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Everything posted by Mayjest

  1. If they only cared about short term money gain they'll have started their own RWT shop and abandoned RS to destroy itself in inflation.
  2. The point being? Those things cost gold, time and effort. It's simply not worth it for Real World Traders any more. You can think of many convoluted ways to trade money like the ones mentioned here, but ultimately it's not going to happen. As I've already said, it's far easier for autoers and gold farmers to make their money elsewhere, so elsewhere they shall go.
  3. I'd like to point out statistics from a poll run on Jagex's main page: Only 12% of players PKed recently. Only 18% of players planned on PKing within the next month. Your claim of 90% people focused on PKing? If they're not PKing, they're doing something that makes them better at it? It's a lie. Next time, back up your opinions with valuable statistics. Otherwise it's just a rant, and there is an entire forum for them.
  4. Except for the fact that being a rogue keeps you logged in for three minutes, this would be a perfect plan. Also, this is far too convoluted to make it worthwhile to many. To successfully remove RWT, you don't have to make it impossible, just unprofitable. These guys can make a lot more money on other games than RS now, so they've all gone. From what I can tell, the only ones left don't do it to make money. They do it for the challenge of 'beating the system'.
  5. Oh I believe a lot of those types of posters have pure motives, for example the "Best Update Ever" type of player genuinely feels that it really is the best update ever. Just *some* types of posters are pure jerks. :lol: I'm the Nostalgia Poster. You know, the one that always points out "it used to be much better, remember when Andrew actually *asked* us if we wanted Wilderness or not, even though we were all f2p? Now we don't have a say in anything even of we pay" type of poster. It might well have been better back then, but then there were only 5 of your playing. Kind of impossible to get everyone's opinions like that now.
  6. Oh, he got banned. Duke Freedom sold him some gold and they got caught pretty much straight away. From there though, Duke realised the error of his ways (used the money to pay for college, I believe), while r2 seems to have gotten a taste for illicit money.
  7. Seeing this just reminds me how far r2-plesant has fallen. I said years ago that he was a scammer and a cheater, it's good to feel vindicated. But I had no idea he ran his own website to destroy the game he claimed to love.
  8. I make money the same way I always did. Gather raw materials, make something with my skills, and alch the results. This update changes nothing for me. I would like to point out that all raw materials are about to start rising because there's no botters bothering to get them. Flax is now a decent way for low levels to make money again, green dragon killing for higher levels. Now there won't be two gold farmers for every dragon in the wilderness, I can definately see green dragon hides rising in price.
  9. It's easily understandable that Jagex will make slight adjustments, but where did they say that they've actually lost a lot of business because of this?
  10. I hate to tell you this, but in games not specifically designed for children (5+/7+ rated games) the average age is always lower than the age rating. 13+ --> 12 15+ --> 14 18+ --> 16 This is the way it has always been, and always will be.
  11. I know nobody particularly wants to think about future updates right now, but did anyone else notice that the only thing left this month that was stated in the BTS is the christmas event? Plus a few odd letters? Which essentially means that the next proper update could well be summoning.
  12. I think the moral of this story is "Be careful what you wish for". Several of the people posting rants I have personally seen complaining about bots and autoers. Now RWT is gone, they're pissed. Well, they asked for it, so what did they expect to happen?
  13. There's a couple of new areas that you can't do clues in now, so it's understandable they've moved a few.
  14. Qeltar, I hate you, if only for your choice of title. Because now I have that crappy "It's all about the money. It's all about the dum dum dede dum dum." song in my head. You scumbag!!!!!!!
  15. No you're not. Jagex as much as stated it themselves. Anyway, these are development diaries. Not "here's a walkthrough to the skill." That said, they're probably writing that walkthrough for the KB now.
  16. OT: You know, this is the first time I've actually looked at your name. Beforehand I just glanced at your sig and assumed it said Neil! :lol: On topic: I agree completely. People complaining about MiniClip is one of my pet peeves, as it has absolutely no basis in fact. Assume that 2% of all active players are scammers/name-callers etc. Back when there were only 20,000 people playing, then 400 of them were annoying whiny idiots that we love to complain about. Then miniclip arrives and suddenly there's 200,000 people playing. Now there's 4,000 annoyances playing. So you can technically say that Miniclip increased the amount of idiots playing the game. But as it's in proportion, you're just taking things out of context and making yourself look stupid. And anyway, I found RuneScape through miniclip, so I will defend it always!
  17. Well, considering what the development diary said yesterday, Chickens will likely be the first animal you learn to summon, and egg will likely be a part of that. So I'm gonna grab about 20 regular eggs just to make sure... Wait, they're in the Culinaromancer's Chest, aren't they? So I probably don't need to bother with that plan.
  18. Huh, never though of Tarn Razlor. I still have to do that as well.
  19. Cannot remember who said it, but:
  20. As for preparing, I am doing very little. Continuing to do... whatever it is I feel like doing in the game. I'm not planning on attempting summoning when it first comes out anyway, if it's anything like previous skills it'll be annoyingly crowded (he says that, expecting that a new skill will automatically have a new area. He also wonders if that's true). I'll probably do what I did for the last two skills, wait a week, then do tears to get myself to level 8 and avoid the very noob areas/monsters.
  21. I think some people think ashes are involved because the only time we've seen 'summoned' creatures they've always dropped ashes when they die. This includes Imps, and I believe Demon's were summoned at some point.
  22. Well, the general answer to skillers and pures when they complain is that if you deliberately ignore part of the game, you can expect part of the game to deliberately ignore you. Although I forsee a LOT of complaints if this goes through. You could just respond that most of the fun in a skiller is the challenge of doing it with such a low combat level. Well, now you have the additional challenge of crappy equipment!
  23. I really miss seeing my total exp.
  24. He's only 29??? Jeez, I feel like I've failed with my life. So, wait... Andrew Gower is really Andrea Gower, and (s)he's your girlfriend? I'm so confused... or did I read too much into that?
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