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Everything posted by Mayjest

  1. My friend is that admin of a MUD that's had things like auction houses and such for a about 10 years. WoW didn't invent jack.
  2. I'd like to ask where exactly the idea that this Grand Exchange will be an Auction House came from? Except from the fact that most immediately thought of World of Warcraft? It doesn't say anywhere in the Behind the Scenes that this will be an auction, in fact the impression that I got was that you would post your item and your price and that would be that. No auction involved.
  3. Surprisingly enough, someone has noticed this before. Also surprisingly enough, most people told that person that predicting when Jagex will come out with something is almost impossible. I'd also like to point out that, even though most of the things on that list have happened in some form, they didn't happen exactly the way you thought them would. And anyway, summoning already in the game, just do the quest that lets you fish monkfish, that I can't remember the name of.
  4. mechscapecredit.com mechscapegold.com mechscapemillions.com . :shock: ? lol? weird. jagex selling gold to their own game-to-be? No, it'll be so that, when MechScape does eventually come out, gold farmers can't get the most obvious website names. You're a lot less likely to send real money to a geocities website than one this the above names, I think is the theory.
  5. Actually it means 'fly from death'. So basically, you're afraid of death and will run away from anything that might kill you. I'd stick with my name. It's one a created years ago as my online handle. As far as I know, nobody else uses it, so if you see 'Mayjest' online - it's me!
  6. I wish people would do some research first before just ranting about stuff. I came to RuneScape through MiniClip originally, and I remember signing up on the day RuneScape was added. I distinctly remember looking for a bike game I'd seen before, seeing Runescape on the 'recently added' section, thinking 'that wasn't there yesterday', then signing up. A week later it had gone from the top 10 spot, which is how I found the actual website. A week after that I found tip.it, and a week after that I found the forums. On the forums, I found topics that were months old complaining about the state of the RuneScape community. The community was declining long before MiniClip got involved. Second, MiniClip doesn't host jack. They link to Jagex's servers. As could anyone if they have a decent knowledge of HTML, XML and Java. And they put a disclaimer at the bottom. Third, to the poster of the thread, did you actually check MiniClip before posting this? Because I just did, and I actually had to go looking for RuneScape to find it. I actually had to use ctrl + f. Now, considering there are many more flashing things on that website to entice me, it's far more likely I'll click on that rather than the text link in the A-Z at the bottom. In short: MiniClip was not Jagex's worst decision. Nor was it their best. MiniClip is not to blame for a collapse in community. That happens naturally as communities get bigger with more anonymity. MiniClip may well have accelerated the process, but you cannot blame a website for something that is ultimately the players fault.
  7. If it's metal and you launch it away from your body in some fashion it will attract most of it back to you. It will also make new iron/steel items for you, depending on which Accumulator you have. It makes arrows most often, but I've had darts, knives, nails, even a med helm or two. I imagine all other iron/steel items are possible, if ludicrously rare.
  8. If I was you I would spend my time questing, getting through at least half of the quests you can currently do - tip.it calculator is dead useful for that! That should earn you a tidy amount of experience and gold. Plus a few quest points and new areas to train in. From there you should have a better idea of what skills and items you are lacking in - and what ways would be best to train them.
  9. I have no idea about leetscape (why would you need it anyway, there are other sig sites), to get to Ape Atol you need to talk to the gnome in the East bar on the first floor of the Tree Stronghold. Second floor for you americans. I cannot remember the name of the gnome though. Then you talk to the glider pilot who takes you to crash island, then you get the row boat over to the actual island. Make sure you don't die, I did when I was doing the Monkey bit of RFD. I have yet to finish the quest simply because I can't be bothered to go back and get all those monkey talismans again.
  10. Nobody liked the holiday items when they first come out simply because everyone has one. The first holiday item I was here for was the Yoyo, which was desperately uncool at the time. Now when you see people playing with i people are clamouring around them. If Runescape is still going in 10 years, the reindeer head will be the height of fashion, and you know it!
  11. I'm assuming you're referring to me as well as others there, so I shall refer you to this article, where Andrew states the possibility of porting RS to the current generation of consoles. The fact that RS cannot happen on the Wii browser without Java support has already been discussed several times, that is a non issue. I brought something new to the table, and everyone seems very keen on either ignoring me or shouting me down.
  12. Perhaps the damage is a percentage of your total hp? If so, the moral is to make sure you have full health when you attempt it. just for reference, i had 87/87 hp when i got hit 42 by the diary. edit: total reward xp goes up to 112k!!! (including sidequest) i was like 86/99 what did you get hit by? i got no damage at all when i picked up the diary and took it to the mage guild. I'm assuming they failed to unlock the diary on their first try. I personally thought the side quest was a bit easy, although this could explain why. Certainly hard hitting!
  13. Is it really? I assume you still get combat experience? And kinda on the same note, I saw a level 3 skiller today and he had 45 Slayer. I was rather wowed. How the bloody hell do you do that? Tears of Guthix wont work... Thats freaking impossible! Rings of Recoil and a large amount of food, I believe.
