Or: Nezzy helm Dh platebody Verac's skirt(OR torag's platelegs) Addy boots Barrows gloves Zammy cape Glory Ring of Life Whip +defender Which one of these setups should i use? And would buying a BGS in place of the whip + defender be worth it? Even though it's crashing? Second question: Should i use leach curses? How do these work? Could i leach the 10% then switch to turmoil without the 10% going away a few moments later? Thanks in advance for your advice. Hopefully turmoil will help me pull off a solo this time -.-
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