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Everything posted by vivimancer

  1. According to my recovery questions I've been here since Oct '02 and this is my first account, Without seeming snobbish does having numbers after your name seem a bit ... common?
  2. ITS A GAME If you attach the same importance to gp as you do to real world cash then I think your perspectives are a little skewd...
  3. Could we expand this to include stange drops from player kills, for exaple, the vial and iron battleaxe I got from a level 60.
  4. Ok, a few things... Jagex does not hate merchants or rares. They dislike rich speculators un-balancing their game for no good reason other than they can... For the American 'scapers out there Jagex is a British based company and seem to have an inherent "British" quality that things should be fair or at least seem to be fair And if its [edit]ing the types that whinge and say 'your ruining my fun as i can't try and buy 10 god swords any more' then tough frankly, no one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to play Rs.
  5. I'm sorry but even in a clan war using corrupt dragon is not a big an advantage as its stat boost gives as it only exists for 30mins 'real time' so that oh so smug guy might just get a shock when it suddenly goes "pop." {edit:spelling}
  6. Finally Runescape is as dangerous as it used to be, not having to deal with below level 20's is also very nice, has anyone else found an interesting side use for the PvP worlds either? Personally as a skiller, its nice having the dwarf mine pretty much all to myself, (p.s I'll be the one in the Saradomin Breastplate and Kite shield with the pick.=)
  7. The problem is that although you might have been very clever and worked out a way to gain an un-fair advantage over the competition, eventually everyone else will become so bored of your 'Im the king of the castle' attitude that they stop playing because there is no way for them to compete with you. Its about balancing your 'freedom to' and my 'freedom from.'
  8. But Jagex might have to admit the world is round or have people literally sail of the edge of the map...
  9. I wear my manly dragon skirt with pride. All the best armor are skirts #snip# Be a man, wear a skirt. real men wear skirts (and suspenders, stockings, lipstick, mascara....=) But if skirt sets are cheaper than leg sets in Ge and I believe there is still a mechanism to change skirts to legs, couldn't some one make a profit out of converting them? thus bringing the prices closer together?
  10. Beyond the semantics, there are NO MORE NEW PARTY HATS, end of. Also The meaning of life is to give life meaning...
  11. Firstly thats insane and seems like a waste of £1000 (think of all coke/[bleep]/weed you could have instead.) And even if you did 'buy' your skill cape whats the point you'll never get the feeling that you earned it and you won't have built up any friends or contacts because your an "out of the box" character. Secondly the tired argument that rwt'ers used to come out with was that "Ive got the money but not the time that these kids do, why shouldn't I be able to buy my way to the top?" And as a resource gathering skiller I was massively effected by the bots, as it drove down the prices of the things I was trying to sell i.e. Yews, coal and air runes.
  12. The top one looks better Acorn49, Ok so there is no 'get rich quick' in f2p period, ever, get over it. But mining coal+iron ore to smelt for steel bars is actually good money (150kish an hour) and its fun to get those shiny gems. Yews are tedious but a little better now 6f83hr7fh, 7vjh9sd6 et al are not surrounding every Yew on the free servers. Oh and if you really want to make money go mems...
  13. I think the end justifies the means so what does it matter if you've got that shiny level 99 by f2p or p2p? Well f2p'ers technically 'pay' for their play by advertising.
  14. Yes Furys are better (BUT NOT FOR A F2P) but you pay a lot more for them obviously. Also power ammys til about 70 str to get your hit ratio up, then str ammy ftw
  15. Yes prayer is an integral part of the combat system....
  16. Ok runescape is mostly pointless and a bit tedious and I understand sometimes it feels like its trying to steal your life/soul/ability to interact socially and as mentioned by some-one else it can be as addictive as hard drugs if your the sort of person that needs to enter into destructive cycles, but IMO this says more about the addict than the substance. Also writing an essay about why its such a bad thing on a fan site forum seems about as pointless and tedious as trying to argue Christians not to believe what ever [cabbage] their listening to this week. Ok, so I've been playing Runescape on and off since Jan 02, which means my little avatar is now 6years old and so that represents a massive time/attention investment and I'm very loathed to dispose of that partly because I haven't met any one I'd trust not to just strip the account and partly because it represents IMO something of the sort of person I'd like to be.
  17. I was (and still am) a miner and smither, during the "good old days" it was really depressing, after finally finding a merchant, he'd then offer you a ridiculously low price for your hard earned ores. Knowing full well that he'd bundle them up as 100s or 1000s sell them at a vastly inflated prices to members on the forums. When I got a bit bigger and uglier and was in a position to start buying ores from some of the people around me it was also really depressing to have to hang around falador east bank waiting for some guy with 28 un-noted coals demanding 200 gp each as "i see dem on forums 4 dat u scamma." So in some sort of conclusion, its good that smaller players can't be ripped off by 'merchants' exploiting their in-experience and the bigger boys can actually buy decent amount of raw materials that feed the manufacturing skills at higher levels. Thus marches progress....
  18. This really quick xp but its a massive cash loss, @ 615 per par and 1.2k per plate means a 1.8 loss which for your 4 million is 15375 steel bars or 3075 plates or 384375xp
  19. True, we all seem to want to be different. To show the world and ourselves what makes us stand out of the crowd, what is our unique selling point that seperares us from 'them,' irl we do this mostly with our actions but since runescape is so synthetic, what we look like gives most of the pointers to what sort of person we are. Ok, so shoot me I saved up and bought a full saradomin set because of the exclusivity, not because of its price tag but the warm satisfied feeling I get when no-one else at the training spot is wearing the same thing.
  20. steel bars are more efficient, firstly you can make nine bars a run against four miths and its more profitable, ~#using K.s.a prices#~ 98gp per iron ore + 177 per coal (354gp) = 452gp per steel against 175 per mith ore + 177 per coal (1416) = 1591 per mith Market rates vary around 1k per mith and 600 per steel
  21. again nice idea btw, how about (full) ghostly giving a bonus like protection from melee vs players, so giving 50% dmg reduction, but not in conjunction with the actual prayer as *insert roleplay reason here*
  22. Sorry closest furnace to bank is al-kharid, but yes edgeville (as a f2per) is no good unless your going pking
  23. "I am not a number" says Prisoner no. 6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Prisoner Anyway didn't you mum tell you its rude to talk about how much money you make, unless your American it seems. And me talking about how much I make would only make you feel poor :P
  24. I'd be more prepared to defend myself against a guy with a sword or dagger than someone with a gun. Simply for the fact that I'd know how to, and most people can't actually use a sword or dagger to save themselves, and just hold them because they're posers. Thats nice, have you actually had a knife in your face? It doesnt matter if the geezer with it knows what hes doing, its scarily easy to cut someone very badly. If I had a web cam Id show you my 6 stiches to prove it. Its also very easy to say in that situation i'd do a spinning backflip and knock him out (and yes I was that full of *cabbage* as well) but when your actually in that situation your more thinking 'today is not a good day to die'
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