  14. As you all seem to have ignored my above post, I thought I'd do some more thinking. For those of you that pay attention to the gaming world outside of RS and whatever individual console you have, Nintendo announced something called WiiWare a while back. Essentially, these are new games created specifically for the Wii, downloaded using the same method as the Virtual Console. There is a new version of Dr Mario (utilising online multiplayer) in the works, as is what appears to be a sequal to Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. The latter is more likely to be a short story or spin off due to the download limit on WiiWare titles and the fact that there is already an actual direct sequel already announced. However, this does present some opportunities. If Jagex is willing to spend the money, the could conceivably hire a team that could design a Wii version of Runescape. Some things would have to be different (USB Keyboard is not 100% supported yet - e.g. in an actual game) such as the way the engine copes with chat, but it could conceivably work. Once that's done, port the updates would be easy, although it would most likely cause delays at Jagex's end. Perhaps a new pricing plan for members could be implemented? Instead of paying a 1 off fee of Wii Points for the game then a members fee as per usual, perhaps 200 Points for initial download then 20 for each update? In order to continue playing you'd have to download the new update... it could conceivably work. That said, I doubt it has much of a market, as most RS players would play it on a computer, and only use the Wii for the novelty value. The odds of getting any serious players to continually play and pay are small. But as the problems with Java have already been outlined, making the possibility of RS on the Wii Browser small, WiiWare might be the only way it could happen. Still very unlikely. Perhaps the only way to get it on Wii would be to wait 20 years for Jagex to get sold/bought/bust etc. Then some retro gamer can work out a way of porting it and allowing you to use motion control, thus allowing us to actually fire an arrow when we're ranging blue dragons... (Actually, does anyone else think that might be a bad idea? The amount of work my character actually does would certainly tire me out...)
  15. The way you wrote your post made it sound like the plant had died, not you yourself. It's not his fault you can't make yourself understood. But from what I can tell, dieing with the sealed pot in your inventory results in losing the seed and being unable to get it back?
  16. Andrew made an announcment about this ages ago (Here), which lists some of the problems that it would have. However, from what I can tell, that's not refering to using RS through the internet channel, rather making a slightly new version of RS for the Wii itself. Doing it through the internet channel is theoretically possible if the memory is increased (easily done currently through SD cards). The main problem that I can see is how the Wii browser works - you can only type text when the keyboard thing comes up, even with the new USB keyboard support. It would be possible to play as it is, but you'd have to sacrifice being able to talk. Well that's my thoughts on it anyway. The only way to be able to talk would be to split the game up into two frames, one for clicking and one for typing, which would allow you to select different frames and type/click away. Seems overly complex for something that would benefit not very many people.
  17. The point of the Jade Vine has been released: letting it grow wild then killing it gives 3k slayer experience. I assume that each time you kill it you get a seed from it so you can replant it, and I assume that yields a decent amount of farming experience. Also, I assume (from the fact that they mentioned Tears of Guthix) that it takes roughly a week to grow.
  18. Well, I would argue that you can't put a price on experience, and that 5k mining exp I got from mining the pure ess before crafting it is always useful. And yes, I'm well aware that it is possible to put a price on experience, as the post above shows. I just don't count them.
  19. Well, as the only Dragon drop I've ever had, it's staying in my bank for posterity. Especially as I'd never use it. It's rubbish, really.
  20. I have never wanted to rant about an update beforehand, but this one has tipped me over the edge. Most of this update, I'm all for. The buy-x is a great idea, as is having a main stock and a player stock (which also sets a precedent for a possible updated bank - the tabs are definitely possible). However, the complete and needless destruction of glass-making and battle staff crafting is very, very annoying. Previously, making battle staffs was a great way of passing the time. I could level some crafting without having to spend time getting breathed on by dragons, it was fairly fun, training a few different skills at once and got me a profit at the end. Now it's pretty much useless, as getting hold of seaweed and battle staffs are now so slow I'd get bored after getting 5 of them. I have heard that Baba Yoga only has one in stock at a time which restocks slowy, and there is no way I'm spending my pizzaz points on battle staffs. Not at the incredibly slow rate they arrive, and especially not while I'm still saving for bones to peaches. It's especially annoying as it's needless. As evidenced by the food shops in the grand tree, it is still possible for shops to work as they used to. So why have they been annoying and stopped battle staffs? There's no reason for it. The only one that I can see is that the decision was made to remove them ages ago before they finished. Since then they've worked out a way of making shops continue on as they did in some cases, and the battle staffs were forgotten about. The one advantage of this is that seaweed now drops noted when dropped by monsters, which means I now have the space to pick it up.
  21. My problem with pures is not that they manipulate a flaw the combat system in order to kill people easier. It is not the fact that the only pure's I have met have either been deliberately annoying me (i.e. standing around near yew trees boasting about how amazing he is. A strength pure with only 3 stats above the basics has no business at yew trees) or killing me. It is the fact that they deliberately ignore huge parts of the game and then have the gall to complain when they cannot take part in a new update. The game is not designed for people with 1 defence. It is not designed for those with 99 hp and strength and 1 in everything else. A medium level update is designed for those with average stats in all areas of the game. A high level update is designed for those with high levels in all areas of the game. If you ignore all but one area of the game then expect to be ignored in all but one update.
  22. Considering I train combat by training slayer, I'm rarely killing monsters that drop these scrolls. Which is a good reason why I've got none. I've also killed about 1000 Imps and nothing. That said, it took me 6k tokens in the Warrior's Guild to get a Mithril Defender, then I got an addy and three rune within 400 tokens. So I'm hoping that once I get one all the others will come in quick succession. Doubt it though.
  23. Why should we not make it easier? The ZMI altar was meant to be a place for fast runecrafting experience, why should we ignore it? Alas, this is exactly the unintentional purpose of pest control. Soon we'll be seeing "ZMI products" Is that any worse than 'abyss products'. Runecrafting without runners was a lot slower back then.
  24. Only one acronym can sufficiently sum up my feelings right now: W.T.F.
  25. If you were to wear a saradomin symbol would that make the zamorakians aggressive? That might make this altar a very useful training spot.
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